Minutes Archive

2006-12 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
December 14, 2006
7:00 p.m.

Members in attendance were as follows: Willis Wells, Matt Happel, Frank Wilson, Debbie Riddle, Larry Gardner, Jimmy Alexander, Bob Haines, and Rick Owens

Staff present were Henry Laird, Town Planner; Rich Woodroof, Town Engineer and Gina Lawrence.

Agenda Item I-                       Meeting called to order by Willis Wells at 7:00 pm
Agenda Item II-                      Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda Item III-                    Approval of Minutes

Jimmy Alexander made a motion to accept minutes; Larry Gardner seconds.

Larry Gardner commented that he made a request to list the seven conditions for approval of Brittian Downs P.U.D. be included in the minutes for the October Planning Commission Meeting minutes.  Rich Woodroof noted that Gina amended the October minutes to reflect the seven conditions.

Frank Wilson noted that under Burkitt Place Phase 2A, Final Plat, the name Rob Peterson should be changed to Rob Pease.  Larry Gardner states that on Page 3, second paragraph, 2167 should be changed to 21,670.  He further noted,  that the wording, “variance from underground lighting,” should be changed to read “underground electrical.”  Also, in that paragraph, Phases 4 & 5 should be changed to 5 & 6.  Frank Wilson motions to approve the amendments to the October minutes, as discussed; Debbie Riddle seconds motion.  Motion to approve minutes as amended passes unanimously.

Agenda Item IV-        Citizen Comments

Charles Lawson 2531 York Road states that the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department responded in a timely manner to a fire at his home last week.

Mayor Elect Beth Weaver-Lothers, 304 Walpole Court-reported that the new chair for the Design Review Committee will be Matt Happel and the new Vice Chair will be Carla Ediger.

The Design Review Committee met with BP and they will have a new canopy design that is complementary to their building and much more visually appealing than the flat canopies normally used on fueling stations.

Design Review will be reporting to the Planning Commission on a monthly basis and may also have Design Review reports at the BOMA level as well.

Agenda Item V-          New Business

B.        Subdivision Reviews:

1. Bennington Final Plat Revised Section 2

Rich Woodroof reports that the Preliminary Plat was approved through the County and originally had fifteen foot side yard setback zoning.

Bennington is proposing that Lots 1220-1228, 1212 & 1214 shift to ten and twenty foot setbacks so that they can have side entry on some of the lots.

Mayor Dugger moves for approval; Jimmy Alexander seconds the motion.  Discussion is opened

Matt Happel asked about lot 1227’s utility easement.  Eric confirms that the utility easement will remain as is and the change is to be made to the other side.  Matt asks, “Did you change the building envelope 1220 to make the fit outside the 25 foot buffer easement?”  Eric states that it will not encumber the 25 foot buffer.   Jimmy Alexander notes lots 1229, 1230 & 1231 are left off of the lot tabulation.

Eric responded that the lot tabulation will be corrected when the plat is re-recorded.

Frank Wilson asks Eric and Rich Woodroof if the statement, “the property is not located within a flood hazard area as indicated on the FEMA map.” has been checked out.  Eric stated that it is not on the FEMA panel.  Rich Woodroof stated that the information has to be verified for the surveyor to stamp it.

Larry Gardener asks if the variance will apply only to the lots noted.  Eric confirms that it applies only to the lots indicated on the plat.  The motion passes unanimously.

2. Catalina Residential Development, Preliminary Plat (formerly Nichols Subdivision)

Greg Gamble Landscape Architect with LandDesign makes presentation.  Sean Decoster, Civil Engineer with LandDesign and Nikki Wells with Turnberry are also present for questions.

Greg Gamble stated that at the November the 22nd workshop changes to Catalina’s Preliminary Plat were reviewed and there was a request for images on rain gardens and bio swales.  Greg distributed the requested images.

One major change to the property is that Centex sold property to Turnberry Homes.

The property is located along Nolensville Road and Brittian Lane.

When LandDesign did a full survey of the property they found that there were errors in the information provided by Williamson County.

