Minutes Archive

2003-12 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:00. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, and Gail Phillips. Also in attendance were Counsel Bob Notestine, Officers George Poss and Paul Rigsby, Town Engineer Rich Woodroof, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and 51 public citizens.
Mayor Knapper stated that this evening we would have a moment of silence instead of the normal prayer for Alderman Joe Rositano who passed away this past week. Mayor Knapper then led the pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper noted there was a pad being circulated that will allow individuals to speak. He stated that a name and address should be placed on this sheet and this would be for input, although it would not be a question and answer session. He further noted that once the meeting began with the reading of the ordinances and resolutions comments from the audience would not be allowed.
Due to the pad continuing circulation, the Mayor asked the board if they could proceed with the agenda and then return to the citizen’s input once the names were retrieved. The board agreed.
Alderman Dugger made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of November 6, 2003, Alderman Phillips seconded this motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Alderman Felts made a motion to approve the minutes for the public hearing of November 18, 2003, Alderman Dugger seconded this motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Alderman Phillips made a motion to accept the Treasurers report, Alderman Felts seconded. Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $563,604.73, with cash disbursements being $21,000. State Street Aid cash on hand is $140,733.80. Recorder Lancaster noted the small cash disbursements and stated this figure would be much larger next month. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
At this time Mayor Knapper received the names of the individuals that wished to speak and he commenced with the citizens input portion of the agenda.
Mr. Robert Jones made a comment in regards to misinformation. In July he realized he would be annexed and sent a letter to the Town. The town did not respond to his letter. There were several letters sent with no response. He is not satisfied with these actions and noted that Mr. Scott Porch had been hired as his attorney and would be here this evening.
Mr. Ted Behar stated that his concern was the annexation process. He was not notified of the meeting in July. There has been ample time to get information and answers to questions and concerns that were brought up at the public hearing. Further Mr. Behar stated that previously he felt that Nolensville would have his best interest in mind, although now he is feeling uncomfortable. Annexation is a small issue versus how growth is going to incur, in addition to sprawl and commercial growth. There is commercial growth on Nolensville Road and I am concerned about a 20-acre site being considered on Sam Donald Road for commercial. He asked the board not to take the easy way out and do not let Mr. Cates take 20 acres to develop commercial.
Mr. Brian Jones has thought about this annexation extensively. This is a “damn if you, damn if don’t” situation. Dobson property will be annexed and if his property is not annexed he will be dealing with two different governments on various issues. He ask the board to appoint someone from the newly annexed area, so they would have a voice.
Mr. J. Don Geary has a concern in regards to the buffer zone. If Nolensville takes everything up to Waller Road there won’t be a buffer zone, it will butt up to Brentwood. His concern was in regards to access road. A developer has purchased land behind his residence. He has given land to Williamson County and will not be giving any to Nolensville.
Mr. Bob Batts asked what happened to information that was previously given to the board. It was brought to the boards attention that the website was not current with information. This has not been rectified. Council minutes have been totally removed, with Planning Commission minutes only from January – September. The last sewer update was from July. I was told this would be corrected. As of today it is not updated. I would like to see certain provisions in place for firearms within the Town. There seems to be a lot of confusion on density. I would like to see annexation postponed until the seeds of doubt are removed.
Mr. Doug Ferguson stated that he was not going to sugarcoat anything. If people had input at the beginning this would not be happening. You say taxes are lower. Taxes are never lowered. Mr. Ferguson elaborated on Maxwell Lane and a six-foot drop off in front of his house. There has been no communication from this board to the citizens.
Mr. Porter Freeman stated that all the board wants is your money. It was a coward not to sign the questions and answers that were distributed. We will not benefit by being in Nolensville. All they want is to give our names to the State and get more money. These people want to be in Williamson County (indicating the audience).
Mr. Robert Jones introduced attorney Mr. Scott Porch. Mr. Porch stated that he was hoping this could be done with more open dialogue. The issue is the way this has been handled. I would like to ask the board to hold off on the vote tonight and wait 60 to 90 days. Form a committee with approximately 6 people, two from the newly annexed area, two from the already annexed area and two attorneys. This committee could review lot size and various other issues that is of their concern. He noted that there was mention that a seat was vacant on the board. He encouraged the board to select an individual that was in the proposed annexed area. He further stated that if an agreement were not reached he would have to proceed with legal action.
Commission/Committee Reports
Mr. Willis Wells Planning Commission member reported the following:
  • Planner Bill Terry attended
  • Reviewed Bond Report
  • Reviewed the Comprehensive Plan
Betty Friedlander reported for the Historic Commission:
  • Met with the Planning Commission attorney to review the zoning ordinance.
  • This commission will not meet again until January.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • No word on FEMA grant.
  • Recertification of 10 firefighters in Healthcare.
  • 300 markers have been installed.
  • ISO was reviewed and received re-certification.
There was not a report for the Chamber of Commerce.
Rich Woodroof, Town Engineer/Codes Official reported for the Codes Department.
§ 7 building permits were issued.
§ 1 burn permit issued
§ 1 home occupancy
§ 5 inspections were made this month
There was no report submitted for the Police Department.
Mayor Knapper noted that the Public Works Department report was written and in the boards possession. He asked if there were any questions. The board did not have questions.
Mayor’s Comments:
The Comprehensive Plan is continuing to be revised by the Town Planner. He noted that a plan was currently in place, although it is being modified.
The Mayor stated that the MS4 Storm Water Committee is being formed. He explained that this is an unfunded federal mandate. The federal government has given standards to all counties and cities. These standards must be abided by and regulations must be followed.
Mayor Knapper updated the citizens and board on sewer that was being installed by Metro Water. He noted that the report he received stated they are currently planning to have flow on December 10. At that time they will begin disassembling the plant.
Mayor Knapper stated that ongoing negotiations have been in progress with Williamson Medical in regards to purchasing the Doctors office.
Mayor Knapper then called for a 10-minute recess.
The meeting re-convened at 8:00 p.m.
Mayor Knapper asked that John Lenderman, the web-site owner, to address the crowd in regards to the web site. John stated that this site was updated. He noted that he personally updated this site yesterday. Mr. Lenderman stated that the minutes were on the web site, although they had been moved to the “Administration” page.
Alderman Felts stated that he left in May and was gone until October. He knew everything that was going on in Nolensville due to the Tennessean Web-site. If he had any questions he would forward them to town hall.
Reading of Resolution #03-12, a resolution adopting a plan of service for the annexation of phase one by the Town of Nolensville. Counsel Notestine stated that one requirement is a Plan of Service must be approved by the Planning Commission and then adopted by the Board. Alderman Dugger noted that this is a resolution for the Plan of Service and not the ordinance for annexation. Alderman Felts made a motion to approve this resolution, Alderman Phillips seconded and this passed unanimously.
Reading of Resolution #03-13, a resolution adopting a plan of service for the annexation of phase two by the Town of Nolensville. Counsel Notestine stated that this again is the Plan of Service although for Phase II. Mayor Knapper made a motion to approve this resolution, Alderman Dugger seconded and this passed unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance #03-06, an ordinance to annex certain territory adjacent to and including sections of Brittain Lane, Nolensville Road, Maupin Road, Williams Road, Maxwell Lane, Sunset Road, Owen Road, Hyde Lane, Split Log Road, Sam Donald Road, Clovercroft Road and Waller Road, and to incorporate same within the corporate boundaries of the Town of Nolensville, Tennessee. Counsel Notestine stated that this is the larger proposed annexation area that has passed on first reading. Counsel further stated that development is coming with the sewer and the Town Of Nolensville has nothing to do with that increase in development due to sewer. He noted that it was the town’s motivation to bring planning and growth to a local level. The control the audience has is their influence on the commission and the board. A motion was made by Alderman Phillips to approve, and seconded by Alderman Felts. This ordinance passed on second reading unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance #03-07, an ordinance to annex certain territory adjacent to and including sections of Sam Donald Road and Clovercroft Road, and to incorporate same within the corporate boundaries of the town of Nolensville, Tennessee. Counsel Notestine noted that this is the second reading of this ordinance and this particular property was a requested annexation. Alderman Felts made a motion to pass this ordinance on second reading, Mayor Knapper seconded and this passed unanimously.
First Reading of Ordinance #03-08, an ordinance to amend the zoning ordinance #98-22, of the town of Nolensville, Tennessee. Counsel Notestine stated that this is an ordinance that zones the annexed property. The proposed zoning is Suburban Residential. Basically it will be zoned the same way it is currently zoned through the county. Alderman Dugger asked if this would be the zoning for the larger tract of annexed land? Counsel stated yes. Alderman Dugger then asked for clarification that if there is anything that does not conform to this zoning is it grandfathered? Counsel Notestine stated that it would be grandfathered if it were currently being used. Alderman Phillips made a motion to pass this ordinance on first reading, Alderman Dugger seconded and this passed unanimously.
First Reading of Ordinance #03-09, an ordinance to amend the zoning ordinance #98-22, of the town of Nolensville, Tennessee. Counsel noted that this is the proposed annexed area that will also be zoned Suburban Residential. Mayor Knapper made a motion to pass this ordinance on first reading, Alderman Felts seconded and this passed unanimously.
Mayor Knapper noted that several letters had been received and in 1999 the Urban Growth Boundary was passed by the State of Tennessee. Committees were formed and County Commissioner Lew Green was on that committee. He told the audience that he could assure them that he would do his very best not to change their way of life.
Alderman Dugger noted that he would like to encourage Mayor Knapper to select someone from the newly annexed area to fill the vacant seat on the board.
Mr. Geary (from the audience) requested that elections be for districts.
Alderman Phillips then made a motion to adjourn and Alderman Dugger seconded this motion. This passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2003-11 BOMA Public Hearing
NOVEMBER 18, 2003, 6:30 P.M.
The public hearing began with Mr. Dave Ausbrooks conducting the meeting. He noted that there was a clipboard being passed through the audience for request to speak. He noted the procedure that would be taken and then introduced Mr. Bill Terry the Nolensville Town Planner.
Mr. Bill Terry addressed the crowd and noted that he had been a planning consultant for the past 30 years. He stated that he had been hired by the Town Of Nolensville for short and long range planning. Mr. Terry briefly explained Chapter 1101 noting this is state law with all cities and counties working together to achieve an Urban Growth Boundary.
Mr. Terry stated that the Plan of Service had been recommended by the Nolensville Planning Commission to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. He described the services that would be offered by the town upon annexation.
Mr. Terry turned the meeting over to Mr. Ausbrooks after his presentation. Mr. Ausbrooks outlined the guidelines for the Public Hearing and then began with public comments.
Mr. Don Gary, noted he was opposed to annexation. He stated that he has 18 acres and asked if he would be able to keep his farm animals. He further asked what else would he be getting other than higher taxes. He questioned the buffer zone and noted that he would rather be in Nolensville than Brentwood, although preferred being in no-mans land in Williamson County.
Mr. Porter Freeman, stated that we need to stop this meeting right now because the town has broken the law. He noted that the town cannot give you one thing, because you already have it. All the town wants is power and greed. The town gets most of their money irresponsibly.
Mr. Bob Batts, noted that Nolensville is a growing community. He stated that the citizens should get behind it and assist in controlling the growth. He noted that his property had been condemned and his complaint was towards the developers.
Mr. Harold Moore, stated that he was concerned that he would not receive anything from Nolensville. He preferred it staying as is and left alone.
