2017 Minutes

2017-12 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
December 12, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jimmy Alexander, Larry Gardner, Andy Grosson, Robert Haines, Rick Owens, Jason Patrick, Douglas Radley

Commissioner Absent: Jimmy Reaves, Ashlee Walden

Staff Present: Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Counsel Robert Notestine, Rick Fisher

Citizens Present:  16

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by Chairman Douglas Radley.

Chairman Radley led the pledge of allegiance.

Commissioner Andy Grosson moved to approve Planning Commission Meeting on November 14, 2017, seconded by Commissioner Robert Haines.  The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioners Jimmy Reaves and Ashlee Walden were identified as absent.

Ms. Joyce Powers of the Trees and Trails Committee raised questions about the Zoning Ordinance text amendment regarding street trees.  She referenced the latest species list and the fact that there is no survey of “offending” trees.  She also suggested there could be fewer trees overall in subdivisions if the location is changed.

Mayor Alexander moved to approve the consent agenda as shown, seconded by Commissioner Patrick.  The motion passed unanimously.


 A.  Public Hearing- Comprehensive Plan
Chairman Radley opened the public hearing at 7:14 p.m.  Alderman Tommy Dugger suggested King Street should be extended to the funeral home and back to Nolensville Road on the comp plan.  He also said he would like to see Stonebrook Blvd. connect through to Kidd Road.  Mayor Alexander said the comp plan doesn’t prohibit those changes, and the comp plan can be changed.  With no other comments, the public hearing was closed at 7:17 p.m.

 B.  Action on Comprehensive Plan
Commissioner Haines commented on Smart Growth and the word “compact” in the vision statement.  Commissioner Gardner commented on traffic trying to get to Town Center and other commercial areas.  Mr. Micah Wood of Volkert suggested that the comprehensive plan be reevaluated again every few years as priorities change.  He also recommended public involvement in any future changes to the Major Thoroughfare Plan.  Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the Comprehensive Plan.  Commissioner Patrick seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

 C.  McCord Nolen Awnings and Parking Resubmittal Plan
Mr. Cole Newton of T-Square Engineering and Mr. Jim McCanless represented the development.  There was a lengthy discussion about the parking, the trail location and surface, the set-backs, the sidewalks and surface, and the dumpster location in front of Building 4.  Mr. McCanless agreed to install the sidewalks per the Historic District concept plan, and further agreed to work with Dr. Tiffany McClaran on the phone line in her building.

After additional detailed discussion, Commissioner Patrick moved to Approve the McCord Nolen Awnings and Parking Resubmittal Site Plan with the following conditions:  (1) All of the 143 parking spaces as shown on the current plan must be installed; (2) The additional required landscaping adjacent to the Building #1 parking area and Building #3 are bonded and installed per the plan; and (3) Sidewalks must comply with the Historic District Concept Plan. 
Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion.  When the vote was taken, the approval passed unanimously.

D. Hillside Center Site Plan Amendment and E. Hillside Center Final Plat
Mr. Jimmy Yates with Wamble and Associates represented the project.  Mayor Alexander moved to approve both the Hillside Center Site Plan Amendment and Hillside Center Final Plat.  Commissioner Haines seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

E. Text Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Appendix B Section 1.3.2 Street Tree Requirement
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave a brief explanation of the months-long repairs to sidewalks at the expense of the Town in a number of neighborhoods where street trees have been planted in the grass strip.  In addition, Nolensville College Grove Utility District is also now requiring water lines to be located in the grass strip.  There was a discussion about whether changes would be made in phases that have been approved but not yet built and about who would then own the trees: the HOA or the home owner.  Counsel Notestine suggested adding provisions to CCRs regarding tree ownership.  There was additional discussion about Ms. Powers’ comments about tree species causing the root problems.
Mayor Alexander then moved to approve and make a recommendation to BOMA on the Text Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Appendix B Section 1.3.2 Street Tree Requirement.  Commissioner Haines seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

 F.  Text Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Article 1—Adding Article 1.14.0-Single Family Dwellings
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave a description of the article defining single family occupancy and residency.  Counsel Notestine commented that Nashville, Brentwood and Franklin have all pursued legislation on short-term rentals, which may all need to be tweaked as the State of Tennessee considers its bill in the upcoming session.  There was a lengthy discussion about prohibiting or restricting AirBnB rentals.  Questions regarding rental agreements between private parties (ie. roommates) were debated.  Sitterle explained that the Town of Nolensville Zoning Ordinance is exclusionary in nature.  Although short-term rentals are not currently prohibited in the Zoning Ordinance, they are also not permitted.  Counsel Notestine added that the Town cannot regulate short-term rentals because we do not have permits for them.

After continued discussion, Mayor Alexander moved to approve Text Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Article 1—Adding Article 1.14.0-Single Family Dwellings, seconded by Commissioner Andy Grosson.  Upon a vote, the motion passed 6 – 1, with Commissioner Owens opposed.

 A.  Report from last BOMA meeting
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave a report of items heard at the previous Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting.

 A.  Bond Report
Commissioner Gardner moved to accept the bond report as amended, seconded by Commissioner Haines.  The motion passed unanimously.

11.  OTHER
Mayor Alexander wished Alderman Snyder happy birthday and thanked all the aldermen for attending the Planning Commission meeting.  Chairman Radley wished everyone Merry Christmas.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
2017-11 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
November 14, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jimmy Alexander, Larry Gardner, Andy Grosson, Robert Haines, Rick Owens, Jason Patrick, Douglas Radley, Jimmy Reaves, Ashlee Walden

Commissioner Absent: None

Staff Present: Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Rick Fisher

Citizens Present:  29

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairman Douglas Radley.

Chairman Radley led the pledge of allegiance.
Following the pledge, Chairman Radley made a motion to revise the agenda by moving the Major Thoroughfare Plan Update from “Other” to item C under New Business.  Mayor Alexander seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Commissioner Gardner moved to approve Planning Commission Meeting on October 10, 2017, seconded by Commissioner Andy Grosson.  Commissioner Owens recused himself.  The motion passed 8 - 0.


