Minutes Archive

1999-03 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
MARCH 11, 1999, 7 P.M.
The meeting began at 7:12 p.m. when called to order by Chairman, Rob Pease with the following members of the Planning Commission present: Rob Pease, Orville Norton, Joe Rositano, Frank Wilson, Larry Felts, and Lester Hitt. Staff members present were Jim Finley, Yvonne McCurley, Mike Delvizis, and Mike Wood. Applicants present were Joe Petroski and Jim Haley.
The invocation and pledge were omitted since there was not a American flag in the room in which we were meeting.
Item # 3, the minutes from January 14, 1999 were looked at. A motion was made by Frank Wilson to adopt them with one change: Mayor Knapper be noted as Planning Commission member rather than the Mayor at this meeting. Second was made by Larry Felts and the motion passed unanimously.
The minutes from January 28, 1999 special called meeting were adopted with a motion by Larry Felts seconded by Joe Rositano. Passed unanimously.
Item #4, a Preliminary Site Plan for a mini storage warehouse, was discussed at great length. A motion was made by Orville Norton, seconded by Joe Rositano to defer this item until staff and commission could review corrected plans at a special meeting TBA.
Item #5 was discussed at great length. No decision was needed to be made since this was a sketch plan.
A 5 minute break was taken at 8:30 p.m. so everyone could move to a larger room to hear from Chris Lassiter with Allison Sign Co. Photos of signs Mr. Lassiter discussed are on file at Town Hall.
Item # 7 - 1999 Goals for Planning Commission were reviewed and approved by a motion from Joe Rositano, seconded by Larry Felts, with one addition: Add “# 9: Establish City standards for street signs by June 1999.” Passed unanimously.
Item #8 Old Business- Suggestion to revise the Planning Commission Agenda deadline schedule to allow more time for applicants to respond to comments from staff review. Mike Delvizis will fax a revised schedule to Town Hall before the next meeting.
Mike Wood will give a GIS date of completion for data on land use. Yvonne McCurley will let Mike Wood know when the meeting with Betsy Wigington is scheduled for Phase II of Greenway Plans.
Mayor Charles Knapper made an announcement that he would be stepping back for a few weeks from some of his obligations at Town hall due to extremely heavy schedule demands. The Aldermen will be stepping forward to fill. He will be empowering his staff more and reappointing another person to the Planning Commission to replace himself.
Planning Forum meeting from Monday March 8th was discussed. Lisa Sanford has been asked to transcribe the tape when possible.
Drug Task force announcement of next meeting: Monday, March 15th at 6:30 p.m.
Announcement of Historic marker celebration on Saturday, March 13, 10 a.m. at A Home Place.
Special meeting date was set for March 24, 1999 at 7 p.m. at Town Hall to decide Mr. Haley’s site plan approval.
Motion made by Rob Pease, seconded by Frank Wilson to adjourn at 9:32 p.m.
These minutes submitted by Yvonne McCurley.
Approved on __________________ 1999. Signed_______________________
Date Franklin D. Wilson, secretary
1999-01 Planning Commission Special Meeting Minutes
JANUARY 28, 1999,
7 PM
The meeting was called to order at 7:09 by Chairman Rob Pease with the following persons present: Rob Pease, Joe Rositano, Frank Wilson, Larry Felts, Lester Hitt, Mike Delvizis, Mike Wood, Yvonne McCurley, Jim Finley. Orville Norton arrived at 7:15. Mayor Charles Knapper joined the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
The changes made to the Subdivision Regulations were marked in each person’s copy. The changes will be edited on computer disc by Yvonne McCurley and presented at one time with all the changes that have been made at prior meetings. The following notes are to serve as reminders for those who have volunteered themselves to do further research so that further revisions can be made with the information brought forth.
Mike Delvizis will check on the spacing of street lights referred to on page V-20. Also, he will research limits and lengths of intersections on page V-11, f. ii.
Rob Pease will research decorative poles for lighting as referred to on page V-19. He plans to bring visuals to support his view on street trees on page V-20.
Mike Delvizis and Rob Pease will also work together on creating a table regarding page V-11, b. and c. at the top of the page. They will also talk with Dan Coley to settle questions about responsibilities for the maintenance of drainage easements, boring of pavement for utility repair referred to on page V-14, b, ii.
Joe Rositano moved for adjournment which was seconded by Larry Felts. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

These minutes submitted by Yvonne McCurley

Signed _______________________________ on ____________________, 1999.
Franklin D. Wilson, Secretary
1999-01 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
JANUARY 14, 1999
Larry Felts called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. The following staff members were present: Mayor Knapper, Jim Finley, Yvonne McCurley, Mike Wood, and Alderman Dugger. The following Planning Commissioners were present: Orville Norton, Joe Rositano, Lester Hitt, Frank Wilson, and Larry Felts. Tom Marsh from Local Planning was in attendance as well as applicant Bob Phillips.
Prayer and pledge were led by Frank Wilson.
December minutes were adopted by a unanimous vote when a motion was made by Mayor Charles Knapper and seconded by Joe Rositano.
Item #5: Application for Reduction of bonds for Stonebrook Sections 12C, 13A and 13B. Staff recommends that 12C remain at $20,000; Section 13A be reduced to $40,000; Section 13B be reduced to $40,000. Frank Wilson made a motion that the Planning Commission approve the staff’s recommendation on all three sections. Orville Norton seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Item #6: Zoning for newly annexed property. In the Plan of Service per Resolution 98-10 the Board recommends Office/Industrial (O/I) zoning for this property. Orville Norton asked for a deferral on this item until next month’s meeting. Mayor Knapper explained that the owner of this land has intentions of beginning development of this property before the 90 day period of waiting for contesting of the annexation and will go through the county if he has to which means Nolensville would have no control over what was built. Orville Norton believes the Planning Commission is being held hostage by the developer in this situation and is loosing control. A motion was made by Frank Wilson to favorably recommend to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen O/I zoning for the land on Nolensville Road as stated in the Plan of Service per Resolution 98-10. Lester Hitt seconded and the motion passed with all in favor except Orville Norton who opposed.
The Board recommends the zoning for newly annexed property per Resolution 98-09 to be Suburban Residential (SR). Mayor Knapper made a motion that the Planning Commission favorably recommend the property on Baronswood to be zoned Suburban Residential (SR). Frank Wilson seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
The term of the current officers had expired therefore Mike Wood took the role as moderator for the election of officers. Mayor Charles Knapper made a motion to nominate and elect by acclimation the same officers as last year. That being: Rob Pease as chairman, Larry Felts as vice-chairman and Frank Wilson as secretary. Joe Rositano seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Mayor Knapper to re-convene this meeting on January 28th to discuss the Sub Regs when Chairman Rob Pease could attend. Second was made by Joe Rositano and the motion passed unanimously.
Jim Hindman entered the meeting at 7:45 p.m. and gave a briefing on where the Growth Planning Committee stands in regards to progress being made. The committee has a draft copy of the survey they intend to mail to all Nolensville residents. Public meetings are being arranged to help inform citizens of the committees intentions regarding the 20 year plan mandated by Chapter 1101.
Frank Wilson moved for adjournment and Orville Norton seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
These minutes were submitted by Yvonne McCurley.
Approved on ______________, 1999. Signed ___________________________
Franklin D. Wilson, Secretary