Ms. Debra Maxwell, noted that she had full time Police and Fire half mile down her road. She did not need the Nolensville services. She requested a show of hands if people wanted to go back to Brentwood or stay as they are.
Mr. Ronnie Woodlee, stated that the county is all he needs and Nolensville cannot give him anything.
Mr. Ted Behar, stated that development will come. He noted that he loves this community and you cannot stop development. He further noted that the people have to decide if Nolensville will care more about Nolensville or if Williamson County will care more about Nolensville. He noted that his concern was zoning and the board allowing greater density and commercial development.
Mr. Forrest Maxwell, wanted to know how many years it would take Nolensville to provide services as good as Williamson County.
Ms. Katy Jones, stated that she hadn’t sold and is not going to sell.
Ms. Vivian Reed, stated that a large concern was that in 1980 (when she built in Nolensville) an acreage minimum was required. She noted that a middle school was being planned and land on Sunset was being sold. She would like to stay in the county and wants to see the buffer zone remain.
Mr. Alan Alawhab, noted that Brentwood had installed lights up to their city limit line. He asked the board to address lighting and services. He also noted that he did not understand the piece of property that was not in Brentwood at the end of Mauphin Road.
Ms. Sheryl Ferguson noted that she had moved here 21 years ago. She had fought when the road was widened and when street lights were erected. She stated that she hears numerous comments on the new subdivisions and developments. She further asked the board when are the citizens who have been here and made their home here going to be shown gratitude.
Mr. Sam Jones stated that a woman made a deal in the backroom of city hall with Metro Water and Sewer. He stated that he had notified the television stations and other media. He then read a letter to the crowd.
Mr. Brian Jones, noted that he had been keeping up with the annexation. He was very derogative of the Board and stated that the Mayor had given two different stories on the annexation issue. Mr. Jones further noted that he had contacted Mr. Cates (Dobson Property Developer) in letter form and has not received a response.
Mr. Sam Jones, stated that if the crowd bans together they would be able to get an attorney.
Ms. Maxwell, noted an elementary school would be behind her property and had heard there would homes built there also. She asked for the sizes of these homes.
Ms. Sandra Nichols, noted that most of the citizens seem to be against annexation with most being against the density that has been proposed. She noted that Dr. Bush has done a wonderful job of making his place gorgeous. She further noted that it is not consistent with the “rinky-dink” homes in the subdivision. She begged the board to review the density.
Mr. Porter Freeman, noted that most of the people appear to be opposed to the annexation. Not just one person needs to go to court, although everyone. We don’t need this city government.
Mr. Harlee Russell, stated that it appeared that the town was not notifying the community in a timely manner. What is the real reason for annexation? Is there a way to stop the development? Can you put a minimum per acre? Do we get a fully staffed Fire Department?
Mr. J. Don Gary, asked how these issues are going to addressed. If people want to develop their land go ahead. I don’t want to bother anyone and I don’t want anyone to bother me. He would like to see an avenue for these questions to be answered.
Mr. Bill Post stated that he has lived here for 39 years and his address has changed three times. He said he would like to be left alone.
Ms. Susan Loft stated she should be given an option. She is concerned about the density. She is a county person and that is where she would like to stay.
After no further comment Mr. Dave Ausbrooks closed the Public Hearing at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2003-11 BOMA
Town of Nolensville
Board of mayor and Aldermen Meeting
Date: Thursday November 06, 2003, Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Nolensville Town Hall
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were Mayor Charles Knapper, Alderman Tommy Dugger, and Alderman Gail Phillips. Aldermen Larry Felts and Joe Rositano were absent. Also in attendance were Town Recorder Cindy Lancaster, Council Bob Notestine, Officer George Poss, Town Engineer Rich Woodroof, and 21 public citizens.
Boy Scout Troop # 298 led the prayer and pledge.
Citizen’s input:
Mayor Knapper gave an update on Alderman Rositano. He stated he has been moved to a rehabilitation area at Centennial Hospital. He also noted that Alderman Felts is at the hospital with his daughter who is giving birth.
Mayor Knapper then asked for public comments. Mr. Bob Batts, Brittian Lane, noticed the website has not been kept up to date. Mayor stated Town Hall staff would review this.
Brandon Lee noticed the flags at each entrance of the subdivision are torn and the one at the Post Office is torn. Mayor noted that the Homeowners Association was in charge of the entrance flags and the Post Office is in charge of their flag on their property.
Mayor Knapper made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of October 2, 2003; Alderman Dugger seconded this motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Alderman Dugger made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report Mayor Knapper seconded this motion. Recorder Lancaster reported that General Fund cash on hand was $532,440.05, with cash disbursements being $55,000. State Street Aid Cash on hand is $133,087.26
Commission/Committee Reports
Chairman Frank Wilson Reported for the following:
  • Preliminary approval was given to Case Industries
  • Discussed building the new Nolensville Family Care that will be going in North of Nolensville.
  • Mc/Farlin woods was discussed noting they were behind on their previous agreement.
  • Mayor noted there would be a meeting with the Planner and City Attorneys to discuss the Zoning Ordinance
  • City Planner would be reviewing the Comprehensive Plan
Betty Friedlander reported for the Historic Commission.
  • Need to set up standards for the Zoning Ordinance
  • Noted she is a Nolensville Representative for Keep Williamson Beautiful and they will have a large shredder November 15, from 8-2 on Century Court
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Fire Department:
  • Attended the Nolensville Elementary School, Nolensville Library and Daycare for Fire Safety Week
  • Explorers group has been increasing their size
  • Re-certification programs have been ongoing.
  • After the May Disaster Nolensville had committed for a generator repeater. Chief will be getting the cost of this in the near future.
There was no report for the Chamber of Commerce.
Rich Woodroof reported for the codes department.
  • Issued 24 permits with majority being burn permits
  • Worked on Zoning Ordinance
  • Reviewed punch list for Mc/Farlin Woods
  • Reviewed plans for Piggly Wiggly expansion
  • Paving contract was complete
  • Ballenger Farms received excavating permits
Officer George Poss reported for the Police Department.
  • Halloween was a success. Everything went very well with no vandalism.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department.
  • Fire Hydrants have been painted
  • Tractor has had numerous repairs
  • Noted there has been criticism on early installation of banners
Mayors Comments:
On the Brentwood Interlocal Agreement Mayor Knapper asked Council Notestine to discuss this delicate issue. Council Notestine stated this agreement was put in effect approximately 1 year ago. Council explained this agreement and its contents. He noted that this has been in the newspaper due to the board requesting Brentwood to revise the agreement. The town has not received notification if Brentwood will revise this agreement. The newspaper stated that Brentwood would not be in favor of this revision. This agreement continues to be in negotiation.
Mayor Knapper noted the dates for Public Hearings, Plan of Service and Annexation as being November 18, 6:30 at Nolensville Elementary School
Mayor Knapper stated that he has not received an update this week in regards to the Sewer installation. Last report stated it was 70% complete.
Mayor Knapper stated that a proposal letter was sent to Williamson County Medical in regards to purchasing their building for a City Hall. He noted that one source of funding has been secured. Alternate funding sources are being reviewed.
Other Mayor Discussion:
  • Working on two local agreements with Williamson County. One for Road Services and one for Mapping Services.
Reading Resolution #03-14, a resolution authorizing the Mayor of the Town of Nolensville to enter into an agreement with Bill Terry and Associates. Alderman Phillips made a motion for the Reading of Resolution #03-14, to pass as read, Mayor Knapper seconded this motion. Council stated that this is authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Planner Bill Terry. Council noted that he has a good reputation and he is very impressed with his ability. This was passed unanimously.
Chief Hughes noted that on October 28, 2003, he had met with the Board in regards to the Sprinkler Ordinance. He noted this ordinance was introduced 20 months ago. He asked that the Board take the original document that was passed previously and act upon it.
Mayor Knapper made a motion to adjourn and Alderman Dugger seconded this motion. This passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2003-10 BOMA
Date: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2003 TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 6:59. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger and Alderman Gail Phillips. Also in attendance were Counsel Bob Notestine, Officer George Poss, Town Engineer Rich Woodroof, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and 8 public citizens.
Alderman Phillips led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
There was no citizen input.
Mayor Knapper updated the board on Aldermen Rositano’s medical condition. He noted to continue to keep him in our prayers.
Mayor Knapper introduced Gary Anderson, Williamson County School Board Member. He noted that approximately 75 acres was purchased 3 years ago to build an elementary and middle school. The School Board had agreed to begin the construction of a new school K-5 and then a 6-8 middle school. This will go before the Williamson County Commission in October and hope to have the schools built by August 2005.
Mayor Knapper noted that there was a meeting this morning with various County Commissioners and School Board Member Gary Anderson. It was requested and suggested that when large developments enter Nolensville a possible portion of land be given for schools to be built.
A motion was made by Aldermen Gail Phillips, for the approval of regular meeting minutes of September 4, 2003. The motion was seconded by Aldermen Dugger and was passed unanimously.
A motion for approval of Treasurers Report was made by Mayor Knapper and seconded by Alderman Dugger and was passed unanimously. Town Recorder Cindy Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand is $536,690.61, with cash disbursements being $60,000. State Street Aid Cash on hand is $153,433.68.
Commission/Committee Reports
Mr. Willis Wells Planning Commission member reported the following:
  • There was a meeting on September 11, and September 22
  • Governors Club Landscaping was approved
  • Sections 5 and 6 of McFarlin Woods was approved with conditions
  • Plan of Service was reviewed September 22
Betty Friedlander reported for the Historic Commission:
  • Three certificates of appropriatness were passed.
  • Betty requested that the Zoning Ordinance be changed to reduce Public Hearings.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • Fire Prevention month will go to Schools, Day Cares and Library
  • October 26 time changes please remember to change smoke detector batteries
  • Mayor noted that his plan was to revisit the Sprinkler Ordinance again by the end of the year.
There was not a report for the Chamber of Commerce.
Rich Woodroof, Town Engineer/Codes Official reported for the Codes Department.
§ 33 permits were issued-mostly burn permits
§ 9 inspections were made this month
§ Approval was given to Governors Club Landscaping with conditions
§ Attended Round Table discussion on storm water
§ The paving contract is complete
§ Approved Case Lumber site plan
Officer George Poss reported for the Police department.
§ 2422 miles driven
§ 26 citations written
§ 3 thefts-gas drive offs and child stealing from parents
§ 22 Warnings were issued
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department.
§ A written report was distributed and given to the board
Mayor’s Comments:
Mayor Knapper noted that talk was continuing with Mike Walker at the City of Brentwood and the Interlocal agreement
Status of Sections I, II and III- McFarlin Woods
Section IV
§ Counsel Notestine noted that roads were incomplete in section IV
§ Problems exist with drainage easements
§ The town did not issue certificate of occupancy due to improper drainage. This stopped a closing of a home and realtors and developers are very upset.
§ Rich noted that a punch list was given to the developer for Sections I, II and III. They are to have this completed within 30 days.
§ In section V and VI there are drainage issues that must be addressed
§ Mayor Knapper noted that developers continued to give excuses
§ Counsel Notestine noted in Section 13C there is a homeowner that has a drainage issue and this issue may end in litigation.
Dates for Public Hearings, Plan of Service and Annexation
§ Mayor Knapper noted that he is awaiting questions from the Planning Commission on the Plan of Service. Once this is completed a date will be set.
§ Once the Plan of Service is recommended by the Planning Commission the board will act upon this recommendation.
Comprehensive Plan
§ Continuing to wait on the Plan for Colette Meehan
MS4 Water Committee-
§ A water committee must be formed. Any recommendations that anyone has please submit names to the Mayor.
§ Ordinances will be enacted once the recommendations are submitted from this committee.
Sewer Discussion-
§ 190 days completed.
§ Operation was shut down due to silt and mud in the creeks.
