Minutes Archive

2016-12 BOMA Minutes
Thursday, December 1, 2016
7:00 p.m.

Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
Date: December 1, 2016 Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall, 7218 Nolensville Road

Mayor Jimmy Alexander opened the meeting at 7:02 p.m.  Board members present were Mayor Alexander, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Jason Patrick and Brian Snyder.  Staff present: Administrator Ken McLawhon, Counsel Robert Notestine, Town Engineer Don Swartz, Planner Sarah Sitterle, and Recorder Kali Mogul.  There were 22 citizens present.

Reverend Don Sensing, of Nolensville First United Methodist Church said the prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Administrator McLawhon requested a moment of silence for the Tennessee residents experiencing wildfires and treacherous weather.

There were no citizen comments. 

Next, Alderman Snyder made a motion to approve the minutes from the Board meeting of November 3, 2016, seconded by Alderman Dugger.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report through October, 2016. Alderman Dugger seconded, and the report was approved unanimously.


Town Planner Sarah Sitterle gave an update from the Planning Department and recapped the submittals considered at the November Planning Commission meeting:

* The Comprehensive Plan is underway
* The Impact Fee Study is also being updated
* Nolen Meade Final P.U.D. Plan revision to include an entrance wall, approved
* Scales Farmstead Final Plat Phase 1, approved
* Thrive Health and Wellness Site Plan at 7155 Nolensville Road, approved
* Swainston Warehouse in Johnson Industrial Park Final Plat and Site Plan, approved
* Land Use Plan Amendment for 7399 and 7407 Nolensville Road
Town Engineer Don Swartz provided updates on the following:
* There has been no substantial change in status on the Safe Routes to School project
* The Town is still awaiting a decision from TDOT on the possibility of rebidding the Small Town Connections trail
On behalf of the Nolensville Fire Department, Chief Mark Hall reported statistics for October and November.  There were an unusually high number of brush fires and burn calls in association with the dry weather.  Captain Don Joaquin accompanied Williamson County fire fighters to Gatlinburg to help battle the wildfires there.

Police Chief Troy Huffines presented his report on monthly offenses, stop data, and a management report for November.  Mayor Alexander mentioned that Nolensville was reported to be the fourth safest town in Tennessee. 
Alderman Patrick arrived at 7:17 p.m.  He presented Chief Huffines with thank you notes from the local Boy Scout troop.
Mr. Bryan Howell reported for the Public Works Department.  Blacktop patch supply expenses will go up substantially next month.  The vehicle lift was installed at the auxiliary building, which accounts for the supply costs.  Alderman Felts thanked Howell for assistance with the drain at Oldham Road and Dortch Lane.

No report was given for the Historic Zoning Commission, as they did not meet.

Mr. Tyler Thayer spoke on behalf of the Economic Development Committee.  Thayer has resigned from the Committee effective in February.  Mayor Alexander thanked Tyler for his service.  The Committee is working on locations for parks and recreation sites and raising the capital to build these sites.

On behalf of the Town Events Committee, Alderman Snyder thanked the Town’s Veterans for attending the Veteran’s Day breakfast and parade.  The North Pole Experience is coming to Town Hall on Monday, December 5th.   

Ms. Kelley Crummitt said that the Trees and Trails Committee has been fairly quiet with the exception of reviewing plans for the Planning Commission.

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, which included Resolution 16-38, a resolution to release SAF Properties, LLC from maintenance bonding and accept the roads and public improvements within Brittain Downs Phase 3, Section 1A for maintenance and Resolution 16-39, a resolution to make application for funding through a Justice Assistance Grant, United States Department of Justice, through the State of Tennessee Department of Finance and Administration.  Alderman Snyder seconded, and the Consent Agenda was approved unanimously.

Mayor Alexander moved to approve on second reading Ordinance 16-15, an ordinance to amend Appendix B of the Zoning Ordinance #04-09 of the Town of Nolensville, Tennessee pertaining to landscape buffering required for standard subdivisions located along arterial roads.  Alderman Patrick seconded the motion.  When the vote was taken, the approval passed unanimously.

