2018 Minutes

2018 - 11 Historic Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Historic Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
November 29, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jeanne Boutilier, Tommy Dugger, Betty Friedlander, Joshua Hughes

Commissioners Absent: Charles Beauregard

Staff Members Present: Planner Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Counsel Notestine

Citizens Present: 28

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by Chairman Joshua Hughes.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Hughes. 

Commissioner Tommy Dugger moved to approve the minutes from the meeting on October 25, 2018, seconded by Commissioner Boutilier and passed unanimously.


Mr. Greg Bruss of 825 Branchside Trail and the incoming vice president of the Historical Society also represented the Heritage Foundation.  Mr. Bruss read a letter from Bari Beasley requesting deferral of the certificate of appropriateness on the agenda, so the Heritage Foundation can work to find another option for the historic home.  The preferred option is to subdivide the property so that the house can stay in its current location.  A secondary option would be to move the historic home to a location in the Historic District of Nolensville.  Mr. Bruss said the Historical Society supports the opinions in Ms. Beasley’s letter.

Ms. Trish Payne of 7049 Nolen Park Circle is the HOA president for Nolen Park.  She said the home at 7186 Nolensville Road has not been taken care of, and she was unaware of its listing on the historic register until Mr. Malakouti, developer of the Hillside Center, requested to demolish it earlier in the year.  She wondered why no one purchased, maintained or refurbished the home prior to Mr. Malakouti’s purchase of it.  The occupants who most recently lived there did not take care of the home but rather allowed it to deteriorate.  The neighbors in Nolen Park see the home as an eyesore, and the overwhelming majority want it moved. 

Ms. Beth Lothers of 304 Walpole Court also applauded Ms. Winiecki for her interest in the historic home.  Ms. Lothers requested a deferral of the decision on the certificate of appropriateness for moving the home.  She passed out some photos and information on the property in question 7186 Nolensville Road.

Ms. Jane Coleman Cottone of 3312-A Elkins Avenue in Nashville is with the Tennessee Historical Commission.  She will be presenting information during other business but offered her time to do research that might help the Board make a decision should the project be deferred.


A) Certificate of Appropriateness: Proposed relocation of existing home at 7186 Nolensville Road.
Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave a brief background of the proposal.  Commissioner Tommy Dugger said he would recuse himself from the vote but would like to remain part of the discussion.  The Board did not object, and Counsel Notestine confirmed the Commission has allowed that in the past.

The applicant’s attorney George Dean stated that the applicant is opposed to a deferral because he appeared before the Historic Zoning Commission nine months ago.  The community expressed a desire at that time to come together and move the home, but that hasn’t happened.  Now there is an individual who is prepared to relocate the structure, so the applicant would like a decision at this time.  Mr. Dean also stated that according to the State of Tennessee, the Historic Zoning Commission does not have jurisdiction since the home is not in the Historic District.  There is a conflict between the Town’s Zoning Ordinance and the Tennessee Statutes.  The Town only has jurisdiction over structures in the Historic District.  Dean urged the Commission to allow the applicant to move the structure and at least keep it intact.  Otherwise, Mr. Malakouti would have the right to demolish the structure.

Counsel Notestine said the Town’s ordinance may conflict with the state statute, but he needed to research case law a bit further, since the State of Tennessee was the guiding authority in writing the zoning ordinance.  Notestine said that if the Commission decides to defer, the applicant could test the decision in court.

Commissioner Dugger pointed out an additional discrepancy regarding the duties and descriptions of the Historic Zoning Commission.

Chairman Hughes called Ms. Heather Winiecki of 926 Hickory Hills in Franklin to the lectern.  She stated she was overwhelmed by the love for the historic home.  She said she was willing to support the best decision for the structure.
Chairman Hughes said he was not confident the house would survive if it stayed in its current location.  If Nolensville Road is ever expanded by TDOT, the structure would surely be impacted.  However, he said he was not opposed to postponing the decision for another month.  Commissioner Boutilier suggested a deferral.  Mr. Malakouti of 1511 Sunset Road, owner of the property, indicated that his commercial development is still under construction.  He is willing to situate the cranes and other heavy equipment on his site to remove the house while construction takes place.  Once the parking lot and driveway are poured, he will not be willing to park heavy equipment there.