Purchase city hall Discussion-
  • Appraisal was ordered and received. The board received copies of this appraisal.
  • An appointment will be made with the Hospital Board to make an offer for the doctors building.
Planning Commission Attorney-
§ More legal issues arise from the Planning Commission.
§ It may be prudent to have an attorney attend these meetings and public hearings. Mayor Knapper is in the process of hiring an attorney to set on this Commission. The board agreed for the Mayor hire an attorney.
City Planner-
§ Contracts have been reviewed for a City Planner.
§ A retired city planner from Goodlettsville, Mr. Bill Terry has submitted his qualifications and assisted in writing Chapter 1101.
Other Mayor Discussion-
§ Mayor again noted the meeting that was held this morning with various County representatives.
Aldermen Gail Phillips made a motion to pass Resolution #03-11, a resolution authorizing the Town of Nolensville to participate in the TML Risk Management Pool Grant. This motion was seconded by Alderman Dugger and passed unanimously.
Public Hearing for Zoning Ordinance-Opened at 7:52
Mayor Knapper stated that the Zoning Ordinance had been approved and recommended by the Planning Commission.
§ Fire Safety has been addressed
§ Betty Friedlander- noted that she has submitted changes. Mayo Knapper noted that these changes did not go before the Planning Commission.
§ Counsel noted that he has seen these changes and they are good, but Planning Commission has not reviewed these changes and this is not the proper process.
Mayor Knapper then made a motion to withdrawn and Alderman Gail Phillips seconded this motion. This passed unanimously.
Mayor then made a motion to adjourn and Alderman Gail Phillips seconded this motion. This passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 7:59 P.M.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2003-9 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:02. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger and Gail Phillips. Also in attendance were Council Bob Notestine, Officer George Poss, Town Engineer Rich Woodroof, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, Public Works Director Lonnie Bowden and 11 public citizens.
Mayor Knapper notified the board and audience of Alderman Joe Rositano being in the hospital. He asked that we keep him in our prayers. Alderman Larry Felts remains deployed in Maine.
Mayor Charles Knapper led the prayer and pledge.
There was no citizen input.
Approval of regular meeting minutes of August 7, 2003, motioned by Alderman Phillips and seconded by Alderman Dugger. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Alderman Dugger made a motion to accept the treasures report, Mayor Knapper seconded. Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $531,483.88, with cash disbursements being $64,000. State Street Aid Cash on hand is $146,918.51. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
Commission/ Committee Reports
Mr. Willis Wells, Planning Commission member, reported for the Planning Commission.
  • Final Approval for subdivision regulations was given last month.
  • Willis went over various items in the subdivision regulations.
  • Annexation was reviewed and the Planning Commissions recommendations will be forth coming.
  • Ballinger Farms was approved for first phase.
  • McFarlin Woods’s phase 5 and 6 was deferred.
Betty Friedlander reported for the Historic Commission.
  • Did not meet last month.
  • Two hearings will be in September.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • No news on FEMA grant
  • Address markers are going really well. At night this helps locate homes.
  • New flooring and painting has been completed in the hall.
  • Five new fire fighters completed 58-hour course.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Chamber of Commerce.
· Mark Baron submitted a written report and this was distributed to the board.
Rich Woodroof, Town Engineer/Codes Official reported for these departments.
· Hired Don Swartz for codes.
· Counsel Notestine and Rich have been working on drainage issues.
· Storm Water Drainage meetings are ongoing.
Officer George Poss reported for the Police Department.
  • 1 domestic
  • 2761 total miles
  • 280 gallons of gas
  • 119 traffic stops
  • Chief Hughes noted that Officer Poss received an award for MADD
Lonnie Bowden Reported for the Public Works Department.
  • Mowing of the highways is continuing.
  • Picked up telephone books throughout subdivision.
  • Asked the board for T-shirts to identify the Public Works Department.
Mayor Knapper stated that Subdivision Regulations were passed last month at Planning Commission. Bound copies will be forth coming.
  • A memo was received by Metro Water stating that the sewer is two-thirds complete.
  • It was noted that they had their 8th creek crossing.
Received word that appraisal will be completed by September 15, 2003.
The ISTEA Grant meeting with Marilyn Holland was a success. He noted that she toured the area. Additionally, she expressed her admiration for the town’s persistence in continuing to apply for this grant.
Mayor Knapper stated that he is meeting continuously with developers.
Reading of resolution #03-10, a resolution to enter into an agreement with the city of Brentwood for mutual aid. Council noted he had reviewed this and it pertains to emergency assistance. This authorizes the mayor to enter into this agreement. Alderman Phillips made a motion to approve this resolution and Alderman Dugger seconded and this motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Knapper stated that depending on what the Planning Commission decides in regards to the Plan of Service, there might be a public hearing next month on annexation.
Mayor Knapper made a motion to adjourn. Alderman Dugger seconded and this motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:32
Respectfully Submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2003-8 BOMA
THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 2003 TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 6:59. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Also in attendance were Counsel Bob Notestine, Officer George Poss, Town Engineer Rich Woodroof, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and 11 public citizens.
Alderman Gail Phillips led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
There was no citizen input.
Mayor Knapper introduced Grantsman Mr. Paul Lebovitz . Mr. Lebovitz submitted a Trails grant to the State of Tennessee on behalf of the Town Of Nolensville. Mr. Lebovitz went over this grant and the plans of the town. Mr. Lebovitz had a large map that outlined the trail and each connection it would make within the town.
Alderman Dugger made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of July 21, 2003, Alderman Rositano seconded this motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to accept the Treasurers report, Alderman Dugger seconded. Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $570,944.81, with cash disbursements being $40,000. State Street Aid cash on hand is $137,729.54. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
Commission/Committee Reports
Mr. Bob Haines Planning Commission member reported the following:
  • Governors Club Landscaping did not attend, therefore their issues were not addressed
  • Reviewed Bond Report
  • Polished issues in subdivision regulations
  • A public hearing will be held in August for subdivision regulations
  • Annexation plan recommendation will be discussed in August.
Betty Friedlander reported for the Historic Commission:
  • Standards were discussed.
  • Questions arose in regards to the Historic Commission area and their responsibilities.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • FEMA grant recipients have not been released
  • Fire Hall interior is being refurbished – new floor almost completed
  • First staff review with the town was this morning
There was not a report for the Chamber of Commerce.
Rich Woodroof, Town Engineer/Codes Official reported for the Codes Department.
§ 20 building permits were issued.
§ 25 inspections were made this month
§ 3 preliminary plats
§ Rich recommended Four Star Paving for the paving bid contract for repairs. This was approved by acclamation.
§ A force contract was discussed that Four Star proposed. This may be reviewed in the future.
There was no report submitted for the Police Department.
§ Officer Poss stated that between September 1-15, the COPS grant recipients would be notified.
§ COPS grant will make weekly notifications of awards. Nolensville has not been notified as of this date.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department.
§ A written report was submitted by Lonnie Bowden and distributed to the board.
Mayor’s Comments:
The Zoning Ordinance is scheduled to go before board in September.
Mayor Knapper stated that Metro Sewer has reported the sewer project is 50 % completed.
The purchase of a city hall was discussed. Mayor Knapper noted that two bids for appraisal of property had been received. Neiman Ross submitted a bid for $2,300. Counsel Notestine said this is a reputable appraiser. The board approved this bid by acclamation.
Mayor Knapper noted that the Planning Commission members will be scheduled for their required education in the near future.
Mayor Knapper will be meeting with Brentwood City Manager Mike Walker to discuss upcoming annexation and inter local agreement.
Alderman Dugger then made a motion to adjourn and Mayor Knapper seconded this motion. This passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 7:28 P.M.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2003-7 BOMA
MONDAY, JULY 21, 2003
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:03. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Alderman Larry Felts was absent due to being on active duty. Also in attendance were Counsel Bob Notestine, Chief Jeff Goforth, Officer George Poss, Town Engineer Rich Woodroof, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and 28 counted citizens, with citizens filling the hallways.
Mayor Knapper led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper welcomed comments during the citizen input in regards to the annexation ordinance. He noted that this was the initial process of the annexation. Mayor Knapper stated that there would be two public hearings and a final reading.
Mr. Brian Jones, 9873 Sam Donald Road, stated that a map was previously presented. There is a new map that is different from the previous map. What is the difference in these maps? Also, what would annexation bring to me? Mayor Knapper stated that Town Planner Colette Meehan would be making a presentation and these questions will be answered within that presentation.
Mayor Knapper interjected that the Planning Commission would be meeting the second Thursday of the month and this annexation would be presented to this body. The Planning Commission would have 90 days to return to the board their recommendation. On August 21, 2003 there will be a public hearing on the Plan of Service. On August 28, there would be a public hearing on the annexation ordinance. These public hearings will be conducted at the Nolensville Elementary School. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen will then meet on August 7, and September 4.
Sandra Nichols, 1656 Sunset Road, Brentwood, 37027, stated that she had a survey with 40 people against the annexation and one for the annexation. The county has a copy of this survey that was completed approximately two years ago and the city has a copy of this also.
Jamie McAllister, 9708 Clovercroft Road, you made a statement that the annexation would be forwarded to the Planning Commission. Is this Williamson County? Mayor Knapper stated that this is Nolensville’s Planning Commission. He then asked where Nolensville had the authority to do this? Mayor Knapper explained that Public Chapter 1101 was passed through state legislation. This Act mandated that counties and cities devise an Urban Growth Boundary for 20 years. This process took approximately 22 months and was voted on by the county and municipalities within Williamson County.
Ken Butner, 1695 Sunset Road, I attended a public hearing a few years ago and you stated that you would not annex if the majority of the people did not wish to be in the annexation, does this remain the same? Mayor Knapper stated that things have changed since the Urban Growth Boundary was adopted. Mr. Butner asked if the majority was opposed to annexation would he vote for the annexation. Mayor Knapper stated that he would have to look at what it does for the health and welfare of the entire citizens of Nolensville.
Ron Nichols, 1656 Sunset Road, asked for clarification on a one mile “dead man” land. What ever happened to this? Mayor Knapper stated that there is a buffer zone that states within that area there would be no commercial development.
Donna Nichols, 1656 Sunset Road, asked if she was annexed, would her address change to Nolensville? Mayor Knapper stated that the annexation has nothing to do with the postal service. Her address would remain the same.
Bob Sanchez, 9706 Clovercroft Road, noted that town hall was not very “user friendly” due to the office hours being from 8 to 4. He asked what the criteria was for annexation. Mayor Knapper stated that Ms. Meehan would address this question.
Agnes Nichols, corner of Kidd and Nolensville Road, stated that there needed to be a larger meeting room for this size of a meeting. She further stated that she liked it the way is was and did not want it to change.
Sam Apple, 9895 Sam Donald Road, Do you have a list of developers names? No we don’t have a list. Have you been approached by developers. Mayor Knapper stated that the town has been approached by developers. Ms. Meehan stated that if there is an individual who has contracted with a property owner that is out doing work for that owner, that is between that property owner and that company. Until a formal application has been submitted to the town, we do not have any proof that they have an agreement or is actually representing the owner. Mr. Apple asked if the county waste management system or Planning Commission had anything to with it. Ms. Meehan stated that not until a formal application was submitted. Mr. Jones noted that a letter was submitted to be annexed that would have a name. Ms. Meehan stated that is separate issue. That could be distributed, but the town would not have an individual’s name that is doing work on an owners property.