Mr. Michael Hindman of H. Michael Hindman Architects represented the Market Square project in Ordinance 16-16, an ordinance to approve a P.U.D. concept plan in Nolensville, Tennessee known as Market Square and apply Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.) overlay zoning to the property.  Mr. Hindman agreed that the Plaza would be included in phase 1 of the project.  Bollards and seating would be incorporated.  There was a lengthy discussion about the procedure for scheduling special events at the Plaza area, the language of the letter of intent; traffic improvements in phase 1, maintenance and liability of the Plaza area, and the cost for the amenities in the Plaza area.  Continued discussion included permitted uses and life safety issues.  At the conclusion of the discussion, Alderman Patrick made a motion to approve Ordinance 16-16 on second reading with the following conditions to be added to existing conditions “A” through “C” in Exhibit A:

D. The design and maintenance agreement for the public plaza area to be approved by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen prior to consideration of the Market Square site plan by the Planning Commission.

E. All items in the developer’s Letter of Intent must be approved by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen prior to consideration of the Market Square site plan by the Planning Commission.

F. The plaza area construction must be built in Phase 1 of the development.

G. Requests for special event use by the developer and its assigns of the public plaza area must be coordinated and approved by Town Hall in advance.

Mayor Alexander seconded the motion.   The approval passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander moved to approve on second reading Ordinance 16-17, an ordinance to amend Title 8, Chapter 2, Sections 205 and 207 of the Nolensville Municipal Code pertaining to on-premises beer consumption, seconded by Alderman Felts.

There was extensive discussion about the capacity and configuration of the building, the number of seats in the space, the hours detailed in the ordinance, what food would be available, and the classification of a bar.  There was also discussion about limiting the beer manufacturer to selling only the product manufactured on premises.  Mayor Alexander amended his motion to approve Ordinance 16-17 to incorporate language permitting the business to only sell beer it manufactures for on-premises consumption and adding a one-year limit to the approval, ending December 31, 2017 unless extended by ordinance by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.  Alderman Felts seconded the motion to amend.

After additional continued discussion, the mayor called for a vote on the motion to amend.  Mayor Alexander and Aldermen Patrick and Felts voted in favor of the amendment.  Aldermen Dugger and Snyder opposed the motion to amend, which passed by a vote of 3 – 2.  Following further discussion, the motion to approve Ordinance 16-17 as amended on second reading passed by a vote of 3 – 2, with Mayor Alexander and Aldermen Patrick and Felts in favor and Aldermen Dugger and Snyder opposed.

Next, Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve on second reading Ordinance 16-19, an ordinance to amend Title 15 of the Nolensville Municipal Code pertaining to motor vehicles, traffic and parking, seconded by Alderman Felts.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander reminded the audience about the North Pole Experience on Monday December 5th.  Alderman Felts wished his wife, Nita, a Happy Birthday.

Mayor Alexander adjourned the meeting at 10:32 p.m.
2016-11 BOMA Minutes
Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
November 3, 2016 -  Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall
Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
Date: November 3, 2016 Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall, 7218 Nolensville Road

Mayor Jimmy Alexander opened the meeting at 7:02 p.m.  Members present were Mayor Alexander, Alderman Tommy Dugger, Aldermen Larry Felts, Jason Patrick and Brian Snyder.  Staff present: Administrator Ken McLawhon, Counsel Robert Notestine, Town Engineer Don Swartz, Planner Sarah Sitterle, and Recorder Kali Mogul.  There were 37 citizens present.

Mr. Ken Facer, Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Sunset Road said the prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Ms. Birgit Hein of 713 Honors Court asked about the lighting for the Market Square, the retaining wall between the Market Square and Honors Court, and pointed out that plants and trees don’t grow in the area designated as the 50-foot buffer as due to the amount of rock in the area. 

Next, Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the minutes from the Board meeting of October 6, 2016, seconded by Alderman Patrick.  Alderman Dugger recused himself.  The motion passed by a vote of 4 - 0.

Mayor Alexander moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report through September, 2016. Alderman Felts seconded, and the report was approved unanimously.


Town Planner Sarah Sitterle reported on two submittals considered at the October Planning Commission meeting:

* Nolensville Business Center final plat, approved
* Bent Creek Phase 18, Section 2 final plat, approved
Town Engineer Don Swartz provided updates on the following:
* Staff is reviewing TDOT comments on the Stonebrook Safe Routes to School project and working to resolve modifications to the existing system
* The Creekside Safe Routes to School project is still in design
* Small Town Connection bids were all above engineer estimates, so staff is discussing with TDOT the possibility of re-bidding
* The Winterset Woods HOA voted to convey right-of-way to the Town for the Sunset Road project; Benington HOA has not yet responded
* Williamson County Highway Department has agreed to work us into their schedule to repair and repave York Road
* Public perception is that a left-turn signal is needed at the intersection of Rocky Fork Road and Nolensville Road; the price to remove the existing and install the required equipment is $5,960.00 plus a new timing program at $500.00; there is a possibility of getting assistance from TDOT
* The Public Works Department is investigating striping and marking of certain roads; the estimate is $5,600.00
* There will be a review of roadway cuts and repairs made by Nolensville College Grove Utilities to ensure cuts are repaired correctly and in a timely manner

No report was given by the Fire Department.

