Town Recorder FAQ

Recorder FAQ

What is Town Hall's mailing address?

 7218 Nolensville Road
Nolensville, Tennessee 37135

How do I look up Town laws?

The governing documents for the Town are found in the Nolensville Charter  and Municipal Code. Amendments to the Municipal Code are made by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.

How do I report a violation of the Municipal Code?

Our Police and Code Enforcement Departments, handles these matters. Code Enforcement can be reached by calling 615-776-6692. The non-emergency police number is 615-776-6685.

What is an ordinance?

Ordinances make up the laws of a municipality, enacted by the Board of Commissioners. An ordinance is effective immediately after its passage by the Town Board. An ordinance is the most binding form of action taken by the Board.

What is a resolution?

A resolution is used by the Board to exercise its administrative authority. They generally deal with matters of a special or temporary nature.

I want to attend a Town Board of Commissioner meeting. What kind of information do I need to know?

Citizens are welcome and encouraged to attend a meeting. Meetings are held the first Thursday of the month, and an agenda is posted online prior to the meeting.  Meetings are held at Nolensville Town Hall, 7218 Nolensville Road, and begin at 6:30 p.m.