The flood line shown on the original submittal is actually about 100 feet back.  The approved submittal contains 152 units with a density of 1.08 dwelling units per acre and 51.4 acres of open space.  The proposed submittal contains 150 units with a density of 1.06 dwelling units per acre and 52 acres of open space.

Bio Swales and rain gardens are planted in between the flood plain and the flood way and would capture the first flush of rainwater and would not filter into Mill Creek but would be captured in the ground.

Larry Gardner made a motion to approve.  Matt Happel 2nds the motion.

Matt Happel requests further explanation of how peak flow is measured. Discussion about the benefits of releasing water from the property prior to peak flow.

Matt Happel asked if walking trails from North to South are still going to be provided.

Greg Gamble assures that nothing has been taken off the table.

Bob Haines puts condition on homeowners purchasing lots along the flood line have letter attached acknowledging that they can not build fences and decks on their property in the flood plain.

Matt Happel requests that the information be placed on the final plat.

Matt Happel asked if there is a fence around the cell tower on the property.

Greg Gamble did not know.  Matt requested that at least a 5 foot gated fence with a lock be placed around the tower.
Willis Wells, Matt Happel, Frank Wilson, Debbie Riddle, Jimmy Alexander, Bob Haines, Rick Owens vote in favor.
Larry Gardner opposes.

Motion passes by majority.

B. Zoning Amendments

1. Report on options for amending Appendix A, Sign Regulations, pertaining to flag requirements
Jimmy Alexander makes a motion to defer consideration of this until the Mayor Elect takes office.  Mayor Dugger seconds the motion.  Motion passes unanimously.

C. Commission By-Law Revisions

Changes regarding meeting dates, times, application deadlines

Henry Laird stated that if we are to change the night of the Planning Commission meeting we will need to change the by-laws to reflect new deadlines.

Beth Weaver-Lothers suggests changing the Planning Commission meeting to the second Tuesday of each month in order that Nolensville have the ability to participate in the Williamson County Planning Commission meetings.
Discussion takes place about whether this date will work with everyone’s schedules.

Mayor Elect Lothers will check with the school regarding use of the facilities.

Henry Laird stated that the 2nd item we need to change is moving deadline for submittal of application to 35 days except for the January meeting which will have 42 days to reflect the site plan requirements for commercial or non-residential.

Matt Happel asked if Section 9 Agenda should be changed to Town Planner from Town Inspector.  He also wanted to know if a process outline could be distributed to each Commission member.

Bob Notestine noted that in Section 12 items E and F should be switched because we make a motion and second to get it on the table for discussion.  Henry Laird would like to go over Robert’s Rules of order at a later time.

Larry Gardner would like to have the Planning Commission meetings follow this pattern:  Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Approval of Minutes, Announcements by Chairman, Citizen Comments, Order of Presentation, Present First Item, Motion, Second to get it on floor, Comments by Applicant, Comments by Staff, Discussion by Interested Citizens (and here is where he would like to limit the number and length of comments) then discussion by the Planning Commission.  Mayor Dugger states that length and number of citizen comments should be left up to the chair.

Henry Laird proposes that we only act on the date of the meeting at this time.

Matt Happel stated that section 11 3rd line should not read that Secretary records meeting minutes.
Larry Gardner questions if you should participate in discussion if you have a conflict of interest.  Bob Notestine suggests remove yourself from all participation.

Frank Wilson asked why officers of the Planning Commission are not voted on by the Commissioners.

Larry Gardner asks if we change when the new officers are elected to allow new commission members to get familiar with all of the commissioners.

Mayor Elect Lothers asks if it would be possible to change only the portion of the by laws that deal with the date of the meeting.  Bob Notestine says that it is possible to do that.

Matt Happel makes a motion to amend the By Laws Section 6 Regular Meetings as noted, with the exception of instead of second Thursday, second Tuesday; Debbie Riddle seconds.

Motion passes unanimously.

VI. Old Business

VII.                 Other Business

A. Monthly Bond Report

Rich Woodroof reported that all bonds are current.