Police Chief Troy Huffines presented his report on monthly offenses, stop data, and a management report for October. 
Mr. Bryan Howell reported for the Public Works Department.  The right-of-way on Nolensville Road has been mowed.  The hand rail on the balcony was painted, and the department is ready for the Veteran’s Day Parade.  Mayor Alexander thanked Public Works and the Police Department for their assistance with the Rollin’ Nolen race and recent Halloween trick-or-treating.  Alderman Snyder thanked the Public Works Department for committing to help with the upcoming Christmas event.

No report was given for the Historic Zoning Commission, as they did not meet.

No report was given for the Economic Development Committee.  Administrator McLawhon detailed the new community videos recently posted on the Town’s website.

On behalf of the Town Event Committee, Co-Chair Toni Crosby and Co-Chair Suzanne Honeycutt gave an update on the upcoming Veteran’s Day celebration and revealed the gift selected for the veterans.   

Ms. Kelley Crummitt said that the Trees and Trails Committee has met with Planner Sarah Sitterle on the master trail plan.

Alderman Dugger made a motion to remove items A and C from the Consent Agenda, seconded by Alderman Patrick.  The motion was approved unanimously. 

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve item B of the Consent Agenda, Resolution 16-36, a resolution to make application for The Pool’s Property Conservation matching grant program.  Alderman Dugger seconded, and item B was approved unanimously.

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve item A of the Consent Agenda, Resolution 16-35, a resolution to release Regent Homes from maintenance bonding and accept the roads and public improvements within Sherwood Green Estates Phase 1 for maintenance.  Alderman Felts seconded.  After a brief discussion, Alderman Dugger made a motion to amend the exhibit on Resolution 16-35 by removing the highlighted walking trail.  Mayor Alexander seconded the motion to amend.  The motion to amend passed unanimously.  Mayor Alexander called for a vote on Resolution 16-35 as amended, and it passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander moved to approve item C of the Consent Agenda, Resolution 16-37, a resolution to update the Occupational Safety and Health Program, devise rules and regulations, and to provide for a safety director and the implementation of such a program.  Alderman Dugger seconded the motion.  After some discussion, the resolution was approved by unanimous vote.

At 7:47 p.m., Mayor Alexander opened a public hearing on Ordinance 16-15, an ordinance to amend Appendix B of the Zoning Ordinance #04-09 of the Town of Nolensville, Tennessee pertaining to landscape buffering required for standard subdivisions located along arterial roads.  With no comments, the public hearing was closed at 7:48 p.m.

Mayor Alexander opened a public hearing on Ordinance 16-16, an ordinance to approve a P.U.D. concept plan in Nolensville, Tennessee known as Market Square and apply Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.) overlay zoning to the property at 7:49 p.m. 

Ms. Suzie Lindsey of 5014 Falling Water Road spoke in favor of Market Square.  She believes the development will enhance the Nolensville community and allow residents to work and shop in Town, which will generate more revenue.
Mr. Michael Hindman of H. Michael Hindman Architects addressed some of the citizen questions.  He mentioned the development will adhere to the Town’s lighting ordinance but that no specific lighting plan had been drawn yet.  He also said while no landscape plan had been drawn yet, the 50-foot buffer will address what currently exists and will work well in the location. 

Mr. Caleb Thorne of Ragan Smith reiterated that the expected phases are shown on sheet C-1. The traffic study recommendations will be included with phase 1.  Mr. E.J. Kerr of Bent Creek suggested phasing the project differently.  Mr. Hindman clarified that any change in the site plan would have to come back before the Board.  He said there is no projected timeline for the phasing.  Alderman Snyder encouraged Mr. Hindman to include the open space in phase 1.
Mr. Larry Gardner of 105 Mill Creek said he is opposed to the eight-foot retaining walls.  He asked whether all the grading would be done at the same time or in phases.  Mr. Thorne said they have not decided yet whether all the site work would be done at the same time or in phases. 

Ms. Martha Lanese of 997 Dortch Lane asked how the footprint of the Market Square and parking compares to the size of Town Center and parking there.  She also asked if there would be access through Nolen Park and about the permitted times allowed for construction.  Alderman Patrick clarified that the arrow on the plan does not indicate Nolen Park, and there is no connection to Nolen Park.  Alderman Dugger said Town Center property is about five acres, plus the church site. 