Commissioner Boutilier moved to defer a decision on the certificate of appropriateness until January, seconded by Chairman Hughes.  The vote was 3 – 0 with Commissioner Dugger recusing himself. 

Commissioner Dugger asked about the status of The Tanner House and the Coca-Cola sign on the side of Glitz by Rae. 


Ms. Jane Coleman Cottone from Tennessee Historical Commission again offered her assistance with the case on the agenda.  Ms. Cottone presented information on historic preservation and the national register of historic places. She reviewed the criteria for being listed on the register and what the designation means.  The presentation detailed components of and eligibility to become a Certified Local Government (CLG).  CLG is similar to a certification of the Historic Zoning Commission and serves as a path to preservation through partnerships with Federal, state and local governments.  There are various grants available to CLGs. Following the presentation, there was a discussion about various aspects of the program and implications on zoning.

The Commission agreed to convene the first week in January in a special meeting to consider the certificate of appropriateness for relocating the structure.  Commissioner Dugger suggested prior to the BOMA meeting on January 3, 2019.  The meeting date and time will be confirmed by e-mail. 

Chairman Hughes moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Boutilier, and approved unanimously.
2018 - 10 Historic Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Historic Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
October 25, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jeanne Boutilier, Tommy Dugger, Betty Friedlander

Commissioners Absent: Charles Beauregard, Joshua Hughes

Staff Members Present: Planner Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Counsel Notestine

Citizens Present: 7

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Acting Chairman Betty Friedlander.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Betty Friedlander. 

Counsel Notestine commented that Commissioners Jeanne Boutilier and Tommy Dugger agreed prior to the call to order that Secretary Betty Friedlander should act as the chairman in the absence of Joshua Hughes.  Commissioner Tommy Dugger made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 20, 2018 meeting, seconded by Commissioner Boutilier. The motion passed unanimously.

There were no citizen comments.


A) Certificate of Appropriateness: Landscape changes to include removal of a dead tree at 9927 Sam Donald Court
Chairman Friedlander moved to accept the certificate of appropriateness, seconded by Commissioner Boutilier.  The motion passed by a vote of 2 – 0, with Commissioner Dugger recusing himself.

B)  Certificate of Appropriateness:  Change of use from retail to a med-spa with renovations to the outside of the building at 7305 Nolensville Road

Town Planner Sarah Sitterle noted that the change of use request will go forward to the Planning Commission, but staff wanted the Historic Zoning Commission to be aware of the reason for the renovations.  Mr. Jared Sciullo represented the project and said that the building needs a lot of work.  He indicated that he is open to any recommendations by the Commission.  Commissioner Dugger agreed and commended Mr. Sciullo for taking on the project.  There was some discussion about the roll-up door, the alignment of the windows, replacement of doors, Hardie Plank material, the roof material and color and the potential of adding an awning like the original awning shown in the historic photo.    After thorough review, Commissioner Boutilier made a motion to approve a certificate of appropriateness for the renovations at 7305 Nolensville Road with the following conditions: 

(1) Remove garage door and add a window that is similar to the other side of the building
(2) Install a new ADA compliant wood entrance door that is stained with glass (similar to Tower Bank front door at 7271 Nolensville Road)
(3) Leave the existing side elevation windows off-set and replace windows with wood-style energy efficient windows
(4) Change roof to black metal material
(5) Color-matched Hardie board plank siding is approved; vertical board and batten on top peaks is acceptable
(6) Add awning to the front elevation of the same black metal roof material
(7) Add back door on the rear elevation in a similar style as the front door

Commissioner Dugger seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Planner Sarah Sitterle said that the landscape architect for the McCord Nolen project is putting together a consolidated landscape plan.  The engineer Cole Newton said he would look at the chain link fence, and the trail work should start in the next week or so.  There is supposed to be a TDOT project on the bridge, and TDOT will be taking some property for that construction, which will impact the development.

Commissioner Dugger announced the Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast will be Saturday, October 27th. 

Commissioner Dugger moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Boutilier, and approved unanimously.
2018 - 09 Historic Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Historic Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
September 20, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Charles Beauregard, Tommy Dugger, Joshua Hughes

Commissioners Absent: Jeanne Boutilier, Betty Friedlander

Staff Members Present: Planner Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Counsel Notestine

Citizens Present: 4

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chairman Joshua Hughes.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Hughes. 