Mr. Keld Madsen of 325 Baronswood Drive stated a concern in reference to Baronswood Drive being listed on the Major Thoroughfare Plan.  He has witnessed cars speeding on this road.
Jamie of Silver Stream Farms had a question regarding the Major Thoroughfare map, which indicates Rocky Fork Road will be connected to York Road via Carmine Street.  Mayor Alexander said there is no plan to connect Silver Stream Farms to Rocky Fork Road and pointed out that Silver Stream is outside Town limits.
Mr. Chris Nagy of 2517 Benington Place stated his concerns about several items: the potential of Benington Place connecting to Split Log Road, the entrance to the subdivision on Sunset Road, the dip on Benington Place, whether the extension of Benington Place is zoned for residential development and discussion of stop signs.  Commissioner Patrick addressed his concerns and gave a thorough explanation of upcoming work on Sunset Road.
Mr. David Carson of 372 Baronswood Drive, who arrived late, added questions about Baronswood Drive being on the Major Thoroughfare Plan.

Commissioner Jimmy Reaves made a motion to remove consent agenda item 6A.2 reducing the bond amount for Bent Creek Phase 18 Section 2 from the consent agenda.  Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.  Mayor Alexander then moved to approve consent agenda items #1, #3, and #4.  Commissioner Robert Haines seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. 

Commissioner Reaves generally called out some items he felt were deficient in Bent Creek Phase 18, Section 2.  After some discussion, Commissioner Owens moved to defer the reduction of performance bond amount for Bent Creek Phase 18 Section 2 for one month to alleviate concerns expressed by Commissioner Reaves and because no representative for the developer was present.  Commissioner Gardner seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.


 A.  Public Hearing- Text amendment to remove Section 5.3.3 (b) of the Subdivision Regulations
Chairman Radley opened the public hearing at 7:55 p.m.  Planner Sarah Sitterle gave a brief explanation of the purpose of removing the said section of the Subdivision Regulations pertaining to roads in farm house cluster developments.  With no public comment, the public hearing was closed at 7:57 p.m.

 B.  Text amendment to remove Section 5.3.3 (b) of the Subdivision Regulations
Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the text amendment remove the section as presented.  Commissioner Owens seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. 

 C.  Major Thoroughfare Plan Update
There was a lengthy discussion about the various projects on the Major Thoroughfare Plan.  Mr. Brad Thompson and Mr. Micah Wood of Volkert, Inc. clarified that Stonebrook and Baronswood are both local roads, not collector roads.  The money assigned to them is simply to improve these roads to the Town’s minimum standards, including sidewalks, curb and gutter, and paving.  Stonebrook is not planned to connect with Kidd Road.  After a lengthy conversation, Commissioner Gardner moved to approve the Major Thoroughfare Plan, seconded by Commissioner Haines.  Upon a vote, the motion passed 8 – 1, with Commissioner Owens opposed.

 A.  Report from last BOMA meeting
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave a report of items heard at the previous Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting.

 A.  Bond Report
Commissioner Ashlee Walden moved to accept the bond report as amended, seconded by Commissioner Patrick.  The motion passed unanimously.

11.  OTHER

 A.  Comprehensive Plan Draft
Micah Wood of Volkert, Inc. explained some of the revisions that had been made to the Comp plan draft, which will be voted on in December.  There was a brief discussion about the map and the “vision statement” in the Land Use Policy plan.

 B. Discussion of Planning Commission Role and Procedures
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle provided documentation including the purpose of the Planning Commission according to the T.C.A., the Planning Commission bylaws, information from the Planning Commissioner handbook and a flow chart depicting the process for review and approvals on both standard subdivisions and P.U.D. subdivisions. 

The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 p.m.
2017-10 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
October 10, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jimmy Alexander, Larry Gardner, Andy Grosson, Robert Haines, Jason Patrick,

Commissioner Absent: Rick Owens, Douglas Radley, Jimmy Reaves, Ashlee Walden

Staff Present: Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Rick Fisher

Citizens Present:  27

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Vice Chairman Andy Grosson.

Vice Chairman Grosson led the pledge of allegiance.

Mayor Alexander moved to approve the minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting on September 12, 2017, seconded by Commissioner Patrick.  The motion passed unanimously.




Commissioner Robert Haines asked to remove Consent Agenda items #1 and #5.  Mayor Jimmy Alexander moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented except for items #1 and #5, seconded by Commissioner Patrick.  Upon a vote, the motion carried unanimously.

After discussion clarifying the developer’s request to transition to maintenance for item #1 and clarification of a type-o on item #5, Mayor Alexander moved to approve Consent Agenda item #1.  Commissioner Patrick seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.  Commissioner Haines moved to approve Consent Agenda item #5, seconded by Commissioner Gardner.  Upon a vote, the approval passed unanimously.


 A.  Burberry Glen Phase 2 Final Plat
Mr. Jeff Heinze of S&ME represented the applicant.  Mr. Heinze explained the 45-foot easement.  After a brief discussion, Commissioner Patrick made a motion to approve the final plat for Burberry Glen phase 2 with performance bond amount set at $576,396.00.  Mayor Alexander seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

 B.  StorPlace and Shoppes at Nolensville Site Plan 
Mr. Jon Claxton with Perry Engineering and Mr. Ed Freeman represented the project.  There was a lengthy discussion about the traffic study and turn lanes with additional discussion about flood plain elevation and fire suppression. 

1. Landscape bond for the site plan is set at $38,198.00.
2. Traffic improvements as stated in the recommendations portion of the study are to be completed to include: A) Widen the southbound approach of Nolensville Road at the proposed StorPlace driveway access to provide a left turn lane with 100’ of vehicle storage length, and B) Based on the Town of Nolensville approved 40 mph reduced speed limit, the proposed southbound left turn lane should have a 160’ approach taper and a 160’ bay taper given the equal widening of Nolensville Road of 6 feet on both sides.
3. All buildings will conform to fire suppression standards.
4. Architect agrees to update the elevations based on the comments from the Design Review Committee.
5. A third lane will be added to the ingress/egress site onto Nolensville Road.
6. Site plan will be revised to be a minimum of three (3) feet above the 100-year flood plain.
Commissioner Haines seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

 C.  Summerlyn P.U.D. Section 5 Final Plat
Mr. Wes Harris with Ragan-Smith and Associates represented The Jones Company.  Mayor Alexander moved to approve the final plat for Summerlyn P.U.D. Section 5 with the performance bond amount set at $169,713 and the 300-ft. adjustment between Open Space N and lot 177 is shown on the mylar final plat submitted for signatures.  Commissioner Haines seconded the motion. Upon a vote, the approval passed unanimously.

 D. The Church at Nolensville Home Occupation at 7388 Nolensville Road
Mr. Brian Dodridge represented the Church.  There was a lengthy discussion about home occupations, church uses and signage.  The number of staff and hours of operation were also discussed.  Mr. Dodridge said the church would like to be moved into the building by January or February.  After extensive debate, Mr. Dodridge requested to pull the agenda item and decided to seek approval from the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA).  The Planning Commission requested to waive the BZA application fee. 