Ms. Kelley Crummitt asked about the trail requested connecting the Market Square to Oldham Road.  Mr. Thorne said that the connection is achieved by combining the trail and the sidewalks.  Mayor Alexander clarified that construction work is allowed from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. or dark Monday through Saturday and on Sundays between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. or dark. 

Mr. Thorne answered questions about landscaping.  Plantings will be supplemented where needed, and landscape bonds are required by the Town to ensure the plants live.  Ms. Nita Felts of 999 Dortch Lane expressed concern about the wildlife in the area.  Ms. Joyce Powers of 1023 Bitticks Creek pointed out that the landscaping will be dictated by the Zoning Ordinance.

Mayor Alexander closed the public hearing on Ordinance 16-16 at 8:29 p.m.

At 8:30 p.m., Mayor Alexander opened a public hearing on Ordinance 16-17, an ordinance to amend Title 8, Chapters 105 and 107 of the Nolensville Municipal Code pertaining to on-premises beer consumption.  Alderman Dugger noted the code numbering should be revised in the ordinance to reflect updates to the Municipal Code.  There was some discussion among the Board members about support and opposition to previous proposed beer ordinance amendments. Mr. Larry Gardner asked if hours for on-premises consumption had been established.  Mr. Aubrey Short stated that the public hearing should be stopped.  Mr. Randy Taylor of 225 Norfolk asked if the hours would be in the ordinance.  Mr. Larry Gardner asked if the establishment could sell other beer.  Counsel Notestine stated that the ordinance specifies the times but does not restrict the applicant to selling one brand of beer.

Mayor Alexander declared the public hearing closed at 8:46 p.m.

Next, Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve on second reading Ordinance 16-18, an ordinance to amend Title 16, Chapters 106 and 107 of the Nolensville Municipal Code pertaining to streets and sidewalks.  Alderman Patrick seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander then made a motion to approve on first reading Ordinance 16-19, an ordinance to amend Title 15 of the Nolensville Municipal Code pertaining to motor vehicles, traffic and parking.  Counsel Notestine explained that the Town adopts the rules of the road for the State of Tennessee, but the NMC does not address fines for seatbelt violations.  Alderman Felts seconded the motion.  Upon a vote, the approval passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander mentioned the Veteran’s Day breakfast and parade to be held on November 12th.  The Power of Ten conference will be held November 9th.  There were 24 residential building permits issued in October. 

Alderman Dugger requested that old and new language be included on ordinance changes. 

Alderman Felts requested that the Lions Club turkey shoot on November 12th and November 19th be added to the Town website.  Kim Hardison mentioned that the Town is working with the United Way to support local families for the Thanksgiving season.

Mayor Alexander adjourned the meeting at 8:58 p.m.
2016-10 BOMA Minutes
Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
October 6, 2016 -  Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall
Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
Date: October 6, 2016 Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall, 7218 Nolensville Road

Mayor Jimmy Alexander opened the meeting at 7:01 p.m.  Members present were Mayor Alexander, Aldermen Larry Felts, Jason Patrick and Brian Snyder.   Alderman Tommy Dugger was absent. Staff present: Administrator Ken McLawhon, Counsel Robert Notestine, Town Engineer Don Swartz, Planner Sarah Sitterle, and Recorder Kali Mogul.  There were 58 citizens present.

Mr. John Pollack, Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Sunset Road said the prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Ms. Bergit Hein asked about the purpose of retaining walls, in reference to the Market Square project. 

Mr. Aubrey Short of 803 Rockwood Drive complimented Mr. Bryan Howell on his prompt response to his call regarding pot holes.

Mr. Sam Sarbacker of 300 Walpole Court mentioned he had comments regarding the annexation and would address that agenda item during new business.

Ms. Jana Truman of 3232 Locust Hollow spoke in favor of the Market Square project but asked for descriptive details on the public amenity area.

Next, Alderman Patrick made a motion to approve the minutes from the Board meeting of September 1, 2016, seconded by Alderman Snyder.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report through August, 2016. Alderman Patrick seconded, and the report was approved unanimously.