Town staff is asking to lower the Clovercroft Road bond to 69,000.

Bent Creek, Phase 2, Section 4 can be taken to a 45,000 maintenance bond.

Bob Haines asks what generally completed means.  Rich Woodroof says that it is in our Subdivision Regulation.
Frank Wilson moves to approve the bond report; Matt Happel seconds.  Bond Report is approved unanimously.

VII.     Adjournment
Being no further business to come before the Planning Commission the meeting is adjourned at 8:20 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Gina Lawrence                                                                                    Date
Recording Secretary
Larry Gardner                                                                                     Date
Secretary to the Planning Commission
2006-11 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
November 9, 2006
7:00 p.m.

Members in attendance were as follows: Larry Gardner, Debbie Riddle, Jimmy Alexander, Matt Happel, Frank Wilson, Willis Wells, Tommy Dugger, Rick Owens, and Bob Haines
Staff present was Rich Woodroof, Bob Notestine, Tonia Smith and Gina Lawrence
Agenda Item I-                       Meeting called to order by Willis Wells
Agenda Item II-                      Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda Item III-                    Approval of Minutes
Larry Gardner asked for clarification on the meaning of the term front façade on page 3 where it states that the front porch has to be within the setback….front wall is the front façade.

Rich Woodroof responded that the term front façade is referring to the front weight bearing wall of the building.

Matt Happel requested that the word “not” be deleted from his statement on the bottom of page 3 so that the statement reads…”they do consider decks…”

Larry Gardner requested that the six conditions for approval of Brittan Downs be listed in the minutes.

Matt Happel noted that there was no 2nd recorded for Debbie Riddle’s motion excluding swimming pool from the list of excluded for indoor use within the Historic District at the top of page six.

Jimmy Alexander asked that Planning Committee be corrected to read Planning Commission at the top of page five.

Matt Happel made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 12, 2006 meeting of the Planning Commission, Frank Wilson seconded.

The motion passes unanimously.

Agenda Item IV-        Citizen Comments

No comments.

Agenda Item V-          New Business

B.        Subdivision Reviews:

1. Ballenger Farm Phase 4 Preliminary Plat

Rich Woodroof recognized Mike Anderson as present to answer any questions.

Mr. Woodroof stated that this is the final phase and it has 103 lots on an OSD development.  He noted that we want to make sure that on the final plat there is no duplication of lot numbers in other phases.

The plat shows that it is a curb and gutter on cross the section of roads, it shows fire hydrants and they have provided 15 copies of the plat. Staff recommendation is for approval.

Debbie Riddle motions for approval, Frank Wilson seconds.

Jimmy Alexander asks for confirmation that this plat matches the sketch plat that was approved in the past.
Rich Woodroof states that it does match.

Tommy Dugger asks for note on final plat stating that fire sprinklers will be installed.

Rich states that we can make sure that it is on the final plat
Matt Happel asks about tree preservation and landscaping plan.

Mike Anderson states that they will submit a landscape plan.

Bob Haines asked if property will work with adjoining properties to create continuous walking trails between properties.

Mike Anderson states that he is willing to take a look at that possibility.

The motion passes unanimously.

2. Burkitt Place Phase 2A Final Plat
Rich Woodroof notes that Phase 2 A has 8 lots, the smallest lot is 8,295 square feet and the largest is 11,715 square feet.  They have included a note about sprinklers and addresses for each lot are on this plat.

Rob Pease is present for questions.

Staff recommends approval with the condition that we are allowed to set bond amount.

Frank Wilson motions to approve with condition that Rich Woodroof will be allowed to set bond, Bob Haines seconds.
Mayor asks for clarification on how it was determined whether lots that fall on the Williamson / Davidson County line would fall in Williamson County

Rob Pease stated that whichever county a lot falls more fully into would the county of jurisdiction.

Motion passes unanimously.