E. Burkitt Village Phase 6 Final P.U.D. Revision
Mr. Joe Epps of Anderson, Delk, Epps & Associates represented the project.  There is a road modification required by the State due to a stream that runs through the planned extent of the road.  Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the Burkitt Vilage Phase 6 Final P.U.D. Revision.  Commissioner Patrick seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

 F. Telfair Phase 2 Final Plat
Mr. Wes Harris of Ragan-Smith Associates represented the project.  Mayor Alexander moved to approve the Telfair Phase 2 final plat with the performance bond amount set at $497,385.38.  Commissioner Patrick seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. 

 G. The Woods at Burberry Glen Preliminary Plat/Final P.U.D. Trail Revision
Mr. Luke Koontz represented the applicant.  The developer requested to install a nature trail instead of an 8-ft. wide asphalt trail in order to preserve at least some wooded, natural environment in the subdivision.  Mayor Alexander moved to approve The Woods at Burberry Glen Preliminary Plat/Final P.U.D. trail revision.  Commissioner Patrick seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

 H. Hadley Reserve Final Plat
Mr. Moore Russell represented the applicant, Tennessee Valley Homes.  Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the Hadley Reserve Final Plat with performance bond amount set at $20,350.00.  Commissioner Haines seconded the motion.  Upon a vote, the approval passed unanimously.

 I. 940 Oldham Drive Office Building Site Plan
Mr. Kevin Gangaware represented the applicant.  Mayor Alexander moved to approve the site plan for the 940 Oldham Drive Building Site Plan with bond amount set at $16,576.00, seconded by Commissioner Haines.  The motion passed unanimously.

 J.  McCord Nolen Monument Sign Site Plan
Mr. Cole Newton with T-Square Engineering represented the sign site plan.  After a brief discussion on the design of the sign and its location, Commissioner Patrick moved to approve the McCord Nolen Monument Sign Site Plan.  Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

 K.  Swainston Warehouse Site Plan
Mr. Charley Dean of Dean Design Group and Mr. James Swainston represented the project.  There was a lengthy discussion on parking at the site with a more intense use and an additional building.  Mr. Swainston indicated there are 12 employees and stated that some of the current parking area is dark.  He said he has talked with Middle Tennessee Electric about moving the light pole to the back of the lot, which will open up another parking spot.  A Church of Nolensville representative noted the church activity is limited to Sunday mornings.  Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the Swainston Warehouse Site Plan with a condition that remaining comments from Neel-Schaffer regarding storm water must be resolved.  Commissioner Haines seconded the motion.  Upon a vote, the approval passed unanimously.

 L.  Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations Text Amendments—Farm House Cluster Developments—Article 2.2.1 of the Zoning Ordinance and Section 5.3.3 (b) of the Subdivision Regulations
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle explained these text amendments are simply housekeeping text amendments to eliminate substandard subdivisions.  Commissioner Patrick then moved to approve the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations Text Amendments, seconded by Mayor Alexander.  The motion passed unanimously.

 A.  Report from last BOMA meeting
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave a report of items heard at the previous Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting.

 A.  Bond Report
Commissioner Patrick moved to accept the bond report as amended, seconded by Commissioner Gardner.  The motion passed unanimously.

11.  OTHER
Commissioner Haines mentioned that the committee appointed to review lot sizes, zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations has decided to hold a workshop.  He asks that questions regarding these issues should be forwarded to him with suggestions on a date and time for a workshop. 

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
2017-09 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
September 12, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jimmy Alexander, Larry Gardner, Andy Grosson, Robert Haines, Jason Patrick, Douglas Radley, Jimmy Reeves, Ashlee Walden

Commissioner Absent: Rick Owens

Staff Present: Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Rick Fisher

Citizens Present:  23

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chairman Douglas Radley.

Chairman Radley led the pledge of allegiance.

Commissioner Ashlee Walden moved to approve the minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting on August 8, 2017, seconded by Commissioner Jimmy Reaves.  The motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Jimmy Alexander moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, seconded by Commissioner Walden.  Upon a vote, the motion carried unanimously.


 A.  Burberry Glen Phase 1B Final Plat
Mr. Zach Davis of S&ME represented the applicant.  Mr. Davis stated that the walking trails would be a paved, asphalt surface.  After some discussion about a crosswalk, Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the Burberry Glen Phase 1B final plat with the performance bond amount of $393,005.00 and the condition that cross-striping will be added at the end of the trail.  The motion passed unanimously.

 B.  Burberry Glen Phase 2 Final Plat 
Mr. Davis of S&ME represented the applicant.  There was some discussion about the existing easement through the phase.  Mr. Davis requested a deferral of the agenda item.

 C.  Brooksbank Phase 2 Final Plat
Mr. Wes Harris with Ragan-Smith and Associates represented The Jones Company.  Mayor Alexander moved to approve the Brooksbank Phase 2 final plat with bond amount set at $68,833.00, seconded by Commissioner Gardner.  Upon a vote, the approval passed unanimously.

 D. Summerlyn Phase 6 Preliminary Plat/Final P.U.D. Plan
Mr. Wes Harris with Ragan-Smith and Associates represented the applicant.  He indicated that the preliminary plat slightly deviates from the concept plan: There is now an “eyebrow” at lot 235.  This configuration was recommended by an environmental consultant to minimize environmental impacts.  Harris said the net effect of the change was a reduction by two lots.  Mr. Harris also indicated the agreement with the Smiths would be implemented with this plan.  Mayor Alexander moved to approve the Summerlyn Phase 6 Preliminary Plat/Final P.U.D. Plan with the condition that all storm water comments from Neel-Schaffer must be resolved.  Commission Walden seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
 E. Telfair P.U.D. Concept Plan Revision
Mr. Jay Easter of Ragan-Smith and Mr. Christopher Smith of Oldsmith Group represented the project.  Mr. Smith indicated there would be a berm at the entrance, and it will be planted per the landscape requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.  Commissioner Patrick and Planner Sarah Sitterle clarified the required landscape would be Buffer D per the ordinance.  There was some additional discussion about the buffer, the berm and its slope followed by discussion about lot size.  Commissioner Patrick moved to approve the Telfair P.U.D. concept plan revision with these conditions (1) The plan must state the 90% maximum requirement for side-loaded garages for the addition portion; and (2) The 100-foot buffer along York Road should have a minimum 20-foot wide grass strip before the berming begins for site line distance purposes.  Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

 F. Asher Phase 2 Preliminary Plat
Mr. Michael Dewey represented the applicant.  Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the Asher phase 2 preliminary plat with the condition that all storm water comments from Neel-Schaffer must be resolved.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Andy Grosson.  Upon a vote, the approval passed unanimously.