Commissioner Tommy Dugger made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 30, 2018 meeting, seconded by Commissioner Charles Beauregard. The motion passed unanimously.

There were no citizen comments.


A) Certificate of Appropriateness: Landscape changes to include removal of undergrowth and small trees at 7319 Nolensville Road

Mr. David Rowland, property owner and resident of 510 Meadowcreek Lane represented the project.  Undergrowth at the property line is proposed to be removed.  Chairman Hughes moved to approve the certificate of appropriateness, seconded by Commissioner Dugger.  The motion passed unanimously.

B)  Certificate of Appropriateness:  Exterior changes to include an awning at the rear of Building #4 at 7263 Nolensville Road

Mr. Kristian Morgan represented the project.  He indicated that the awning would provide cover for staff if they needed to go to the beverage cooler during a rain or snow event.  The only access to the beverage cooler is from the outside.  He indicated that the color would be dark beige or brown to blend with the brick color.  Commissioner Dugger asked about the fence at the South side of the building.  The recycling dumpster is located there.  Chairman Hughes noted the recycling dumpster is a change from the site plan.  Commissioner Dugger moved to approve the certificate of appropriateness with the awning to match the dark brown or bronze color.  Commissioner Beauregard seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

Planner Sarah Sitterle mentioned the written communication directed to developer Mr. Jim McCanless on a number of outstanding items including as-builts, sidewalk and landscaping.  Counsel Notestine confirmed that he had also communicated with the attorney representing Mr. McCanless about the wheel stops.  He has not heard back from the attorney and will follow up. Ms. Sitterle also has sent notification to the owner of Glitz by Rae regarding the painted Coca-Cola sign on the side of the building indicating that if is a change from the previously approved certificate of appropriateness that would need to be considered by the Historic Zoning Commission.  She has not yet submitted the application.


Commissioner Dugger moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:11 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Beauregard, and approved unanimously.
2018 - 08 Historic Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Historic Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
August 30, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Charles Beauregard, Jeanne Boutilier, Tommy Dugger, Betty Friedlander, Joshua Hughes

Commissioners Absent: None

Staff Members Present: Planner Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Counsel Notestine

Citizens Present: 4

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Joshua Hughes.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Hughes. 

Commissioner Betty Friedlander made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 26, 2018 meeting, seconded by Commissioner Beauregard. The motion passed unanimously.

There were no citizen comments.

Certificate of Appropriateness: Changes to exterior features for E&B Coffee Roasters at 7311 Nolensville Road
Mr. Erin McAtee represented the project.  The approved dormer has to be eliminated, as the minimum headroom height required could not be achieved, so building codes will not allow it for a restaurant use.  A handrail will be added for the steps and a privacy fence stained to match the pergola will be placed to screen the condenser and waste cans.  Commissioner Friedlander moved to approve the certificate of appropriateness as presented, seconded by Commissioner Beauregard.  The motion passed unanimously.



Commissioner Dugger asked about whether the work would continue at Tanner House.  The approved construction has not been completed.  Planner Sitterle said she would follow up with the owner to find out his intentions.

Dugger also asked about the painted Coca-Cola sign on the side of Glitz by Rae.  Some of the siding was removed, revealing an old Coca-Cola sign.  The sign appears to have been repainted.  Planner Sitterle said staff would also follow up on this development.

There was discussion on the color of the parking stops in the Nolen McCord development.  Commissioner Boutilier said that the colors are wrong for the Historic District.  She would like the developer to swap them out for the stone or cement stops.  Chairman Hughes agreed and mentioned that the Design Review guidelines prohibit the use of bright colors.  Planner Sitterle said the stops are only required adjacent to slopes of 25% or greater.  Counsel Notestine said that the colors for the stops were not addressed earlier, but he said he could approach the attorney representing the developer.  There was a question about whether the landscaping would cover any of the wheel stops.  The landscaping plans were displayed.  Commissioner Dugger asked about the status of installation of the trail and sidewalk.

Chairman Hughes asked for follow up information by the next meeting on the items mentioned. 

Chairman Hughes moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Boutilier, and approved unanimously.
2018 - 07 Historic Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Historic Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
July 26, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Charles Beauregard, Jeanne Boutilier, Tommy Dugger, Betty Friedlander, Joshua Hughes

Commissioners Absent: None

Staff Members Present: Planner Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Counsel Notestine

Citizens Present: 23

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Joshua Hughes.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Hughes. 