Katie Jones, Clovercroft Road, do surveyors have the right to put stobs on your property? Counsel Notestine stated that in his experience they have guidelines that must be abided by and owners would need to seek legal advice for these answers.
Alderman Phillips made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of June 5, 2003, Alderman Rositano seconded this motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Alderman Phillips made a motion to accept the Treasurers report, Alderman Dugger seconded. Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $554,496.69, with cash disbursements being $43,000. State Street Aid cash on hand is $175,596.32. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
Commission/Committee Reports
Mr. Bob Haines Planning Commission member reported the following:
  • The Planning Commission is revising subdivision regulations.
  • Colette Meehan and Mayor Knaper will be meeting to complete the Comprehensive Plan.
Betty Friedlander reported for the Historic Commission:
  • Will meet last Thursday of month for sign ordinance.
  • Design guidelines will be discussed.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • Submitted second quarter report to the Board.
  • FEMA has not responded in regards to grant approval.
  • New Assistant Chief has been named. Jason Jones.
  • The contract between the town and the Fire Department will be completed tonight.
  • Sprinkler ordinance education is ongoing.
  • Nolensville has made National news in regards to this ordinance.
  • The Department has been working with the Nolensville Planning Commission.
  • Mayor Knapper, Chief Hughes and Asst. Chief Jones met with Water Director Charles Strasser met to discuss water lines.
There was not a report for the Chamber of Commerce.
Rich Woodroof, Town Engineer/Codes Official reported for the Codes Department.
§ 33 building permits were issued.
§ 10 inspections were made this month
§ Recommendation of Four Star Paving was made to Board on the bid opening. The Board unanimously agreed to discuss the price difference with the various bidders.
Chief Jeff Goforth reported for the Police Department.
§ Noted reports were distributed to the board.
§ COPS grant will make weekly notifications of awards. Nolensville has not been notified as of this date.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department.
§ Noted a written report was distributed
§ Notified today that clutch went out on tractor
§ Grass mowing and debris clean-up is ongoing
Mayor’s Comments:
Mayor Knapper read a brief update that was submitted by Metro Water. It noted that work was being done on Sunset and Concord Roads. There will be another crew added for creek crossing.
Mayor Knapper noted that he had received an appraisal for the Doctors office. Counsel Notestine had recommended that the town obtain another appraisal. The cost of this appraisal would be approximately $1,500 - $2,000. The Board, by acclamation, agreed unanimously to obtain an appraisal.
Mayor Knapper stated that the town had submitted the ISTEA grant for walking trails. Notification was received that this grant looks really good and is approximately $450,000.
The York Road box culvert is completed and payment will made in the next couple of days.
Reading of Resolution #03-07, a resolution to enter into an agreement with the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department. Counsel Notestine stated that this was discussed at length during the June meeting. Mayor Knapper made a motion to pass the resolution as read, Alderman Rositano seconded and the resolution passed unanimously.
Reading of Resolution #03-08, a resolution to enter into an agreement with the Nolensville Town Attorney, Robert J. Notestine, III, Counsel Notestine noted that this is an agreement for the fiscal year 2003-04. Alderman Dugger made a motion to pass the resolution as read, Alderman Rositano seconded and the resolution passed unanimously
Reading of Resolution #03-09, a resolution to enter into an agreement with the Nolensville Town Judge, Jim Petersen. Counsel Notestine noted that this was extending the contract for fiscal year 2003-04. Mayor Knapper made a motion to pass the resolution as read, Alderman Phillips seconded and the resolution passed unanimously.
First reading of Ordinance #03-05, an ordinance granting a franchise to United Telephone company. Counsel Notestine noted that Nolensville was approached sometime ago by United Telephone in regards to implementing a cable system via the phone lines. Representatives of United Telephone contact Counsel today requesting this be delayed.
First Reading of Ordinance #03-06, an ordinance to annex certain territory adjacent to the corporate boundaries of the Town Of Nolensville. Mayor Knapper spoke briefly and then turned the presentation over to Town Planner Colette Meehan. Ms. Meehan extensively went into detail on the annexation with various questions from the crowd. Ms. Meehan explained the process of annexation and elaborated on the Urban Growth Boundary. Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass the ordinance as read, Mayor Knapper and the ordinance passed on first reading unanimously.
First Reading of Ordinance #03-07, an ordinance to annex certain territory adjacent to the corporate boundaries of the Town Of Nolensville. Counsel reminded the group that after first reading there would be two public hearings and a final reading prior to passage of annexation. Alderman Dugger reiterated that this is merely the first step. Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass the ordinance as read, Alderman Phillips and the ordinance passed on first reading unanimously.
Alderman Dugger then made a motion to adjourn at 8:25.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2003-6 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:10.  In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano.  Alderman Larry Felts was absent due to being on active duty.  Also in attendance were Counsel Bob Notestine, Officer George Poss, Town Engineer Rich Woodroof, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and 10 citizens.
Alderman Phillips led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
No comments were made.
Alderman Phillips made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of May 1, 2003, Alderman Rositano seconded this motion.  The minutes were approved unanimously.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to accept the Treasurers report, Alderman Dugger seconded.  Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $548,563.32, with cash disbursements being $45,000.  State Street Aid cash on hand is $171,066.96.  The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
Mayor Knapper requested that the agenda be revised with the Committee reports being moved up reversed with the Mayor’s comments.  He informed the Board that the agenda would begin in this format.  This was agreed upon and the Committee reports were given.
Commission/Committee Reports
Mr. Willis Wells Planning Commission member reported the following:
  • The Planning Commission has had discussion on the OSD.
  • 7162 Nolensville Road site was discussed with 11 items set forth.
  • The Commission went on a field trip to view various developments.
  • A workshop was held that was very informative
  • Mayor Knapper noted that he plans to bring the Zoning Ordinance to the board in August for approval.
Betty Friedlander reported for the Historic Commission:
  • Will meet end of next month to discuss design guidelines.
  • Mayor Knapper noted that he has requested sample guidelines from various individuals.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • FEMA grant was to begin award distribution in June.
  • The grant writer as a bad attitude and the chief requested that this service be discontinued.  Mayor Knapper noted that Mr. Lebovitz had recently attended a Fire grant-writing seminar and was merely relaying what he had learned in this conference.
  • Rookie school ends this week
  • Radios were out during the tornado and Mr. Jorgenson is working on this.
  • Jason Jones reported that on June 14, literature would be distributed to the citizens of Nolensville.
There was not a report for the Chamber of Commerce.
Rich Woodroof, Town Engineer/Codes Official reported for the Codes Department.
§       32 building permits were issued.
§       16 burn permits were issued.
§       12 inspections were made this month
Officer George Poss. reported for the Police Department.
§       Briefly reviewed the statistics for May.
§       2,762 miles were driven.
§       41 citations were issued
§       146 traffic stops made
§       Officer Poss stated various other statistics.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department.
§       Assisted in tornado damage
§       Tractor Maintenance is ongoing
§       Grass mowing and debris clean-up is ongoing
Mayor’s Comments:
Mayor Knapper noted that continuous progress is being made on the homes that are being placed throughout Nolensville.  Currently the contractor is waiting on a letter from the county attorney in regards to septic issues.
Mayor Knapper stated that he was informed by the 911 board that addresses on Newsome Lane have been changed to reflect “Newsome Lane”.  Previously these homes reflected that address of Rocky Fork Road.
Mayor Knapper informed the board that County Executive Rogers Anderson contacted him in regards to an Early Action Compact.  This deals with air pollution and is mandated by the Federal Government.  The mandate states that all cities have to initiate a program to reduce pollution.  The Mayor requested the board’s approval to enter into an agreement with the county so that this could be a joint effort.  The Board agreed unanimously by acclamation.
The Town Engineer, Rich Woodroof and the Public Works Director, Lonnie Bowden, are reviewing a paving priority list.
York Road box culvert is almost complete.  Guardrail work and grading will complete this job.
The Planning Commission is currently reviewing an OSD ordinance in addition to a zoning ordinance.  These will be forthcoming.
Subdivision Regulations should be passed next week by the Planning Commission.  A public hearing will be forth coming.
Mayor Knapper noted that he had spoken to Metro Water and the sewer is 44% complete.
Mayor Knapper revealed a map indicating an annexation plan.  He noted that the town has received verbal commitments and request.  This request will be coming in the form of written confirmation.  It was noted that 2737 acres are proposed in the annexation.  This consists of 157 residential homes and approximately 455 citizens.
Mayor Knapper discussed the Fire Department agreement.  Chief Hughes noted that the only problem he had was with the amount on the agreement.  The fire department had requested $32,000, although the agreement reflected $30,100.  Alderman Dugger asked for clarification on the report given to the board each month.  He asked if this was on calendar year or fiscal?  Chief Hughes stated that it was calendar.  Counsel Notestine noted that in the original agreement the rate was based on percentage.  The new agreement will reflect a flat rate.  Alderman Dugger asked how the $32,000 was derived?  Chief Hughes stated that the count has cut the budget and donations have been down due to the Brentwood annexation.  He stated further that he did not see that this was too much to ask of the city.  Alderman Rositano stated that he did not have a problem with the $1,900 increase.  Mayor Knapper stated that he felt it set a dangerous precedent.  He had requested a 3% decrease from every department and the library was cut more than 3%.  He further stated that the number of calls had increased with the town limits.  Mayor Knapper wants to establish an agreement with every department that if a percentage decrease is requested it should be adhered to.
Mayor Knapper stated that Colette Meehan should have the Comprehensive Plan completed by Tuesday of next week.
Mayor Knapper noted that he had met with a Williamson Medical Center Representative and has entertained the thought of purchasing a building for a Town Hall.  He stated that they are to submit an appraisal.  He also noted that he would be discussing this with TML.
At 8:01 Mayor Knapper opened the public hearing for Ordinance #03-04.  Mayor Knapper spoke briefly about the ordinance and there were no comments from the audience.  The public hearing closed at 8:03.
Second Reading of Ordinance #03-04, an ordinance to adopt a budget for fiscal year July 1, 2003- June 30, 2004.  Council Notestine stated that this is the second reading of this ordinance and the public hearing was previous.  Alderman Phillips commended the budget.  Alderman Rositano stated that this was a good budget.  Alderman Dugger made a motion to amend the budget for allocating the Fire Department $1,900.  Alderman Rositano seconded.  This amendment passed unanimously.  Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass the ordinance as read, Mayor Knapper seconded and the ordinance passed unanimously.
Alderman Rositano noted that he was given a flag by Representative Casada that has flown over the State Capital.  He in turn would like to give it to the town.  Mayor Knapper noted that Representatives Sargent and Casada and Senator Bryson worked very hard for the municipalities in regards to the state budget.  If you see them please be sure and thank them for their dedication.
Alderman Dugger then made a motion to adjourn at 8:11.
Respectfully submitted,                                                         Approved,
Cindy Lancaster                                                                      Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder                                                                       Mayor
2003-5 BOMA
THURSDAY, May 1, 2003
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:03. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Alderman Larry Felts was absent due to being on active duty. Also in attendance were Counsel Bob Notestine, Officer George Poss, Town Engineer Rich Woodroof, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and 17 citizens.