 G. E&B Coffee Roasters Site Plan at 7311 Nolensville Road
Mr. Joe Epps represented the applicant.  The parking arrangements were discussed at length.  The owner of the coffee roasting business indicated they would be closed on Sundays due to the shared parking agreement with Ebenezer Methodist Church.  Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the E&B Coffee Roasters site plan at 7311 Nolensville Road with these conditions (1) The Historic District parking exemption is granted and the off-site parking arrangement with Ebenezer United Methodist Church is allowed; and (2) One freestanding sign is permitted.  Commissioner Patrick seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

 H. Storplace Site Plan
The applicant requested deferral prior to the Planning Commission meeting.

 I. Bubis Sketch Plan
Mr. Johnny Rothco represented the applicant.  No official action was taken by the commission, but the consensus on the plan was:
* Poor layout/design; lack of creativity
* The plan should encompass a larger area and provide stub-outs for connectivity
* The owner should have connection to sewer or at least provide evidence of availability and proposed sewer connections
* A “pocket community” like the sketch proposed and the potential for others surrounding it could lead to too many openings on Sam Donald Road
* Improper road width is shown

 A.  Report from last BOMA meeting
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave a report of items heard at the previous Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting.

 A.  Bond Report
Commissioner Walden moved to accept the bond report as amended, seconded by Commissioner Grosson.  The motion passed unanimously.

11.  OTHER
Commissioner Haines requested further consideration of lot sizes and setbacks and suggested adding a minimum lot size to the PUD overlay requirements. There was a lengthy discussion about how to achieve larger lot sizes.  There were also questions about changes to plats as they move through the planning process.  A committee was formed to review these issues and report back to the Planning Commission. The committee will be chairman Bob Haines, BOMA representative Larry Felts, Larry Gardner, Doug Radley and staff representative Sarah Sitterle.
Mayor Alexander mentioned that on September 18th the pedestrian bridge for the Small Town Connections project would be set in place in the Historic District.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m.
2017-08 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
August 8, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jimmy Alexander, Larry Gardner, Andy Grosson, Robert Haines, Rick Owens, Douglas Radley, Jimmy Reeves, Ashlee Walden

Commissioner Absent: Jason Patrick

Staff Present: Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Rick Fisher

Citizens Present:  25

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairman Douglas Radley.

Chairman Radley led the pledge of allegiance.

Commissioner Ashlee Walden moved to approve the minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting on July 11, seconded by Commissioner Rick Owens.  The motion passed 8 - 0.



Commissioner Owens moved to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Commissioner Walden.  Upon a vote, the motion carried unanimously.


 A.  Darsey Subdivision Preliminary Plat/Final PUD Plan
Mr. Michael Dewey of Dewey Engineering represented the applicant.  Town Planner Sarah Sitterle stated the staff would like to see a table on the preliminary plat showing the dimensions of each lot and the average lot size. 
Dr. Joe Curtsinger of 7380 Nolensville Road asked about how the ingress/egress lines up with Summerlyn Drive and about the sewer utility for the subdivision.  Mr. Dewey addressed both comments.  Darsey will have three-lane access.  The sewer plans have been submitted to Metro Water Services, and they are currently in the process of working out right-of-way to be able to implement the design.
There was some discussion about the outer loop and inner loop and whether they were planned to be private or public.  Town Planner Sarah Sitterle clarified that it was understood that the alleys would be private.  There were questions about the setbacks on some of the homes and the small size of some of the houses.  Mr. Dewey confirmed that at least a 10’ buffer of mature trees would be left behind 20’ drainage easement beyond Lots 4 - 7.  Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the Darsey Preliminary Plat/Final PUD with the conditions that (1) a revised plan showing the lot sizes, the total and the average lot sizes, and (2) that the alleys will be designated private roads, and (3) open areas will be defined pertaining to the final condition.  Commissioner Andy Grosson seconded.  The motion passed 6 – 2, with Commissioners Larry Gardner and Robert Haines dissenting.

 B.  Alton Maxwell Preliminary Plat 
Mr. Joe Epps of Anderson, Delk, Epps represented the applicant.  Mayor Alexander moved to approve the Alton Maxwell Preliminary Plat, seconded by Commissioner Owens.  Upon a vote, the approval passed unanimously.   

 C.  Summerlyn Trails Site Plan
Mr. Jay Easter with Ragan-Smith and Associates and Mr. Kevin Chapman represented The Jones Company.  There was a discussion about eliminating a trail that “leads to nowhere” and what might be substituted.  Ms. Joyce Powers of the Trees and Trails Committee shared some photos of the site she had taken.  After a lengthy discussion, Commissioner Owens moved to approve the Summerlyn Trails Site Plan, with the following conditions (1) the segment of sidewalk on the east side of Bradfield Drive will be increased in width to achieve an 8 foot multi-modal asphalt trail (2) grass strip to be no less than 3 feet wide to York Road and (3) the current “trail to nowhere” may be eliminated from the plan.  Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

 D. Bent Creek Master PUD Revision
The applicant requested a deferral of this agenda item prior to the meeting.
 E. Asher Phase 1 Final Plat
Mr. Michael Dewey represented the developer.  There was some discussion about how Phase 2 would be tied into Phase 1 and the current tree line buffer between Gilchrist and Asher Phase 1 at the bio-retention pond.  After a lengthy debate, Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the Asher Phase 1 Final Plat with the bond amount set at $940,500.00 and with the condition of the tree line to remain between Gilchrist and Asher as stated on the preliminary plat.  Commissioner Walden seconded the motion.  When the vote was taken, the approval passed unanimously.

 F. David Evans Annexation
Mr. David Evans was present.  Commissioner Gardner moved to approve the annexation and plan of service.  Commissioner Haines seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

 A.  Report from last BOMA meeting
No report.

 A.  Bond Report
Commissioner Walden moved to accept the bond report as amended, seconded by Commissioner Owens.  The motion passed unanimously.

11.  OTHER

The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
2017-07 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
July 11, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jimmy Alexander, Larry Gardner, Andy Grosson, Robert Haines, Rick Owens, Jason Patrick, Douglas Radley, Jimmy Reeves, Ashlee Walden

Commissioner Absent: None

Staff Present: Sarah Sitterle, Cristin Webb, Rick Fisher

Citizens Present:  12

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairman Douglas Radley.