3. McFarlin Woods Preliminary Plat, Sec. 5 & 6

Rich Woodroof notes that Andrew Wolthers and Mr. Cowan are present as engineers for the project. This subdivision had preliminary plat and construction drawings approval about 4-5 years ago.  They put water lines, sewer line and storm structure in and then it sat for 4-5 years.  Now the project is back for preliminary plat approval again.

One of the problems is that where they have their catch basins set does not match our current standard road cross sections.  There are other problems such as street lights, street trees were not required back then, sidewalks are not in any other sections and they have overhead electric.

This is a standard subdivision.  Section 5 has 18 lots, the smallest lot is 21,670 square feet and the largest is 23296 square feet.  Section 6 has 12 lots, the smallest is 20,000 square feet and the largest is 28,183 square feet.

Austin Pennington will answer any questions.

Matt Happel makes a motion to approve, Bob Haines seconds motion.

Bob Haines asks if the difference in the catch basin capacity between our current standard and the standard used in the past will pose any problems.  Rich states that it would not create a problem.

Larry Gardner would like to see us approve this.

Board of Zoning would have to grant variance for underground electric.

Bob Haines asked if the retention pond is included in the open space area.  Also, would like to see the asphalt pile removed.

Austin Pennington states that the pile is already slated for removal the next day.

Matt Happel what kind of landscape variance are you asking for.

Austin Pennington states that they would like to keep the landscaping the same throughout the subdivision and will submit a landscape plan with the final plat.

Willis Wells asks for citizen comments.

Carla Ediger-309 Walpole Court-as a resident of Walpole Court we would like to encourage you to keep as many trees there as possible.  Most of us moved there because they are treed lots.

And also the suggestion that Bob made about somehow connecting with the walking trails up in Ballenger Farms seems like a great idea and especially if there were some sidewalks where the kids could make it up to the trails and possibly even walk on to school.

Austin Pennington responded that every attempt will be made to preserve every tree that will not have a house on it.  We believe that the trees provide a feeling of home as well as providing privacy.

Mayor Dugger asked why the development is opposing the new landscaping ordinance which would provide trees.
Austin Pennington responded that they are simply trying to maintain the consistency of the first four phases of the development.

Rick Owens asked if section 6 is the final phase of the development.

Austin Pennington stated that it was.

Mayor Dugger asked for a review of the variances that we are voting on tonight.

Rich Woodroof stated that we are voting to allow a variance for the street lighting, road cross sections to the original road cross sections of McFarland which would take care of the sidewalks, the widths of the roads and street tree requirements.

Also, they have agreed to 3 inches of binder and 2 inches of topping for the roadways and to upgrade the water tap for fire prevention from ¾ inch to a 1 inch line.

A variance from the underground electrical will need to go to the BZA.

Larry Gardner made a motion to amend the motion to approve the McFarland Woods Phase 4 & 5 subdivision with the aforementioned variances listed by Rich Woodroof, Matt Happel seconds and it passes unanimously.

The original motion also passes unanimously.

Agenda Item VI.        Old Business

Agenda Item VII.       Other Business

Monthly Bond Report

Rich Woodroof stated that he and Bob Notestine had discussed that if the Commission moves to approve the current bond report they could also approve last months bond report at the same time because they contain the same information.

Also, as discussed last month, Bent Creek is requesting that Phase I Sections 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b be allowed to carry a maintenance bond going forward.  Staff recommends that we allow it.

Larry Gardner asked if any of the bonds would affect New Clovercroft Road.

Rich stated that New Clovercroft Road had its own bonds.

Willis Wells made a motion to accept this months and last months bond report with staff’s recommendation to allow Bent Creek to carry maintenance bonds.  Larry Gardner seconded the motion.

Larry Gardner notes that there are several bonds that will expire before our next meeting.

Mayor Dugger makes a motion to amend the original motion to add approval for a 30% maintenance bond for McFarland Woods Section 3 & 4, Larry Gardner seconds.  The motion passes unanimously.

The motion to approve the monthly bond report passes unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gina Lawrence                                                                                    Date
Recording Secretary


Larry Gardner                                                                                     Date
Secretary to the Planning Commission