Mayor Knapper led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper noted that there would be a public hearing in regards to the zoning change, ordinance #03-02. At that time the public could voice their opinions on this issue. The Mayor then asked for citizen’s input. No comments were made.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of April 3, 2003, Alderman Dugger seconded this motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Alderman Phillips made a motion to accept the Treasurers report, Alderman Dugger seconded. Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $554,632.33, with cash disbursements being $40,000. State Street Aid cash on hand is $166,866.75. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
Mayor’s Comments:
Mayor Knapper noted that continuous progress is being made on the homes that are being placed throughout Nolensville.
Mayor Knapper stated that he is continuously receiving inquiries from developers wanting to come to Nolensville. Weekly updates are received from Metro Water and Sewer on the progress of the sewer line.
Mayor Knapper noted that he had met with the stripers who recently striped the outlying Nolensville Roads. He has corrected various areas to the best of his ability.
Mayor Knapper stated that he is on a subcommittee that deals with MTAS organization. This group has met twice.
Commission/Committee Reports
Mr. Willis Wells Planning Commission member reported the following:
  • The Planning Commission has had discussion on the OSD.
  • A field trip has been scheduled for May 17.
  • A workshop has been scheduled for May 22.
  • Next week there will be a meeting with TDOT Road Commissioner Gerald Nicely.
Betty Friedlander reported for the Historic Commission:
  • Last week a Certificate of Appropriateness was brought before the Commission.
  • Will meet the last Thursday of the month.
  • Betty Friedlander is the chair with Lulu Smith being co-chair
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • Awards Banquet was last month
  • Grant went in on March 11, 2003
  • Sprinkler education packets would be distributed in the near future.
  • Hydrant maintenance has begun.
  • Mayor Knapper congratulated the chief on his longevity award at the banquet.
There was not a report for the Chamber of Commerce.
Rich Woodroof, Town Engineer/Codes Official reported for the Codes Department.
§ 17 building permits were issued.
§ 3 sign permits were issued.
§ 11 burn permits were issued.
§ 5 garage sale permits were issued.
§ 10 inspections were made this month
§ Acquired and recorded the 3 easements to begin construction on the box culvert on York Road.
Officer George Poss reported for the Police Department. Officer Poss briefly reviewed the statistics for April. He noted that 2,805 miles were driven. There were 40 warnings issued and 94 traffic stops made. Officer Poss. stated various other statistics.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department. He noted that grass mowing has begun. He also stated that Engineer and Public Works would be reviewing roads and would be making a priority list.
Mayor Knapper opened the public hearing at 7:20 for Ordinance #03-02. Mayor Knapper asked if there was any citizen comment. No one commented. Mayor Knapper then retrieved a letter that was submitted by an adjacent property owner, Mr. Wilbur Smith. Mayor asked Mr. Smith if he had anything to add. Mr. Smith, 7186 Nolensville Road, addressed the board noting that his property was the closest to the zoning request. He asked for special consideration due to his home being a “historic” home. Mrs. Darlene Irvine, 7190 Nolensville Road, stated that she attended this evening to see exactly what is being considered. Mrs. Paulette Sullivan, 7172 Nolensville Road stated that she had some questions in regards to the building specifications and is it going to be a strip mall or clinic only? Mr. Bill Wellons with the Doctors office stated that this is in the early stages of planning. The first step was to see if it could obtain the proper zoning. When the building and site plan preparation is initiated the Doctors welcomed input from the residents. Dr. Thompson stated that his goal was to have a medical practice in that location. Mayor Knapper noted that the State of Tennessee has strict guidelines in regards to entrances and exits due to this location being on a State Highway. He further noted that buffers are required in the zoning ordinance and the Planning Commission will review all this. The public hearing closed at 7:27.
Second reading of Ordinance #03-02, an ordinance to rezone a tract of land from UR zoning classification to CS. Alderman Dugger asked if the town would have jurisdiction over the egress and ingress? Mayor Knapper stated that the Planning Commission would review, but ultimately this would have to be approved by the State. Council Notestine stated that there would be stringent test, if the town were stricter, than the town’s rules would apply.
There was brief discussion in regards to easements.
Alderman Phillips made a motion to approve this ordinance, Alderman Rositano seconded and ordinance#03-02 passed unanimously.
Second reading of Ordinance #03-03, an ordinance to amend budget ordinance #02-01 for fiscal year July 1, 2001 – June 30, 2002. Counsel Notestine stated that this is an Ordinance that is an accounting requirement and is to conform the budget to the actual expenses and revenues. Alderman Dugger made a motion to approve, Alderman Rositano seconded and this passed unanimously.
First Reading of Ordinance #03-04, an ordinance to adopt a budget for fiscal year July 1, 2003- June 30, 2004. Council Notestine stated that this process requires two readings prior to passage. He noted next month there would be a public hearing. Mayor Knapper noted that a sub-committee, which consisted of Alderman Felts and Alderman Phillips, met frequently in regards to this budget. Mayor Knapper then went over the budget line by line. He noted that the Intergovernmental Revenue would be affected by the 9% State budget cut. This budget reflects that decrease in revenue. Alderman Dugger inquired about the $45,000 figure that would be removed from State Street Aid and placed into General Fund. It was noted that these figures would offset the Engineering cost of $20,000 and Public Works $25,000. Mayor Knapper commended the Aldermen for their work on the budget and noted that taxes had not increased with the state funding decrease. Alderman Rositano made a motion to approve, Alderman Phillips seconded and this passed unanimously.
Alderman Dugger asked staff when placing a sign for a public hearing (referring to the public hearing for the rezoning request) please do a better job on placing it properly and removing the weeds from around the sign so that it can be seen.
Alderman Dugger made a motion to adjourn, Mayor Knapper seconded and the meeting adjourned at 8:24.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2003-4 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:05. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Alderman Larry Felts attended briefly and addressed the crowd. He noted that he would be leaving on Saturday to travel to the Middle East to fight in the Iraqi War. Everyone wished him well. Also in attendance were Counsel Bob Notestine, Officer George Poss, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and 15 citizens.
Alderman Phillips led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper asked for citizen’s input. Mr. Larry Gardner asked when the culvert construction would begin on York Road? Mayor Knapper stated that temporary easements must be obtained by Mr. Lawson and Mr. Gardner. The construction would begin soon after that process was completed. Mr. Gardner also noted that the road striping on York Road did not look very good.
Mayor Knapper then introduced the newly hired Town Engineer Mr. Rich Woodroof. Mr. Woodroof addressed the crowd noting that he was a 30-year resident of Nolensville and graduated from the University of Tennessee. He also gave an overview of his credentials and past work experience. The Board welcomed Mr. Woodroof.
Alderman Phillips made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of March 6, 2003, Alderman Dugger seconded this motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to accept the Treasurers report, Mayor Knapper seconded. Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $540,928.71, with cash disbursements being $66,000. State Street Aid cash on hand is $174,765.60. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
Mayor’s Comments:
Mayor Knapper noted that continuous progress is being made on the homes that are being placed throughout Nolensville.
Mayor Knapper stated that he is continuously talking to residential and commercial developers. This area is being looked at seriously. The OSD will need to be reviewed once again. Mayor Knapper stated that he anticipates more developers coming to Nolensville.
Mayor Knapper noted that Mr. Gardner had commented earlier on the road striping. Alderman Rositano said that he looked at the striping and it did not look bad.
Mayor Knapper stated that he is on a subcommittee that deals with MTAS organization. This group is looking at various ways to fund the MTAS due to State budget cuts.
Mayor Knapper noted that Ms. Grissom has requested the board sign a proclamation to declare April 6 – 12, Crime Victims Week in Nolensville. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen signed this proclamation.
Commission/Committee Reports
Frank Wilson Planning Commission Chair reported the following:
  • The Planning Commission will meet with Callaway Farms Developers and hope to pass a preliminary plat.
  • The Planning Commission approved a zoning change from UR to CS. The board is acting upon that request tonight.
  • The sub-regs were passed last month.
  • Mayor Knapper stated that he had spoken to Colette Meehan, Town Planner and the Zoning Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan and Annexation Plan will be finalized by April 30.
  • Additionally, Mayor Knapper noted that due to Alderman Felts being called to Active Duty in the war, Alderman Rositano would fill this position.
Betty Friedlander reported for the Historic Commission:
  • There will be a sign request brought before this Commission next month.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • Budget proposal was submitted to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
  • Educational brochures have been ordered and will be given to every home.
  • FEMA grant is going in on Monday.
  • Jason stated that on April 24, Smyrna would be hosting a “Sprinkler Trailer” from 11-1 at the Smyrna Town Center. He asked the board to visit this trailer.
In Mark Baron’s absence, Betty Friedlander reported for the Chamber of Commerce.
§ A business showcase will be held on April 8, at the Nolensville United Methodist Church beginning at 6:30.
Rich Woodroof, Town Engineer/Codes Official reported for the Codes Department.
§ 1 final inspection and 1 framing inspection was performed this week.
Officer George Poss reported for the Police Department. Officer Poss briefly reviewed the statistics for March. He noted that 3,083 miles were driven. There were 59 warnings issued and 174 traffic stops made. He noted that there had been some complaints on vandalism and patrol is being increased at night for these occurrences. Officer Poss stated various other statistics.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department. He noted that striping of the roads had begun and flags were erected down Nolensville Road in observance of the War.
First reading of Ordinance #03-02, an ordinance to rezone a tract of land from the UR zoning classification to the CS classification. Counsel Notestine stated that this ordinance is required to change the zoning map. This is the first reading and a public hearing in addition to 2nd reading must be held in order to pass this ordinance. Mayor Knapper read a memo that was composed by Town Planner Colette Meehan and was distributed to the board. Alderman Rositano noted that he had attended the Planning Commission meeting and noted this change was unanimously approved and that it would be maintained as a medical oriented office. Alderman Dugger requested that the board receive a map that indicates the property location. It was noted that this could be done. Alderman Phillips made a motion to approve, Alderman Rositano seconded and this passed unanimously.
First reading of Ordinance #03-03, an ordinance to amend budget ordinance #02-01 for fiscal year July 1, 2001 – June 30, 2002. Counsel Notestine stated that this is an Ordinance to conform the budget to the actual expenses and revenues. Recorder Lancaster noted the figures in General Fund was to indicate the Home Grant and the State Street Aid indicated the expenses that were paid for the turning lane on Sunset Road. Alderman Rositano made a motion to approve, Mayor Knapper seconded and this passed unanimously.
Mayor Knapper asked that a late filing of Resolution #03-06, a resolution to urge the governor and each member of the Tennessee General Assembly to leave intact the system of revenue sharing to be introduced. He read this in its entirety. Alderman Dugger noted that this would be voted on to place on the agenda. Counsel Notestine agreed. Mayor Knapper made a motion to place this item on the agenda, Alderman Phillips second and this passed unanimously. Mayor Knapper made a motion to pass the resolution as read, Alderman Phillips second and this passed unanimously.
Mrs. Friedlander stated that she is the Nolensville Representative for “Keep Williamson Beautiful” and on Saturday, April 12, 2003, there will be a clean up and a litter free campaign will begin. Forms can be obtained at Town Hall.
Alderman Dugger asked if Rolling Hills Drive was bonded due to the construction traffic entering and exiting this road. Mayor Knapper stated that these roads were bonded.
Mayor Knapper asked Alderman Dugger to serve on the budget sub-committee due to Alderman Felt’s absence. Alderman Dugger agreed to this position.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to adjourn, Alderman Phillips seconded and the meeting adjourned at 8:05.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2003-3 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:05. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Alderman Tommy Dugger attended, although came in at approximately 7:30. Counsel Bob Notestine, Officer George Poss, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and 20 citizens.