Chairman Radley led the pledge of allegiance.

Commissioner Ashlee Walden moved to approve the minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting on June 13, 2017, seconded by Commissioner Jason Patrick.  Commissioner Rick Owens recused himself.  The motion passed 8 - 0.



Commissioner Owens moved to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Commissioner Walden.  Upon a vote, the motion carried unanimously.


 A.  Summerlyn Section 4 Final Plat
Chairman Radley recused himself.  Mr. Wes Harris of Ragan-Smith Associates represented the applicant.  Harris stated that since the last meeting, lots adjacent to Mr. Curtsinger’s were revised, a new buffer plan was devised, and the developer made arrangements to satisfy Mr. Curtsinger’s concerns.  Mr. Curtsinger confirmed that he had signed an agreement with The Jones Company on terms.   Mayor Alexander then made a motion to approve the final plat for Summerlyn Section 4 with a performance bond amount set at $371,717.50.  Commissioner Patrick seconded the motion, which carried 8 - 0.

 B.  Brooksbank Phase 2 Preliminary Plat: Update on Conditions of Approval 
Mr. Wes Harris of Ragan-Smith Associates represented the applicant.  Harris stated that the developer worked with the adjacent property owner over the past 30 days on his concerns to address plantings in the disturbed area and proposed a boulder wall to disperse flow of water.  Dr. Behar agreed that the developer and engineering company were very helpful in mitigating the problems he addressed at the last Planning Commission meeting.  He said he felt the proposed plans were appropriate.  Commissioner Patrick moved to approve the preliminary plat for Brooksbank Phase 2 with the understanding that the applicant met with the adjacent property owner and arrived at modifications that are satisfactory to both parties.  Commissioner Owens seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. 

 C.  Brooksbank Phase 1 Final Plat
Mr. Wes Harris of Ragan-Smith represented the applicant.  Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the final plat for Brooksbank Phase 1 with the performance bond amount set at $294,043.47, seconded by Commissioner Patrick.  Upon a vote, the approval passed unanimously.

 D. Woods at Burberry Glen Phase 1A Final Plat
Mr. Luke Koontz of CK Residential represented the developer.  After a brief discussion, Commissioner Owens moved to approve the final plat for The Woods at Burberry Glen Phase 1A with the performance bond amount set at $190,213.00 and the understanding that the applicant must submit and record a long-term storm water maintenance agreement with the plat.  Mayor Alexander seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

 E. Woods at Burberry Glen Phase 1B Final Plat
Mr. Luke Koontz of CK Residential represented the developer.  Commissioner Owens moved to approve the final plat for The Woods at Burberry Glen Phase 1B with the performance bond amount set at $190,213.00 and the understanding that the applicant must submit and record a long-term storm water maintenance agreement with the plat.  Commissioner Walden seconded.  The approval carried unanimously.

 F. Daniels Subdivision Final Plat
Mr. J.R. Faulk of Dividing Line Services represented the applicant.   After a brief discussion, Commissioner Gardner made a motion to approve the final plat of the Daniels Subdivision.  Commissioner Andy Grosson seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

 G. Telfair Phase 2 Preliminary Plat/Final PUD Plan
Mr. Wes Harris with Ragan-Smith Associates represented the project. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the trail plan in Open Space L.  After some debate, Commissioner Patrick moved to approve the preliminary plat/final PUD plan for Telfair Phase 2 with the following condition: Staff to approve a revised trails plan, which will accommodate a second ingress/egress point at Open Space L and also provide a formal crossing location adjacent to lot 82.  Commissioner Haines seconded.  Upon a vote, the approval passed unanimously.

 H. Summerlyn Section 7 Preliminary Plat/Final PUD Plan
Mr. Wes Harris of Ragan-Smith Associates represented the applicant.  There was some discussion about buffering, right of way, fire hydrants and street lights.  At the conclusion, Commissioner Patrick made a motion to approve the preliminary plat/final PUD plan for Summerlyn Section 7, seconded by Commissioner Owens.  The motion passed unanimously.

I. Darsey Subdivision Preliminary Plat/Final PUD Plan
The applicant requested a deferral for one month, which was granted.

J. Sunset Hills Baptist Church Parking Extension Site Plan
The project was not represented.  After some discussion about landscaping, Commissioner Patrick moved to approve the Sunset Hills Baptist Church parking extension site plan with the following condition: Staff must approve the tree removal plan along Sunset Road.  Commissioner Owens seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

K. Mill Creek Brewing Company Deck Site Plan
Ms. Kristin Harney and Mr. Chris Going represented the site plan.  Commissioner Owens moved to approve the Mill Creek Brewing Company Deck Site Plan, seconded by Commissioner Walden.  Upon a vote, the approval passed unanimously.

L.  McCord-Nolen Rezoning
There was some discussion about a proposed paid parking lot to serve the Historic District.  A rezoning would be required to build a parking lot.  An agreement with the funeral home would need to be reached to access the parking lot.  Mr. Jim McCanless spoke on behalf of the rezoning proposal.  Mr. Keith McCord also spoke as the applicant.  After a lengthy debate about access to the proposed parking lot, Mr. McCord requested a deferral of the proposed rezoning and the Zoning Ordinance text amendment.  The Planning Commission agreed.

 A.  Report from last BOMA meeting
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave a brief summary of the agenda items on the last BOMA meeting.

 A.  Bond Report
Commissioner Owens moved to accept the bond report as amended, seconded by Commissioner Walden.  The motion passed unanimously.

10.  OTHER
Mr. Frank Wilson mentioned an un-recorded easement through Parman Henry’s property.  Alderman Tommy Dugger from the audience announced that Mr. Jim Solomon passed away.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
2017-06 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
June 13, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jimmy Alexander, Larry Gardner, Andy Grosson, Robert Haines, Douglas Radley, Jimmy Reeves, Ashlee Walden

Commissioner Absent: Rick Owens

Staff Present: Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Rick Fisher

Citizens Present:  28

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairman Douglas Radley.

Mayor Alexander led the pledge of allegiance.

Commissioner Ashlee Walden moved to approve the minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting on May 9, 2017, seconded by Commissioner Andy Grosson.  The motion passed unanimously.


Dr. Ted Behar and Mr. Joe Curtsinger both requested to speak during the agenda items pertaining to them.
Mr. Tom Sebille of 2192 Capistrano Way inquired about striping on Brittain Lane and whether the Town has water capacity for all the houses being built.

Commissioner Robert Haines moved to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Commissioner Larry Gardner.  Upon a vote, the motion carried unanimously.


