Beer Board

beerboardThe Nolensville Beer Board is composed of the Board of Commissioners with the Mayor as the chairman of the Beer Board.  The Nolensville Beer Board has the power to establish regulations governing the selling, storing for sale, distributing for sale, giving away, and manufacturing of beer within the boundaries of the Town of Nolensville in accordance with the provisions of state statutes, provided such provisions and regulations are approved by the Board of Commissioners and to issue permits related thereto.

The Nolensville Beer Board convenes when a beer application is submitted, or any item is to be considered by this body.  The Beer Board does not meet on a consistent monthly basis. 

Beer Permit Application Instructions

1.   Please read the Beer Ordinance of the Town of Nolensville Municipal Code and familiarize yourself with the state laws related to the sale of beer. 

2.  The primary applicant must complete the  beer application  in full and sign the application in the presence of a notary.  Do not leave any questions blank.  If a question does not apply to you, please type "N/A".

3. Permanent beer permit applications must be accompanied with a $250.00 application fee.  Application fees are non-refundable.  

4.   All names on the application must also complete a TBI background check and send the findings to the Town Recorder

5. Applicants or representative of the applicant must appear in person at the scheduled Beer Board meeting for consideration of the application.  The Beer Board meets in the Board Room of Nolensville Town Hall, 7218 Nolensville Road, Nolensville, TN.  The Board only meets if an application has been submitted by the deadline.  

6.  An annual privilege tax of $100.00 (per permanent beer permit) is required by state law and Nolensville Municipal Code and will be due each year in January.  New permittees will be required to pay a prorated privilege tax when submitting the beer permit application. 

7. Special Event beer permit applicants must also complete the Special Event Application. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Town Recorder for more information.