Mayor Knapper led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper asked that any comments in regards to the sprinkler system be held until the ordinance reading due to Alderman Dugger’s delay. At that time Mayor Knapper asked for any other concerns or comments. Mr. Larry Gardner asked for clarification on the burn permit. He stated that the permit requested an “Air Curtain Destructor”. Mr. Gardner noted that normally lots are too small to handle this large piece of equipment. He stated that this is normally for road construction and larger projects. Mr. Bob Trotter with the Franklin Fire Department stated that this is correct. Small lot burning is not allowed. It is either hauled off or mulched. Chief Hughes noted that this permit is in compliance with State and Federal laws. Counsel Notestine stated that the town must go by State and Federal law. Alderman Felts asked that with the pit burning, does it have to be on the lot, or can it be in a central location within the entire development? Mr. Gardner stated that you could have a central location within a development, although the cost and time would be much higher and not practical.
Alderman Felts made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of February 6, 2003, Alderman Rositano seconded this motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to accept the Treasurers report, Alderman Phillips seconded. Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $551,421.06, with cash disbursements being $50,000. State Street Aid cash on hand is $167,614.65. Mayor Knapper noted that total cash on hand was $719,035.77. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
Mayor’s Comments:
Mayor Knapper noted that there should be enough money to obtain two additional homes through the HOME Grant.
Mayor Knapper stated that he had met with two developers that are anticipating coming to Nolensville in the near future. Zoning Ordinances and subdivision regulations have been purchased to prepare for the development plans. Mayor Knapper also stated that he had met with three businessmen who are looking at Nolensville in regards to commercial usage and building. These men seem to be quite serious.
Metro Sewer conducted a pre-conference meeting. All right of ways have been obtained with the exception of three. Construction began today.
Additional bids have been secured for the striping of the road.
Signs have been purchased that were awarded from the signs grant.
The Williamson County Chamber of Commerce will be holding its annual banquet and any board member that would like to attend may do so.
The search for a Building Inspector/Codes Official is ongoing. Mayor Knapper hopes to have this position filled in the near future.
A town hall site is being reviewed and due to the sensitivity of the facility the Mayor could not divulge any further information.
The federal government is in the process of releasing funds for various COPS programs.
Commission/Committee Reports
Frank Wilson Planning Commission Chair reported the following:
  • Reviewed sketch plans for Callaway Farms. Comments were sent to the developer and revised plans were submitted.
  • A site plan for south of town was revised to Village Fringe. This site was approved to open a used car lot.
  • The sprinkler ordinance was discussed.
  • The Planning Commission budget was approved.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • Finalization of the budget is underway.
  • A First Responders class will be held from March 22 – May 10.
  • Drawings for the building are almost complete.
In Mark Baron’s absence, Mr. Rick Fisher reported for the Chamber of Commerce.
§ A membership meeting will be held on April 8, at the Nolensville United Methodist Church. There will be a business showcase.
§ Board meeting will be held on March 31 at 5:00.
Lonnie Bowden, Director of Public Works, submitted a written report and this was disbursed to the Board. Mayor Knapper asked if there were any questions. The Aldermen did not have any questions.
Officer George Poss reported for the Police Department. Officer Poss briefly reviewed the statistics for February. He noted that 2,522 miles were driven with 237 gallons of gas being purchased. There were 37 warnings, and 32 citations written. Officer Poss stated various other statistics.
Alderman Dugger entered at 7:34.
Reading of Resolution #03-04, a resolution to amend the personnel policy to add a grievance procedure. Counsel noted this document provides a three-step program for employees to take in order to appeal a reprimand/grievance. Alderman Phillips noted that in step one the number of days had been omitted. She asked what this should be? Mayor Knapper stated that it should be three days. Mayor Knapper also noted that in step three a grievance committee was mentioned. The committee should be formed. Mayor Knapper then made a motion to amend the attachment and add the following to step three: “The Grievance Committee shall consist of two Aldermen selected by the Mayor and the Town Recorder. In the event the Town Recorder is the party bringing the grievance, the Chair of the Grievance Committee shall select a person to serve on the committee in place of the Town Recorder.” Alderman Phillips seconded this motion and this amendment passed unanimously. Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass the resolution as amended, Alderman Felts seconded and this resolution passed unanimously as amended.
Reading of Resolution #03-05, a resolution to permit the Board to participate in meetings of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen by telephonic speaker device. Counsel Notestine stated that State Law does not prohibit this act nor is there a law that addresses local governments. This resolution is to accommodate emergency situations if the need arises. It’s intent is not to allow a board member who is on vacation to use this form of meeting participation. Mayor Knapper made a motion to pass this resolution, Alderman Phillips seconded and this resolution passed unanimously.
First Reading of Ordinance #03-01, an ordinance requiring the installation of automatic fire sprinkler systems. Mayor Knapper stated that previously he had requested the citizens to refrain from commenting on the sprinkler ordinance until this time due to Alderman Dugger’s delay. Alderman Felts made a motion to pass this ordinance, Alderman Rositano seconded. Mayor Knapper then opened the floor to public comment. Mr. John Sheely with the Tennessee Home Builders Association distributed a newspaper article that showed twelve locations where sprinkler pipes had frozen this past winter. In pulling information off the NSFA website he noticed that every board member were sprinkler installer’s. Therefore this group would endorse this system.
Mr. Randy Hewlett with Prestige Homes noted that he had not attended previous meetings and asked if this was a wet or dry system? It was noted this is a wet system. He further asked how many fires had occurred in the last year? Chief Hughes stated that he did not have those figures. He additionally asked how many other cities have this ordinance? He knew Germantown and Cordova had tried something similar to this but had to revisit their ordinance. He stated that he had heard a figure of $ .80 per square foot. He stated that he had put in sprinklers all over the United States and this figure seems inaccurate. Mr. Jason Jones stated that if Mr. Hewlett had been to the other meetings he would have gotten educated like everyone else. Chief Hughes rebutted these issues. He noted that the freezing of pipes were all in commercial buildings and not in residential. The freezing was due to faulty installation. He also stated that Mayor Knapper had written data that stated the cost.
Mr. Sheely asked about insurance and the cost? Chief Hughes noted that there were reductions not additional costs. Mayor Knapper stated that he had spoken to State Farm insurance and Farm Bureau. They stated that they would give a 10% discount.
Mr. Jim Soloman stated that he had checked with his insurance company and they stated that there was no discount. The insurance company stated there was more cost due to water damage.
Mr. Frank Wilson stated that the Chief continues to say that this will be a savings to the city. He asked Chief Hughes where is the savings? The city does not own the fire department. Chief Hughes stated that the fire department had submitted figures to the board showing the economical impact. The cost was what it would cost the city to have a fire department for the town. The Mayor even indicated that these figures were low.
Mayor stated that we entered into an agreement with the fire department stating the town pays a percentage of the calls made into the Town Of Nolensville.
Chief Hughes noted that fire departments were opposed by the same people in regards to installing smoke detectors.
Mr. Jim Soloman noted that there is a new development coming south of Nolensville with 8,000 homes.
Mr. Sheely stated that Home Builders Association has never opposed hard-wired smoke detectors.
Dr. Clark asked if a wet system would be in every home. It was noted that sprinkler systems would not be required to go into homes currently built in Nolensville. He also asked if there was any alternative to the wet system. He was concerned about the water damage if the system erroneously went off.
Mr. Bob Trotter with the Franklin Fire Department stated that the only system offered in residential was the wet system.
Mayor Knapper stated that his major concern was that the public has not been educated.
Mr. Frank Wilson noted that he has lived in Nolensville all his life, approximately 70 years, and he can only remember one death from a fire. Chief Hughes stated that he recalls three. Mr. Trotter stated that in 2000 the state of Tennessee had 158 due to fires.
Mayor Knapper noted that he had met with Chief Hughes and Jason Jones to continue dialogue on this ordinance. He stated that he had serious reservations in regards to the development within the town. He noted that he has always tried to be fair, and any Alderman could have brought this ordinance to the table. He felt that in fairness to the Chief and Jason he agreed to bring it before the board. This is their day in court. The public is not educated on this issue and the homebuilders are not educated on this issue. Counsel noted to the crowd that this is an ordinance that must have two readings; therefore there must be additional consideration.
Alderman Felts stated that he had spoken with insurance companies and was quoted giving a 3-5% discount. He noted that he had a newspaper article that discussed in great detail sprinkler systems that were installed in Scottsdale, Arizona. This article indicates that the residents in Scottsdale are very much in favor of these systems installed in their residential developments. Advertisements were placed in the local newspapers informing people of the benefits of a sprinkler system in Arizona. There are going to be homes built as close as 17’ from each other in Nolensville. I don’t believe it will hurt development by implementing this ordinance.
Alderman Rositano stated that he felt it was his duty as an Alderman to not look at issues such as this through the builder’s eyes or through the fire departments eyes. I have to look at the issues in different aspects. In principal I support this ordinance, although I want to see our public educated on the “whys”. I am in agreement with the Mayor in regards to the Fire Department educating the public. If we can get some amendments I will support this ordinance.
Mayor Knapper then went point-by-point detailing the description of this ordinance. Alderman Dugger noted that R4 states six or more occupants. What if someone has five occupants? Counsel Notestine stated that he is not familiar with the building codes and would want to investigate this prior to giving his official opinion. Alderman Dugger further asked about all storage facilities. Mr. Trotter stated any building 2,500 square foot or greater.
Alderman Phillips stated that the overall ordinance is a good ordinance. A lot of research has been done in addition to many meetings in regards to the sprinkler system. Although she has a question that has not been answered. I am not sure of the sensitivity of the heads and the possibility of going off accidentally. I have spoken to someone who has had some difficulty with this situation and excessive damage has occurred. In regards to statistics, other than Arizona, the fire sprinkler systems within Tennessee have not been in the homes long enough to obtain statistics. I have spoken to an Engineer and sprinkler maintenance people who were both opposed to these systems. I am for anything that will save lives. Although, I still have hesitation.
Alderman Dugger questioned why the manufactured home could not be included. He asked does this say that a life in a manufactured home is not as important as a constructed home? Mr. Trotter stated that if you required manufactured homes it would be called retrofit.
Chief Hughes stated that 1 in 17 million heads go off accidentally. In regards to the point of not having these systems in long enough to have statistics, we are trying to correct that right now. We told the Mayor that if this passed on first reading the education campaign would be hard and fast. We expressed to him our limitations on this process. We did not want to go out and have a campaign without first getting assurance that we could get it done.
Alderman Rositano asked the temperature threshold? Mr. Trotter stated that it depends on the head, although is usually 135-150 degrees.
Alderman Felts stated that any one thing or person has not persuaded him. He has educated himself through the Internet and individual study.
Mayor Knapper stated that 300 homes were to be built off of Mullins Road, not 8,000 and this is not in our growth boundary. Chief Hughes and Alderman Felts have a concern over the closeness of the homes. These homes are not going to go up overnight. Approximately 20 homes will be built per year. I am requesting a grants man to write grants for the fire department. The public needs to understand all of this. They need to understand that this town is going to grow to 10,000 people. Homes will be built 17’ apart and that the fire department does not have aerial trucks to come in and fight fires. We cannot as a government, like we cannot as parents, protect against every eventuality and perceive any scenario that could happen. We must do what we can. I would like to propose to amend for an educational period, followed by a final date of implementation, to allow existing projects to come in under the previous perception, also I would like to include farmers who build their children a home on their property to be exempt. I expressed this to Chief Hughes and Jason on these issues. In my talks with developers I do believe this ordinance will hurt development in Nolensville.