 A.  Burkitt Commons Final Plat
Mr. Sean DeCoster of Civil Site Design Group and Ms. Suzanne May of PGM Properties represented the applicant.  There was a discussion about parking and the shared parking study.  There was also some debate about the portion of the project developing in Davidson County.  Mayor Alexander then made a motion to approve the Burkitt Commons final plat with two conditions:  (1) A signature block must be added to the final plat for Metro Nashville’s approval of the portion of project located in Davidson County; and (2) Landscape performance bond was set at $66,003.30. Commissioner Haines seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

 B.  Summerlyn Section 4 Final Plat 
Mr. Wes Harris of Ragan-Smith represented the applicant.  Chairman Radley indicated he would recuse himself from a vote but pointed out there was a change to a drainage structure in the final plat not shown in the preliminary plat.  Mr. Joe Curtsinger of 7380 Nolensville Road showed images from his property looking at lots 134-135 of Summerlyn Phase 4.  He indicated that his property was encroached upon, and his fence was removed.  He was promised a 20-foot buffer, which does not exist. His tree line was also removed. There was a lengthy discussion about the property line, stakes shown in the images, and drainage.
Mr. Kevin Chapman of The Jones Company addressed some of Mr. Curtsinger’s comments, including replacement of the fence.  The discussion continued for some time.  It was agreed that the property should be surveyed to determine the actual property lines.  Mr. Chapman said he would meet personally with Mr. Curtsinger at the site to find a solution to the fence problem.  Mr. Harris requested a deferral of the project so the issues could be resolved.  All members of the Planning Commission were in agreement with the deferral.

 C.  Brooksbank Phase 2 Preliminary Plat
Mr. Wes Harris of Ragan-Smith and Mr. Kevin Chapman of The Jones Company represented the applicant.  Dr. Ted Behar of 9869 Sam Donald Road addressed some issues of drainage, grading, sediment control, deforestation and buffer strips. He indicated the aesthetic value and enjoyment of his property have been reduced. Mr. Harris responded to many of the questions and concerns.  The detention pond was designed to control the volume and peak flow to less than 65% of pre-construction values.  There was discussion about buffering between the two properties; none is required per the Zoning Ordinance.  Mr. Chapman said he had spoken with Dr. Behar and agreed to move the detention pond and provide a 20’ landscape buffer, even though it not required by the Zoning Ordinance.  He also pointed out that the fence referenced by Dr. Behar is on the property of The Jones Company, and the trees removed were on the Jones Company property.  Mr. Chapman said the company is willing to do some reforesting, but the number and size of the trees seems to still be in question.  Following a lengthy discussion, Chairman Radley made a motion to approve the Brooksbank Phase 2 preliminary plat with the following conditions (1) A revised construction plan for the phase must be approved; and (2) Proof of a resolution of a tree planting plan with the adjacent property owner must be provided.  Mayor Alexander seconded the motion.  Upon a vote, the approval passed by a vote of 6 – 1, with Commissioner Jimmy Reaves dissenting.

 D. Scales Farmstead Amenity Center Plan
Mr. Wes Harris of Ragan-Smith represented the developer.  Commissioner Haines moved to approve the plan with landscape bond amount set at $11,044.00.  Commissioner Walden seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

 E. 7319 Nolensville Road Site Plan
Mr. Eric McNeely represented the applicant.  Mayor Alexander moved to approve the site plan at 7319 Nolensville Road, seconded by Commissioner Haines.  The approval carried unanimously.

 F. Nolensville Martin’s Campus Site Plan
Mr. Joe Epps of Anderson, Delk, Epps and Associates represented the applicant.  There was a brief discussion about drainage and flood plain.  Commissioner Gardner made a motion to approve the site plan with bond amount set at $69,948.00.  Commissioner Patrick seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

 G. Valerie Golden Annexation—Map 58, Parcel 03000
Ms. Valerie Golden represented the annexation.  Commissioner Gardner made a motion to approve the annexation and plan of services, seconded by Commissioner Reaves.  Upon a vote, the motion passed unanimously.

 A.  Report from last BOMA meeting
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave a brief summary of the agenda items on the last BOMA meeting.

 A.  Bond Report
Commissioner Walden moved to accept the bond report as amended, seconded by Commissioner Grosson.  The motion passed unanimously.

10.  OTHER

The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m.
2017-05 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
May 9, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jimmy Alexander, Larry Gardner, Andy Grosson, Robert Haines, Rick Owens, Douglas Radley, Jimmy Reeves, Ashlee Walden

Commissioner Absent: Jason Patrick

Staff Present: Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Rick Fisher

Citizens Present:  8

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chairman Douglas Radley.

Chairman Radley led the pledge of allegiance.

Commissioner Jimmy Reaves moved to approve the minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting on April 11, 2017, seconded by Commissioner Rick Owens.  Commissioner Ashlee Walden recused herself.  The motion passed 7 - 0.



Commissioner Larry Gardner moved to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Commissioner Robert Haines.  Upon a vote, the motion carried unanimously.


 A.  Sherwood Green Phase 5 Final Plat
Mr. Joe Epps of Anderson, Delk, Epps represented the applicant.  There was a brief discussion, and Mr. Epps agreed an easement and a note would be added to the final plat, per the discussion with staff.  Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the Sherwood Green Estates Phase 5 Final Plat with performance bonding set at $250,655.00.  Commissioner Owens seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

  B.  Sherwood Green Phase 6 Final Plat 
Mr. Epps represented the applicant.  Mayor Alexander moved to approve the final plat for Sherwood Green Estates Phase 6 with bond set at $427,471.00, seconded by Commissioner Owens.  When a vote was taken, the approval passed unanimously.

 C.  Burkitt Commons Final Plat
The applicant was not represented.  The Commission members debated some questions, and then Commissioner Haines moved to defer the final plat for one month.  Commissioner Walden seconded, and the motion for deferral passed unanimously.

 D. Asher Phase 2 Preliminary Plat Revision
Mr. Michael Dewey of Dewey Engineering represented the developer.  There was a lengthy discussion about the island in the cul-de-sac, on-street parking prohibitions, and enforcement.  Captain Don Joaquin of the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department spoke about maneuvering a ladder truck into neighborhoods where on-street parking is allowed.  Then, Commissioner Owens made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat for Asher Phase 2 with the following conditions:  (1) The CCRs for this phase must indicate that there will be no on-street parking.  The CCRs will be submitted with the final plat approval process; (2) No parking sign locations will be included with the construction plans; (3) The size of the island will be decreased to better accommodate a ladder truck; (4) The island shall have mountable curbs.  Commissioner Walden seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

 A.  Report from last BOMA meeting
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave a brief summary of the agenda items on the last BOMA meeting.