Commissioner Tommy Dugger made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 31, 2018 meeting, seconded by Chairman Hughes. The motion passed unanimously.


Alderman Brian Snyder of 3153 Locust Hollow commented that the project on the agenda tonight at 7263 Nolensville Road has had an exaggerated timeline.  He stated the historic district is a precious commodity.  He asked the Commission consider the beauty and value of the property.  He wants the project to be completed the right way and to the approved plans.

Ms. Jamie Albers of 3052 Ballenger Drive asked whether there is a building missing from the north portion of the development.  She asked whether there were enough handicapped parking spaces at the restaurant and stated she would like the project would be a win for all involved.

Kristian Morgan of 7263 Nolensville Road is an operating partner for Porkbelly Farmhouse.  He said he was told 4 – 6 weeks ago that he should start hiring staff.  Those people have left other jobs to come work for the restaurant, but he is not able to open.


Certificate of Appropriateness: Architectural changes at 7263 Nolensville Road

Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave an overview of the McCord Nolen development.  The construction plans and site plan elevations were approved separately by the Town, and they did not match.  Some of the changes resulted from the change of use for Building #4.  The meeting tonight is to reconcile some of the differences in the plans.

Mr. John Barnett of B3 Studio was the architect on the original project.  He said that changes in elevations often happen on developments during the construction phase.  Sometimes discrepancies occur due to building codes.  Chairman Hughes provided broad comments on the overall plan.  In his opinion, the reskin building is different than the other buildings since it is mostly a renovation.  Building 1 has not been built, so it is not on the table for discussion.  Other site plan related items can be commented on, but are not under the Historic Zoning Commission purview. 

There were many comments on the wheel stops, shutters on the (reskin) Tower Bank, the cladding on the wall around the parking lot, the brick or stone bases around the elevated porches, and screening mechanical elements.  Mr. McCanless, the owner of the development, explained that the company that manufactures the parking stops was bought out by Vulcan.  That company no longer makes the concrete parking stops.  After continued deliberations and debate, Mr. McCanless agreed to cover the elevated porches with stone or brick material.  There was additional discussion about screening the refrigeration coolers on the back of building #4.  Mr. McCanless explained that there is a stream buffer behind the building, and nothing can be built there.  There was consensus that the sign proposed for building #4 hanging above the front door. 

* After recapping all of the items discussed, Chairman Hughes moved to approve the certificate of appropriateness for the updated elevations at 7263 Nolensville Road with the following conditions:

1. Continuous brick/stone base underneath all elevated porches
2. Screen all HVAC/mechanical equipment from street and parking views
3. Screening kitchen mechanical equipment for Building 4 with a masonry brick wall to match the building
4. Painting the walk-in cooler units to match the brick; screen the condensers on top of the walk-in cooler units
5. Adding shutters on outside sides of the 2nd-story center windows on the Nolensville Road elevations of the reskin building (one shutter on each window leaving the sign where it is)
6. Stain the door on the reskin building

Commissioner Jeanne Boutilier seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Mr. McCanless asked what type of screening material was desired for the HVAC/mechanical screening.  Commissioner Dugger suggested a double-sided picket fence; however, the picket material was not mentioned in the motion.  Mr. McCanless said he had already requested the cladding for the back of the parking lot wall.



Chairman Hughes moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Boutilier, and approved unanimously.
2018 - 05 Historic Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Historic Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
May 31, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Charles Beauregard, Tommy Dugger, Joshua Hughes

Commissioners Absent: Jeanne Boutilier, Betty Friedlander

Staff Members Present: Planner Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Counsel Notestine

Citizens Present: 6

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman Joshua Hughes.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Hughes. 

Commissioner Tommy Dugger made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 29, 2018 meeting, seconded by Commissioner Charles Beauregard. The motion passed unanimously.



Certificate of Appropriateness: Changes to exterior features and trees for Glitz by Rae at 7292 Nolensville Road
The owner explained that the front of the building is currently pink.  He would like to repaint the front colonial white.  The sides and rear will remain the current color, which is light tan.  He would also like to remove some of the dead trees and shrubs.  One of the trees is leaning on the roof.

