Minutes Archive

2006 - 11 Historic Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Nolensville Historic Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
November 30, 2006
6:30 P.M.
Members in attendance were Wanda Barker, Pat Aldred, Kirk Duclos, Larry Felts, and Betty Friedlander.  Staff present was Robert J. Notestine and Gina Lawrence.  Two applicants and five citizens were in attendance.
Agenda Item I-Meeting Called to Order
Meeting was called to order by Wanda Barker at 6:30 P. M.
Agenda Item II-Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chair Barker.
Agenda Item III-Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Friedlander made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 28, 2006 meeting.  Kirk Duclos seconded the motion.  The topic was opened for discussion.  Chair Barker noted that Henry Laird was present at the September 28th meeting and his name was not listed as staff present at the meeting.  Also, in the first sentence of the sixth paragraph the word sell should read sale.  Commissioner Friedlander also noted that in the last sentence of the minutes the word applicant should be changed to read Commissioners.  Commissioner Friedlander motioned to approve the minutes as amended and Commissioner Duclos seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item IV-Citizen Comments
Chair Barker asked if there were any citizen comments.
Mr. Alfred Bennett addressed the Commission.  He stated that the Nolensville Red Bow Festival had been a great success this year.  He asked if members of the Historic Zoning Commission could please attend the town’s Historic District functions.
Agenda Item V-New Business
1. 7292 Nolensville Road-Application for Change of Use and Sign Approval
It was decided that because the applicant Mr. Jay Nelson was not present the Commission would hold the item until the end of the new business agenda items.
2. 2340 Rocky Fork Road-Application for Restoration of Structure
Chair Barker read the staff comments submitted by Don Swartz, Codes Official for the Town regarding the proposed rebuilding of the structure located at 2340 Rocky Fork Road.  Mr. Swartz’s comments stated that the structure must be rebuilt in compliance with all applicable building codes and that any future use must be approved by the Town.  Commissioner Friedlander thanked the owner Mrs. Janice Green for her willingness to preserve the structure.  Commissioner Friedlander moved to approve the application for Certificate of Appropriateness.  Commissioner Duclos seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.
3. 7280 Nolensville Road-Application for Sign Approval
Chair Barker read Mr. Swartz’s comments regarding the proposed sign to be placed on the deck near the entrance to the property known as the “Feed Mill.”  Mr. Swartz found that the sign meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.  Commissioner Felts moves to approve the application for the sign.  Commissioner Duclos seconds the motion.  Brief conversation takes place between Mr. Darrin Sheff, the owner of the property, and the Commission regarding the coloring of the sign.  Commissioner Duclos moves to amend the approval to include the condition that the applicant meets with members of the Historic Zoning Commission regarding approved Historic District colors for the sign.   Commissioner Friedlander seconds the motion.  The application is approved as amended unanimously.
It is determined that Mr. Darrin Sheff, as owner of the property located at 7292 Nolensville Road, is qualified to represent Mr. Nelson regarding the improvements submitted to the Historic Zoning Commission in Item V.1 of the Agenda for tonight’s meeting.  Chair Barker read the recommendation submitted by Don Swartz which stated that the proposed improvements to the structure will pose no problem with zoning and building codes.  He also noted that the proposed change of use is not under the jurisdiction of the Historic Zoning Commission and that the wrought-iron fence proposed for the front of the property must be placed out of the State’s right-of-way.  It is determined that the sign portion of the application will be deferred because no information was submitted.  Commissioner Friedlander moved to approve the application with the conditions that the proposed fence be located outside the State’s right-of way, without the sign and with Historic Zoning Commission approved colors.  Commissioner Duclos seconded the motion.  The application is approved as amended unanimously.
Agenda Item VI-Old Business
No old business is proposed.

Agenda Item VII-Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p. m.

Respectfully submitted,

Gina Lawrence
Recording Secretary
2006 - 09 Historic Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Historic Zoning Commission
Town Hall, September 28, 2006, 6:30 p.m.
Members present were Chair Wanda Barker, Pat Aldred, Kirk Duclos, Larry Felts, and Betty Friedlander. Staff present was Counsel Robert J. Notestine, Engineer Rich Woodroof, and Recorder Cindy Lancaster. Applicant and 5 citizens were in attendance.
Chair Barker opened the meeting at 6:29 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Friedlander made a motion to approve the minutes from August 31, 2006, Commissioner Duclos seconded and this passed unanimously.
Chair Barker asked if there were citizen’s comments.
Ms. Becky Leonard addressed the Commission. She noted that she was a business owner in Nolensville at the building known as the creamery. She noted that they were only one of a few owners that work and live in Nolensville. She stated that there is an issue in regards to flags being flown within the Historic area. She stated that her establishment initially had a small flag advertising they were opened. She stated that the Nolensville Codes department told them they could not fly their flag.
She further stated that if at the end of the month they wished to have a sell, it would take three weeks to two months to receive permission to have signs in the historic district. She stated that she realizes that these ordinances were written ten years ago, but they should be revisited. She further stated that the town ordinances are making it impossible to have a business.
Commissioner Aldred stated that she is not sure why someone from Codes told you this, although it would be her thoughts that on open sign advertising the business would be allowed. Counsel Notestine stated that this would need to be researched to find the details. Town Planner Laird agreed that this should be researched.
Commissioner Friedlander noted that in regards to the time frame the Board of Mayor and Aldermen are currently in the process of changing the wording of this ordinance.
Chair Barker noted that new business includes a Certificate of Appropriate request for Audrey Sanders at 9895 Clovercroft Road. This request is made for replacement of roof gutters on a single family residence. She noted that the Codes comments stated that there are no issues on this request. She stated that it was her understanding that this was brought before this group due to the uncertainty of how it would be performed.
Mr. John Post, contractor of the project, stated that the looks will not change. He described the current gutters and noted they would only be repaired in the same fashion that they currently appear.
Commissioner Felts made a motion to approve the request, Commissioner Aldred seconded and this passed unanimously.
New Business:
Town Planner Laird distributed to the board a new application that would be given to applicants. He noted that this document gives the applicant more information.
The meeting adjourned at 6:44.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Lancaster
Town Recorder