The Town of Nolensville Contracts with KCI for Major Thoroughfare Plan Update

Nolensville's Major Thoroughfare  Plan (MTP) provides a snapshot of the Town's transportation system, its needs, and plans for the future. Since the last MTP was updated in 2017, Nolensville's population has grown dramatically.

Nolensville has contracted with KCI for an updated Major Thoroughfare Plan. This plan update will reflect Nolensville's changing landscape and provide a vision for creating a dynamic, multimodal transportation system. 

On August 3, 2021, KCI hosted a Stakeholders outreach meeting. Please click the link to view the Presentation.

The Public Kick Off of the study will occur on Thursday, August 12, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.  Please follow this link for more information regarding KCI and the Nolensville MTP Update Information and Timeline.