Commissioner Dugger moved to approve the certificate of appropriateness for the white exterior paint on the front and removal of trees but potentially save the back tree with selective pruning.  Commissioner Beauregard seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Certificate of Appropriateness: Changes to roof design and exterior features for the Tanner House at 7307 Nolensville Road

Mr. Mike Minard discussed the change to the rear roof elevations where gables were installed to help direct water off the roof and away from the rear doors.  Mr. Minard is also seeking additional approval for encapsulation of asbestos siding with white vinyl siding.  Pests such as bees and mice are infesting the building.

There was some discussion of the vinyl siding material, since the Historic standards do not allow it.  Mr. Minard stated he is looking for a short-term solution until he is able to find a new tenant for the building.  He would plan to install a floating wall to keep weather and pests out without disturbing the asbestos.

After continued discussion, Commissioner Dugger moved to amend the application for certificate of appropriateness for Tanner House at 7307 Nolensville Road to include using vinyl siding to the back side of the building.  The motion to amend was seconded by Commissioner Beauregard, and it passed unanimously.

Commissioner Dugger then moved to approve the certificate of appropriateness, as amended, for the gables on the roof and use vinyl siding on the back/west elevation for up to 18-months.  After 18-months, the applicant must seek approval of a new exterior plan.  Commissioner Beauregard seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Commissioner Dugger asked about the driveway at Salon 1797.  Sarah Sitterle confirmed that the owner of the building plans to pave the driveway and will not seek another variance.

Chairman Hughes moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:31 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Beauregard, and approved unanimously.
2018 - 03 Historic Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Historic Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
March 29, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jeanne Boutilier, Tommy Dugger, Betty Friedlander

Commissioners Absent: Charles Beauregard, Joshua Hughes

Staff Members Present: Planner Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Counsel Notestine

Citizens Present: 3

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by acting chairman Betty Friedlander.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Friedlander. 

Commissioner Tommy Dugger made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 22, 2018 meeting, seconded by Commissioner Jeanne Boutilier. The motion passed unanimously.



Certificate of Appropriateness: Elevation change for E&B Coffee Roasters at 7311 Nolensville Road

Mr. Erin McAtee, owner of E&B Coffee presented the requests to change from a covered patio to pergola, add a dormer and window to the exterior.  They are also proposing to remove a tree in the front that won’t make it and add two trees instead.

Commissioner Dugger moved to approve the certificate of appropriateness for the change from a covered patio to a pergola, addition of a dormer window, and removal of tree with addition of two other trees.  Commissioner Boutilier seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Certificate of Appropriateness: Changes to roof design and exterior features for the Tanner House at 7307 Nolensville Road

There was no representative for the Tanner House in attendance, so Commissioner Boutilier moved to defer consideration until the next time a Historic Zoning Commission meeting is held.  Commissioner Dugger seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Chairman Friedlander mentioned that a vice-chairman should be elected.

Commissioner Dugger moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 p.m., seconded by Commissioner Boutilier, and approved unanimously.
2018 - 02 Historic Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Historic Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
February 22, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jeanne Boutilier, Charles Beauregard, Joshua Hughes, Tommy Dugger, Betty Friedlander

Commissioners Absent: None

Staff Members Present: Planner Sarah Sitterle, Kali Mogul, Counsel Notestine

Citizens Present: 40

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman Joshua Hughes.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Hughes. 

Commissioner Tommy Dugger made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 26, 2017 meeting, seconded by Commissioner Betty Friedlander. The motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Jason Patrick of 209 Gilchrist South Circle stated he felt distress over the destruction of our historic structures.  Part of what makes Nolensville special is the melding of new and old.  He asked that the demolition of the historic home be deferred.

Mr. Carroll Moore of 1664 Sunset Road is the president of the Nolensville Historical Society, a body that helps preserve properties that are important.  He said that if the house at 7186 Nolensville Road was painted and the fence taken down it could be a beautiful place.  He pointed out other historical properties that have been restored. 

Ms. Diane Santiago of 7102 Nolen Park Circle said that she noticed Nolensville has been here a long time but there are not many historic buildings to show for it.  She said she hoped the commission would refuse the demolition request.