 A.  Bond Report
Commissioner Owens moved to accept the bond report as amended, seconded by Commissioner Grosson.  The motion passed unanimously.

10.  OTHER

The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 p.m.
2017-04 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
April 11, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jimmy Alexander, Larry Gardner, Andy Grosson, Robert Haines, Jason Patrick, Rick Owens, Douglas Radley, Jimmy Reeves

Commissioner Absent: Ashlee Walden

Staff Present: Sarah Sitterle, Attorney Bob Notestine, Kali Mogul, Rick Fisher

Citizens Present:  14

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Douglas Radley.

Chairman Radley led the pledge of allegiance.

Commissioner Andy Grosson moved to approve the minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting on March 14, 2017, seconded by Commissioner Robert Haines.  The motion passed unanimously.



Mayor Alexander moved to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Commissioner Jimmy Reaves.  Upon a vote, the motion carried unanimously.


 A.  Telfair Subdivision Entrance Sign Site Plan
Mr. Troy Gardner of Ragan-Smith Associates represented the sign site plan.  Mr. Christopher Smith of the Old Smith Group confirmed that the sign will not be placed in the two acres reserved for the library, and the entrance to that area will depend on the use.  Commissioner Owens made a motion to approve the Telfair Subdivision Entrance Sign, seconded by Commissioner Haines.  The motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jason Patrick joined the meeting at 7:06 p.m.

  B.  Woods at Burberry Glen Subdivision Entrance Sign Site Plan 
Mr. Luke Koontz represented the applicant.  He confirmed that the sign would be lit.  Commissioner Reaves moved to approve the final plat for the Woods at Burberry Glen, seconded by Commissioner Owens.   When a vote was taken, the approval passed unanimously.

 C.  Haley Industrial Park Lot 15A Site Plan
Mr. Michael Dewey of Dewey Engineering represented the applicant. After a brief discussion, Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the Haley Industrial Park Lot 15A Site Plan with landscape bond set at $41,525.00.  Commissioner Owens seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

  A.  Report from last BOMA meeting
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave a brief summary of the agenda items on the last BOMA meeting.

 A.  Bond Report
Commissioner Owens moved to accept the bond report as amended, seconded by Commissioner Haines.  The motion passed unanimously.

10.  OTHER

The meeting was adjourned at 7:11 p.m.
2017-03 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
March 14, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jimmy Alexander, Larry Gardner, Andy Grosson, Robert Haines, Rick Owens, Douglas Radley, Ashlee Walden

Commissioners Absent: Jason Patrick, Jimmy Reaves

Staff Present: Sarah Sitterle, Attorney Bob Notestine, Kali Mogul, Rick Fisher

Citizens Present:  10

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chairman Douglas Radley.

Chairman Radley led the pledge of allegiance.

Commissioner Ashlee Walden moved to approve the minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting on February 14, 2017, seconded by Commissioner Andy Grosson.  Commissioner Rick Owens recused himself.  The motion passed by vote of 6 - 0. 



Mayor Alexander moved to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Commissioner Larry Gardner.  Upon a vote, the motion carried unanimously.


 A.  Scales Farmstead Subdivision Entrance Sign Site Plan
Mr. Bob Freeman represented the sign site plan.  Commissioner Owens made a motion to approve the Scales Farmstead Subdivision Entrance Sign.  Commissioner Walden seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

  B.  Whittmore Subdivision Section 2A Final Plat 
Mr. Jubal Parris represented the applicant.  After a brief discussion, Commissioner Owens moved to approve the final plat for Whittmore Section 2A Final Plat with performance bond amount set at $223,400.00.  Commissioner Haines seconded.  When a vote was taken, the approval passed unanimously.

  A.  Report from last BOMA meeting
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave a brief summary of the agenda items on the last BOMA meeting.

 A.  Bond Report
Commissioner Walden moved to accept the bond report as amended, seconded by Commissioner Owens.  The motion carried unanimously.

10.  OTHER
Mayor Alexander mentioned that one of the absent Planning Commissioners is planning to make a trip to Africa with an Alderman tomorrow to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
2017-02 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
February 14, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jimmy Alexander, Larry Gardner, Andy Grosson, Robert Haines, Jason Patrick, Douglas Radley, Jimmy Reeves, Ashlee Walden

Commissioners Absent: Rick Owens

Staff Present: Sarah Sitterle, Attorney Bob Notestine, Kali Mogul, Rick Fisher

Citizens Present:  31

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairman Douglas Radley.

Chairman Radley led the pledge of allegiance.

Commissioner Ashlee Walden moved to approve the minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting on January 10, 2017, seconded by Commissioner Andy Grosson.  The motion passed unanimously. 



Mayor Alexander moved to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Commissioner Walden.  Upon a vote, the motion carried unanimously.


 A.  Brooksbank Estates Subdivision Entrance Sign
Mr. Troy Gardner of Ragan Smith Associates the applicant, The Jones Company.  Ms. Daria Dunn of The Jones Company also mentioned “up lighting” would be added.  Commissioner Patrick made a motion to approve the Brooksbank Estates Subdivision Entrance Sign.  Commissioner Robert Haines seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

  B.  Rezoning of portion of Nolensville Road Property—Map 33, Parcel 108.01 
Mr. Joe Epps of Anderson, Delk, Epps represented the applicant.  After a brief discussion, Commissioner Haines moved to approve the rezoning, seconded by Commissioner Patrick.  When a vote was taken, the approval passed unanimously.

  C.  Dylan Woods Preliminary Plat
Mr. Joe Epps represented the applicant.  After some discussion about ingress/egress, the use of Maxwell Lane, the length of the cul-de-sac, and a monument sign.  A bond was discussed for Maxwell Lane, but Counsel Notestine and Engineer Don Swartz concurred that the subdivision regulations do not allow for a bond on a public road if no off-site improvement is required.  Mayor Alexander moved to approve the Dylan Woods Preliminary Plat, seconded by Commissioner Patrick.  The motion carried unanimously.

 D.  Alton Maxwell Property Sketch Plan
Mr. Joe Epps represented the applicant.  He indicated that the density calculation should be 1.078.   Mayor Alexander questioned the auxiliary building on lot 4.  Epps mentioned it is a garage, which is permitted.  The home on that particular lot is going to remain.  Commissioner Patrick suggested buffering landscape could be added behind the garage.  No action was required for the sketch plan.

