Request for Bids

REQUEST FOR BIDS FOR Materials and Labor to Flow, Sand Blast and Paint the Fire Hydrants in the Town of Nolensville, Tennessee. Sealed bids for the flow test of 449 fire hydrants in accordance with NFPA, sand blast and paint 117 fire hydrants and wire brush and paint 439 fire hydrants by the Town of Nolensville, Tennessee, 7218 Nolensville Road, Nolensville, Tennessee 37135 (received via hand delivery, courier service, or regular mail), on or before Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 10:00AM.

The envelope containing the bid must be sealed and plainly marked "Bid for Hydrant Maintenance". Bids must be made on the in accordance with Instructions to Bidders furnished by the Town of Nolensville. The defined terms appearing in the General Specifications apply to all Bid Documents. A complete Request for Bids is available, Please click this link for more information: Hydrant Bid
The Town reserves the right to reject any or all bids regarding the hydrant maintenance, to waive irregularities and/or informalities in any bid, and to make an award in any manner, consistent with law, deemed in the best interest of the Town. Questions regarding the bid process should be directed to David Windrow, Fire Chief via email at or (615) 557-8669.