Mr. and Ms. Skipper Carlisle of 3201 Herbert Drive in Franklin have completely restored and renovated the Herbert house, built in 1930.  Although it cost much more than they originally estimated, they felt it was well worth it. 
Ms. Anabeth Hayes of the Heritage Foundation of Williamson County spoke about how historic properties benefit the community. 

Ms. Jessica Reeves of 179 Royal Oaks Blvd. in Franklin and the Vice President of Preservation for the Heritage Foundation asked that the house at 7186 Nolensville Rd. not be demolished.

Ms. Bari Beasley, the CEO of the Heritage Foundation and resident at 1999 Evergreen Rd. in Thompson’s Station is opposed to the demolition of the home.  She read a letter from the Tennessee Historical Commission.

Ms. Beth Lothers of 304 Walpole Ct. challenged the quotes submitted by the applicant and asked for a deferral of the request to demolish the Morton House.

Mr. Chad Hilburn of 2097 Kidd Rd. asked for a denial or deferral.  He said if he had the money he would buy the property and restore it.

Ms. Laurie Bostelman of 5954 Fishing Creek said she doesn’t want to lose the house and lose its history.  She asked for a deferral or denial.

Mr. Randall Hess of 7193 Nolensville Rd. said he felt the application should be denied.  The house deserves to stay.
Ms. Mary Pearce of 103 Woodview Ct. in Franklin previously worked for the Heritage Foundation and worked on the application for the National Register.  She said it would be a mistake to tear down the Morton House.  She asked to deny or delay the application for demolition to save Nolensville’s history.

Mr. Bernie Tavenner of 1957 Burke Hollow Rd. said he and his family would donate time to help restore the house.
Ms. Lynda Moses of 2230 Rocky Springs Rd. shared photos and read a history of the Morton House from a book on historic Nolensville places.


Chairman Hughes announced that the Commission would consider New Business item B first.
Certificate of Appropriateness: New metal roof for the Tanner House at 7307 Nolensville Road.  Mr. Mike Minard represented the project.  He indicated that the roof of the business is leaking, and he proposed encapsulating the shingles with a galvalume metal roof.  Commissioner Dugger asked Mr. Minard if he would be replacing the roof on the shed.  Mr. Minard confirmed he had extra metal and planned to put a new roof on the shed.

After a short discussion, Chairman Hughes moved to approve a certificate of appropriateness for the metal roof, seconded by Commissioner Jeanne Boutilier.  The motion passed unanimously. 

Certificate of Appropriateness: Demolition of historic dwelling at 7186 Nolensville Road.  Counsel Notestine reminded the Commissioners they have the power to approve the certificate of appropriateness, deny it, or approve the certificate with conditions.  Town Planner Sarah Sitterle clarified that the Zoning Ordinance allows review by the Commission of historic structures within and outside of the historic village district.  This particular structure is outside of the historic district overlay but it is on the national register.

Commissioner Tommy Dugger pointed out that he had indicated to Chairman Hughes and Counsel Notestine prior to the meeting that he would recuse himself from the vote.

Mr. Ali Malakouti of 246 Governor’s Way in Brentwood represented the project.  He said that he and all of his family lives close by and they have roots in Nolensville.  An independent structural engineer and pest control company was hired to evaluate the historical structure.  Those professionals all agreed that the home is in severe disrepair.  Footing, foundation, support systems, loadbearing walls, and the roof are either failing or infested with termites.  The house and property were purchased for a half-million dollars.  They estimate it will cost another half-million dollars to rehab the house.  The owners assume if the house is renovated and then rented they would be burdened with a $2,000 - $3,000 loss per month. 

Mr. Malakouti said the owners did not realize that there would be push back since the home is not in the Historic District Overlay.  Chairman Hughes disputes the estimates provided to renovate the home and whether the owners did their due diligence researching the property.  Chairman Hughes said allowing the demolition would set a bad precedent. Commissioner Friedlander pointed out that many of the historic interior items had been sold.  Counsel Notestine commented that the Zoning Ordinance limits the Commission’s authority to the exterior.

Chairman Hughes moved to deny the certificate of appropriateness, seconded by Commissioner Boutilier.  The motion passed by vote of 4 – 0 with Commissioner Dugger abstaining.


Chairman Hughes said that Anabeth has invited the community to nominate local properties for preservation awards.

Chairman Hughes moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m. seconded by Commissioner Friedlander and approved unanimously.