Counsel Notestine noted that this amendment was rather large. His recommendation was to redraft the ordinance to carry out what the Mayor would like within the document. His concern is that the drafting may not be done properly. If it is the will of the board, we can sit here and write the amendment out word for word. Alderman Phillips asked if it could be an attachment. Counsel Notestine stated that it could not. Alderman Felts asked if it could be passed as is and worked on prior to the meeting next month. Counsel stated that this could be done.
Alderman Rositano asked if this should be legally tabled? Counsel Notestine stated that three options are available. 1. This can be tabled tonight, redraft it, and have first reading next month 2. Pass it as is or 3. Pass it with amendments. This has to be worded carefully.
Alderman Dugger stated that his interpretation is that the Mayor could support this ordinance if the public is educated. This cannot be made part of the ordinance; therefore it is his request in order to vote for this ordinance. Mayor stated that this only one thing that he has to have satisfied within his mind. The Mayor also noted that he was only one vote.
Alderman Felts stated that this needs to be passed tonight. The fire department can begin working on the educational process.
Alderman Dugger asked if a Resolution could be drafted to impose the education process. Counsel stated that it could, but they are an entity within themselves and it would not have to be abided by.
Mayor Knapper noted that his goal was to give the fire department time to begin and implement the educational process. Counsel Notestine stated that you would not have to bring the ordinance back for second reading until the 90 days were complete.
Jason Jones addressed the board, noting that the educational portion should be performed on “good faith”. If the Fire Department does not educate the public the board will be aware of this and you can look at us and make up your mind if the Department did what it was suppose to do.
Mayor Knapper stated that he is very strong about these amendments and they are very aware of that. There was much discussion on the amendments. The Mayor stated that he wanted the date of implementation to be September 15, 2003.
Mayor Knapper made a motion to amend the ordinance Section 6. Miscellaneous Provisions as follows:
(F) Implementation of this ordinance as to one and two family dwellings described in Group R3 shall be delayed until September 15, 2003.
(G) Buildings in subdivision of three lots or less shall be exempt from this ordinance.
(H) Existing development property on projects in which the developer has submitted to a sketch plan, preliminary plat or is in any stage of approval by the Planning Commission are exempt from this ordinance.
Alderman Rositano seconded the motion to amend. Mayor Knapper noted that it is a good faith 90-day education period. This amendment passed with three in favor of the amendment Alderman Phillips and Rositano and Mayor Knapper. Alderman Dugger and Felts voted against this amendment.
Mr. Trotter asked if this would change the language in number 8 to reflect this date. Counsel Notestine stated that the date of September 15, 2003 should be in this section. Mayor Knapper noted that he did not want to include the commercial buildings in the September 15, 2003 date. Commercial construction should abide by this ordinance once passed. Therefore the date should not be in Section 8.
Alderman Dugger stated that this ordinance has been kicked around for eleven months. Alderman Felts stated that if he remembered correctly when Callaway Farms came before the Board they were told that the town was in the process of reviewing conditions and there may be conditions forthcoming. Mayor Knapper stated that the board did not specifically address to them the sprinkler ordinance. Alderman Felts stated that he believed this was addressed to this development group. Mayor Knapper then called for the vote as amended. Aldermen Phillips and Rositano and Mayor Knapper voted for this ordinance as amended. Aldermen Dugger and Felts voted against. This ordinance passed on first reading as amended.
Alderman Dugger made a motion to adjourn, Alderman Rositano seconded and the meeting adjourned at 9:30.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2003-2 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:00.  In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano.   Counsel Bob Notestine, Officer George Poss, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and 33+ citizens, the total count was not taken due to citizens standing throughout the hall.  Boy Scout Troop 298 was in attendance and each one brought their parents.
Alderman Dugger led the prayer.  Troop 298 led the pledge.
Counsel Notestine began the Swearing In Ceremony for Alderman Joe Rositano due to his absence at the last meeting.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper asked for concerns or comments from the citizens.  Mr. Charles Lawson of York Road asked the board to consider illumination lights at the intersections of Nolensville Road throughout the town limits.  He noted that it is hard to see the entrance to the roads.
Alderman Felts made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of January 2, 2003, Alderman Rositano seconded this motion.  Alderman Dugger made a correction to the minutes noting that in the portion where the Fire Department Chief Hughes makes his report to add, “the reason for the increase is due to section of Brentwood that was annexed”.  With this addition the minutes were approved unanimously.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to accept the Treasurers report, Alderman Phillips seconded.  Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $511,195.38, with cash disbursements being $57,500.  State Street Aid cash on hand is $161,039.02.  Cindy Lancaster requested the Board reduce the percentage into the Growth and Rainy Day fund to 3 and 5 percent due to the increasing expenses.  Alderman Dugger made a motion to drop the percentage to 5 and 5% of total revenues to go into these funds.  Alderman Rositano seconded and this passed unanimously.  The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
Mayor Knapper then stated that there would be a five-minute recess to allow the boy scouts to take pictures.
The meeting resumed at 7:27.
Mayor’s Comments:
Mayor Knapper noted that three homes were currently under construction in regards to the HOME Grant.  One home is almost complete, one is awaiting weather to break and the last one is obtaining a sewer easement.
A conference has been set for the first week in March for the box culvert on York Road.
Mayor Knapper stated that at the last Planning Commission meeting a resident attended with a request to revisit the burn ordinance.  His complaint was the leaves and debris that comes from a fire.  Mayor Knapper obtained various sample ordinances to review.  Mayor Knapper distributed these to the Board.  Chief Hughes addressed the board with a sample permit.  He stated that this might bring clarity to the confusion of issuing a permit.  The written form would make it the permit holder’s responsibility to abide by the guidelines or they will be issued a citation.  The mayor stated that this permit might address the issues that the town currently needs to address.
The Mayor noted that bids had previously been distributed to the board to stripe various roads within the town limits.  He asked the Board for permission to initiate this process.  Alderman Felts said that he would like to verify that this paint would be the reflective paint that can easily be seen by the motorist.  Mayor Knapper stated that the paint would have to be the required paint by MUTCD.  Alderman Dugger asked if these companies had been reviewed for reputation?  Mayor Knapper said that he would verify this with the Town Engineer, Mike Delvizis.  Mayor Knapper made a motion to proceed with the striping, Alderman Felts seconded and this passed unanimously.
Mayor Knapper stated that in the next fiscal year budget he would like to secure money to hire a fire inspector.  He would be meeting with Fire Chief Presley Hughes and Jason Jones.  He would then come back to the board for their approval.
The Mayor also noted that he was contacted by WL Hailey Group.  This is the contractor that will construct the sewer.  The town engineer and Mayor Knapper will be meeting with this group next week.
He discussed a preliminary sketch plan that would be submitted by Anderson-Delk and Associates.  This plan will be discussed in great detail at the next Planning Commission meeting.
Mayor Knapper asked Fire Chief Presley Hughes for any comments in regards to the sprinkler ordinance.  Chief Hughes stated that he felt all questions had been answered in regards to this ordinance.  He noted that Nolensville-College Grove Utility had agreed to do all the paperwork and it would not cost the city any money.  Mayor Knapper concurred with the Chief stating that there had been a meeting with the Utility Company on January 29.  Mayor Knapper noted that it is incumbent upon the Fire Department to educate the people.   There is some resistance from the residents.  Alderman Rositano stated that the comments he has received from the residents is “I do not want someone telling me I have to put a sprinkler system in my home.”  Chief Hughes stated that he has had several calls and has not received any negative comments.  Once an individual was told that it was not “retroactive”, only mandatory in new construction, individuals were put at ease.
Mayor Knapper distributed to the board educational data that included workshops and seminars for elected officials.  He noted that although the city did not allow for this expense in the budget, some workshops were very inexpensive.
Mayor Knapper advised the board that Brentwood City would host a meeting for various Williamson County cities, commissions and boards on February 19 at 5:30.  The Nolensville Board was invited to attend.
Mayor Knapper noted that he had received a letter from Senator Bryson in regards to the ISTEA grant that the town had previously applied.  The Senator stated that his office would monitor any other grant request.
Counsel Notestine noted that he had investigated the issue if a Board member could communicate via telephone during a board meeting.  The Attorney General’s opinion is a city cannot perform this form of communication.  Counsel stated that if the board felt that they wanted this form of communication a resolution could be passed to move forward.
Mayor Knapper noted that the budget sub-committee would meet on February 27, March 4,11, 18, and 25 at 6:00.  There will be two citizens on this committee in addition to the board members.
Commission/Committee Reports
In Planning Commission Chairman Frank Wilson’s absence, Willis Wells reported for this group.
  • He noted this commission had re-elected Board positions.  The Chair is now Frank Wilson, Vice-Chair is Rick Fisher, and Secretary is Bob Haines.
  • The sub-regs were reviewed.  It was discovered that the only location within the town limits to have a car lot is industrial.  This is being reviewed.
  • Mayor Knapper noted that the Planning Commission had recommended the staggered terms to be reduced from a 1 – 4 year period to a 1 - 2 year period.
Mayor Knapper noted there was no report for the Historic District Commission due to no meeting.  Although, Betty Friedlander announced that there would be live entertainment at Williams Grocery, 7:00 p.m. on Saturday evening.  Sheriff Headley and his band would be playing.  Betty invited everyone to attend.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • The budget would be compiled by February 28th.
  • Medical recertification would be from March 22 – May 10.
  • The sell of the address markers have been great.
Mr. Rick Fisher reported for the Chamber of Commerce.
§       This board has changed.  Mr. Mark Baron is now the Chair, Debbie Vandertop is Vice-Chair, Debra Wollaber is Secretary and Bruce Wollaber is Treasurer.
§       County Executive Rogers Anderson was the guest speaker at the last meeting.
§       The next meeting will be the second Tuesday in April.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Codes Department and Public Works Department.  Lonnie Bowden had submitted a written report and this was disbursed to the Board.  He asked if there were any questions.  The Aldermen did not have any questions.
Officer George Poss reported for the Police Department.  Officer Poss briefly reviewed the statistics for January.  He noted that 2,775 miles were driven with 182 gallons of gas being purchased.  There were 28 warnings, 23 citations, 2 thefts and 2 property damages.  Officer Poss stated various other statistics.  Mayor Knapper noted that currently vehicles are being reviewed for purchase.  In the past, Brentwood donated vehicles and the town purchased one from Germantown.  This is being investigated.
Reading of Resolution #03-03, a resolution to enter into an agreement with Mr. John Poole to perform the annual audit for the Town Of Nolensville.  Counsel Notestine stated this Resolution is authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Mr. Poole to perform the state mandated annual audit.  Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass this resolution, Mayor Dugger seconded and this passed unanimously.
Mayor Knapper noted that Betty Friedlander had been attending Williamson County Recycling meetings.  Mayor Knapper noted that he would be in contact with BFI to see if they can do a door-to-door recycle campaign.
Mayor Knapper stated that he would be reviewing the purchasing of new banners and Christmas decorations.
Mayor Knapper additionally stated that annexation consideration would begin in March.
Alderman Rositano thanked everyone for their ongoing prayers and support.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to adjourn, Alderman Dugger seconded and the meeting adjourned at 8:25.
Respectfully submitted,                                                         Approved,
Cindy Lancaster                                                                      Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder                                                                       Mayor
2003-1 BOMA Minutes



Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:06. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Frank Wilson. Also in attendance were Counsel Bob Notestine, Officer George Poss, Town Engineer Rich Woodroof, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, Public Works Director Lonnie Bowden and 32 public citizens.

Mayor Knapper nominated Mr. Frank Wilson to fill the vacant seat of Mr. Joe Rositano. The board agreed by acclamation. Mr. Frank Wilson was sworn in to office immediately following the vote.

Alderman Phillips then led the prayer and pledge.

Citizens Input:

Mayor Knapper asked for citizen’s input. There was no comment from the audience.

Alderman Phillips made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of December 4, 2003, Alderman Felts seconded this motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.

Alderman Dugger made a motion to accept the Treasurers report, Alderman Phillips seconded. Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $564,055.85, with cash disbursements being $67,500. State Street Aid cash on hand is $124,700.79. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.

Commission/Committee Reports Mr. Willis Wells Planning Commission member reported the following:

  • Mr. Wilbert Smith ask that the Planning Commission consider a proposal in regards to the newly planned doctors office that will be located beside his home
  • Considered property zoning for the newly annexed area. The commission agreed on suburban residential.
  • The proposed zoning ordinance amendments were extensively discussed.
  • A special meeting has been called for next week to discuss definitions.

Betty Friedlander reported for the Historic Commission:

  • They have not met, although will meet again once the zoning ordinance has been passed.
  • This commission will be taking pictures in various areas of Nolensville to capture the current look due to the upcoming changes with growth.

Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.

  • Submitted a written report on the monthly calls for December 2003

Mayor Knapper reported for the Chamber of Commerce.

  • This group will meeting on January 13 at Nolensville United Methodist Church
  • Mayor will speak at 7:00
  • Mayor met with Nancy Conway to discuss new development in Nolensville

Rich Woodroof, Town Engineer/Codes Official reported for the Codes Department.

  • 4 building permits were issued.
  • 10 inspections were made this month
  • Greystone Plaza addition has begun
  • Ballinger Farms off Newsome Lane has begun excavation
  • Bent Creek has submitted paperwork

Officer George Poss reported for the Police Department.

  • 3 part-time officers have been hired, Joe Bayham, Malcolm Perry and Ben Piper
  • It was very quiet over the holidays.

Public Works Director Lonnie Bowden reported for the Public Works Department

  • Removed Christmas Banners
  • Removed Christmas Decorations from tree at Library
  • Continued trash pick up throughout the Town Of Nolensville

Mayor’s Comments: The Comprehensive Plan is continuing to be revised by the Town Planner. He noted that a plan was currently in place, although it is being modified.

The Mayor stated that the MS4 Storm Water Committee is being formed. He explained that this group would become active in the near future. He noted that members were listed in the newspaper although due to pending litigation these appointments have been placed on hold.

Mayor Knapper updated the citizens and board on sewer installation by Metro Water. He noted that the plant on Industrial Boulevard is 40% demolished. There is no flow at the current plant, although there is flow in the pipes that his being taken to metro. Hook-on will begin next week and the cost to hook-on will be $550.00. Anyone whose property was crossed during sewer installation will be exempt from this hook-up fee.

Mayor Knapper stated that the attorney is reviewing the negotiations with Williamson Medical in regards to purchasing the Doctors office. There is nothing to report at this time.

Mayor Knapper opened the public hearing for Ordinance #03-08. There were not comments from the audience or board. The public hearing was then closed.

Second Reading of Ordinance #03-08, an ordinance to amend the zoning ordinance #98-22, of the town of Nolensville, Tennessee. Counsel Notestine stated that due to litigation this would need to be postponed. This was unanimously agreed. Second Reading of Ordinance #03-09, an ordinance to amend the zoning ordinance #98-22, of the town of Nolensville, Tennessee. Counsel noted that this should be changed from 98-22 to 01-06. Alderman Dugger asked for the definition of Suburban Residential. Counsel Notestine read this definition to the Aldermen. Alderman Wilson made a motion to pass this ordinance, Alderman Felts seconded and this passed unanimously.

First Reading or ordinance #04-01, an ordinance to amend zoning ordinance #01-06. Counsel noted that this is an ordinance to amend the current zoning ordinance due to “cleaning-up” the existing document. Rich Woodroof went over various changes in addition to the changes previously discussed by Mr. Willis Wells. It was noted that the Planning Commission and Planner Bill Terry has made its recommendation for these changes to this board. It was further noted that the Planning Commission would hold a workshop for pending and current members of the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. Alderman Dugger made a motion to approve this ordinance, Mayor Knapper seconded and this passed unanimously.

Mayor Knapper then made a request to move agenda item #14 to be discussed next. The board unanimously agreed.

Reading of Resolution #03-15, a resolution to enter into an agreement with Williamson County for Road Maintenance. Counsel noted that this is an agreement with the county to maintain the roads within the city limits. He further stated that this would go before the commission on Monday evening. Counsel noted two changes made in regards to clarifying reimbursement for services. Alderman Felts made a motion to approve this resolution, Alderman Dugger seconded and this resolution was approved unanimously.

Second reading of Ordinance #03-01, an ordinance requiring the installation of automation fire sprinkler systems within the corporate limits and the urban growth boundary of the Town Of Nolensville. Counsel Notestine stated that once this ordinance was reviewed it was noted that significant changes were made to this ordinance therefore this double a first reading with the ordinance number being 04-02. Alderman Felts made a motion to approve this ordinance on first reading, Mayor Knapper seconded. Mayor Knapper then read an e-mail received from Mr. Ray Crouch, a consultant with MTAS, commending the town on this ordinance. Fire Chief Presley Hughes then introduced Mr. Bob Trotter and Mr. Wayne Waggoner. He noted that Mr. Waggoner was an advocate of the sprinkler systems.

Mr. Jason Jones noted that “H” and “I” in Section 3 should be reversed. Alderman Felts noted that Section 3 “G”- should read 15 feet. Alderman Phillips asked where the 3,000 square feet in Section 3 H was derived? Mr. Jones stated that the Mayor, Chief and he had met and this figure was proposed. The average square foot home in Nolensville was 2,200. The concern was that if you put 2,500 minimum the builders would come in and build homes at 2,499 square feet. Mayor Knapper stated that in speaking with Mr. Crouch a Fire Department compatible to Nolensville’s size should be able to fight a fire in homes ranging form 2,500 – 2,500 square feet. After speaking with attorneys and others the 3,000 square footage had been discussed. The question arose if the monitoring system stopped. The Mayor had asked Mr. Crouch this question and his response was, “you cannot legislate for every idiot.” If they are discovered to be disconnected they can be cited to court.

Alderman Dugger asked the average distance between fire hydrants in the subdivision? Chief stated 500 feet in the subdivision, although in the outer areas there is not a standard.

Alderman Dugger asked if there were a childcare under 3,000 square foot would there be a sprinkler? Mayor Knapper stated yes.

Alderman Dugger made a motion to amend to remove Section #6

Section 6: AUTOMATIC FIRE DETECTION. Automatic fire detection in all new dwellings and dwelling units shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the 1999 Standard Building Code and shall be electrically supervised through a central station monitoring service. It shall be a violation of this ordinance and of the building codes of the Town of Nolensville in the event a building owner or owners discontinue the monitoring service.

and to add Subsection F in Section 7 to read as follows:

(F) The passage of this ordinance will not effect any development in which the owner has obtained an approved preliminary plat as of the date of the enactment of this ordinance.

Alderman Wilson seconded this, and the motion to amend was approved unanimously. First reading of Ordinance #04-02 was unanimously approved.

Alderman Phillips then made a motion to adjourn and Mayor Knapper seconded this motion. This passed unanimously and meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted, Approved, Cindy Lancaster

Charles F. Knapper Town Recorder Mayor