 E.  Haley Industrial Park Lot 21 Site Plan
Mr. Michael Dewey of Dewey Engineering represented the applicant, Allied Overhead Door.  Mr. Dewey gave the commissioners an exhibit showing the dumpsters are hidden.  There was some discussion about the number of trips the location would generate in and out of the facility.  Mr. Ken Earnest with Allied Overhead Doors answered questions about deliveries. Commissioner Gardner then made a motion to approve the Haley Industrial Park Lot 21 site plan with bonding amount set at $30,938.00, seconded by Commissioner Haines.  The motion carried unanimously.

 F.  Haley Industrial Park—Indoor Soccer Complex Site Plan
Mr. Travis Todd of Littlejohn Engineering Associates represented the applicant, Ryan Taylor.  There was some discussion about whether a traffic study was necessary.  Mr. Todd explained that there would be a maximum of 115 people at a time on the weekends and in the afternoon.  Following the discussion, Commissioner Walden made a motion to approve the Haley Industrial Park Indoor Soccer Complex site plan with performance bond amount set at $68,414.00.  Mayor Alexander seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

  A.  Report from last BOMA meeting
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave a brief summary of the agenda items on the last BOMA meeting.


 A.  Bond Action

 1.  Bent Creek Phase 4 Section 1B release from maintenance bond—Mr. Glenn McGehee of Southstar spoke regarding the bond.  He gave a description of the plan to resolve the drainage issue off of his property.  He handed out a copy of the letter of understanding between his company and the builder, Joe Defatta, agreeing to fix the problem.  He requested the maintenance bond for Bent Creek Phase 4 Section 1B be released.  Commissioner Patrick moved to approve Bent Creek Phase 4 Section 1B request to release from maintenance bond, seconded by Commissioner Haines.  Upon a vote, the approval passed unanimously.

 2.  Catalina Phase 4 request to transition to maintenance bond—Counsel Notestine advised that he is pursuing the developer on a legal matter within the subdivision.  Engineer Swartz also mentioned that there are also broken sidewalks that Turnberry has not repaired within this phase.  The item was deferred to the May, 2017 Planning Commission meeting.

 B.  Bond Report
Commissioner Haines moved to accept the bond report as amended, seconded by Commissioner Walden.  The motion carried unanimously.

10.  OTHER

The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
2017-01 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
January 10, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jimmy Alexander, Larry Gardner, Andy Grosson, Robert Haines, Rick Owens, Jason Patrick, Douglas Radley, Jimmy Reeves, Ashlee Walden

Commissioners Absent: None

Staff Present: Sarah Sitterle, Attorney Bob Notestine, Kali Mogul, Rick Fisher

Citizens Present:  20

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairman Douglas Radley.

Chairman Radley led the pledge of allegiance.

Commissioner Ashlee Walden moved to approve the minutes from the Planning Commission Meeting on December 13, 2016, seconded by Commissioner Andy Grosson.  The motion passed unanimously. 




A. Per Section 5 of Planning Commission Bylaws:  Selection of Officers
1. Chairperson—Commissioner Patrick nominated Commissioner Douglas Radley to serve as chairperson, seconded by Mayor Alexander.  When the vote was taken, Chairman Radley was approved unanimously.
2. Vice Chairperson—Commissioner Ashlee Walden nominated Andy Grosson to serve as vice chairperson, seconded by Commissioner Jimmy Reaves.  Upon a vote, Vice Chairman Grosson was approved unanimously.
3. Secretary—Commissioner Rick Owens nominated Robert Haines as secretary, seconded by Commissioner Walden.  Secretary Haines was approved by unanimous vote.

Commissioner Larry Gardner made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, seconded by Commissioner Walden.  Upon a vote, the motion carried unanimously.


A.  Bent Creek subdivision entrance sign at Phase 18
Mr. Luke Koontz of CK Development represented the applicant.  Commissioner Haines moved to approve the subdivision entrance sign.  Commissioner Patrick seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

 B.  Burberry Glen subdivision entrance sign plan revision 
Mr. Thomas Steffen represented Meritage Homes.  Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the subdivision entrance sign, seconded by Commissioner Walden.  When a vote was taken, the approval passed unanimously.

C.  Master Concept Plan and Rezoning at 7399 and 7407 Nolensville Road from estate residential (ER) to suburban residential (SR) with planned unit development (P.U.D.) overlay
Mr. Daniel Woods and Mr. Mike Hathaway represented the project.  There was some discussion about the completeness of the plan and about the process for the concept plan and rezoning.  Mayor Alexander stressed that the plan does not show the average lot size or the required stub out.

After continued discussion Commissioner Owens moved to approve the Master Concept Plan and Rezoning at 7399 and 7407 Nolensville Road from estate residential (ER) to suburban residential (SR) with planned unit development (P.U.D.) overlay with the following conditions: (1) a north access road must be provided to connect with the north property line and (2) the lot configuration modified to achieve the average lot size of 14,000 square feet.  Mayor Alexander seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

D.  Brittain Downs Phase 4, Section 2 Final Plat
Mr. Joe Epps represented the applicant.  Commissioner Owens made a motion to approve the final plat for Brittain Downs Phase 4, Section 2 with the following conditions:  (1) addresses should be shown on the final plat before recording, (2) a recorded storm water management agreement should be provided to the Town, and (3) the performance bond amount is set at $29,425.00.   Commissioner Walden seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

E.  Whittmore Section 2B revision to preliminary plat and final P.U.D. plan
Mr. Jubal Parris of Gresham Smith represented the applicant.  Commissioner Owens made a motion to approve the Whittmore Section 2B revision to preliminary plat and final P.U.D. plan with the condition that the applicant satisfies comments from Tom Allen on storm water.  Commissioner Haines seconded the motion.  When the vote was taken, the approval passed unanimously.

 A.  Report from last BOMA meeting
No report.


A.  Bond Action
1.  Catalina Phase 4 request for transition to maintenance bond
2.  Bent Creek Phase 4 Section 1B release from maintenance bond—Mr. Glenn McGehee of Southstar spoke regarding the bond.  There is a drainage issue caused by grading in an adjacent phase.  This has created a problem in Phase 4 Section 1B.
Both items were continued to next month due to concerns over outstanding issues.

B.  Bond Report
Commissioner Walden moved to accept the bond report as amended, seconded by Commissioner Walden.  Upon a vote, the motion carried unanimously.

10.  OTHER
Commissioner Patrick thanked Chairman Radley for his professionalism, leadership and service.  Mayor Alexander agreed.