Town Planner Sarah Sitterle reported on 15 submittals considered at the September 13th Planning Commission meeting:

* Gilchrist South Subdivision Entrance Sign Site Plan, approved
* Burberry Glen Subdivision Entrance Sign Site Plan, approved
* Burkitt Commons Commercial Site Plan, approved
* Burkitt Commons Architectural Plan, approved
* Willis Wells revision #2 to lot 1 final plat, approved
* Burkitt Village Phases 2 and 6 final plats, approved
* Sunset/Waller minor subdivision final plat, approved
* Sherwood Green Estates revision to phases 5 and 6, approved
* Summerlyn Section 5 preliminary plat and final P.U.D. plan, approved
* Nolen Mill preliminary plat, approved
* Asher preliminary plat, approved
* Site plan for First Tennessee expansion to parking lot, approved
* Text Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Appendix B pertaining to landscape buffering required for standard subdivisions located along arterial roads, approved and recommended to BOMA
* Plan of service for the annexation of a portion of Map 032, Parcel 00600 and Map 057, Parcel 00101, approved and recommended to BOMA
Town Engineer Don Swartz provided updates on the following:
* Swartz prepared and distributed a report in response to a petition regarding a multi-way stop requested at the corner of Benington Place and Eaves/Allred Court
* The Town is ready to move forward on repair of base failures and repaving of York Road, which is considered plan B, as the full-depth reclamation plan was too costly
* Public Works Director Bryan Howell is collecting quotes for road striping and markings on a number of intersections off of Nolensville Road as well as markings for Brittain Lane/Maxwell Lane and on a portion of Sunset Road outside of the improvement area
* Several meetings have been held with the attorneys for Winterset Woods HOA and Benington HOA on acquiring right-of-way needed for Sunset Road improvement
* Bids for the Small Town Connections project will open in October, with construction starting sometime after the first of the year when asphalt plants reopen
* Stonebrook Safe Routes To School plans are still under review with TDOT
* Engineering plans are underway for the Creekside Safe Routes To School and will be reviewed prior to submitting them to TDOT

Town Administrator Ken McLawhon interjected that the cost of the full-depth reclamation on York Road was more than $200,000.00 over the budgeted cost, which led to scaling back the repair plan.  The Town plans to work with Williamson County on the repairs, which will hopefully, instead, lead to a savings.

On behalf of the Nolensville Fire Department, Chief Mark Hall reported statistics for September.  There are six new recruits to the department:  Two are brand new, and four are experienced.  An Open House is tentatively scheduled for Sunday October 30th between 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Police Chief Troy Huffines presented his report on monthly offenses, stop data, and a management report for September.  He also mentioned that the Governor’s Highway Safety Office awarded the Town with $16,000.00 in grant money.  Chief Huffines noted this money would be spent on radar equipment—2 LIDAR guns (laser radar) and two sign devices that attach to speed limit signs.  Some equipment to be purchased will assist with traffic counts. 

Mr. Bryan Howell reported for the Public Works Department.  He mentioned that vehicle maintenance costs were high due to the repair of the mowing equipment.

No report was given for the Historic Zoning Commission, as they did not meet.

No report was given for the Economic Development Committee.

On behalf of the Town Event Committee, Alderman Snyder mentioned that the committee is working on the Veterans Day Parade.   

Ms. Kelley Crummitt expressed gratitude to Engineer Don Swartz for his work on the Small Town Connections grant.  She also thanked the Board for their support of the Safe Routes to School program.  The principal of Nolensville Elementary has expressed some interest in making some additional connections around the school.  Ms. Crummitt said the committee is interested in holding a public workshop to find out what the residents would like them to work on.  Alderman Snyder said there had been some discussion via e-mail with Williamson County Schools representatives regarding a cross walk from Nolensville Elementary to Sherwood Green Estates.

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, which included Resolution 16-30, a resolution to release CK Development from maintenance bonding and accept the roads and public improvements within Bent Creek Phase 6, Section 2A for maintenance, Resolution 16-31, a resolution to release SAF Properties from maintenance bonding and accept public improvements within Addition to Brittain Downs Phase 2 for maintenance, Resolution 16-32, resolution to declare certain property of the Town of Nolensville surplus and provide the authority to the Mayor to dispose of or sell the surplus inventory, and Resolution 16-33, a resolution to enter into an agreement with R&D Enterprises, Incorporated for right-of-way negotiation and acquisition associated with the Sunset Road improvement project.  Alderman Patrick seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

At 7:36 p.m., Mayor Alexander opened a public hearing on Resolution 16-34, a resolution to adopt a plan of service for the annexation of property known as Map 032, a portion of Parcel 00600 and property known as Map 057, Parcel 00101 of the Williamson County, Tennessee tax maps at the request of the property owners.

Mr. Sam Sarbacker of 300 Walpole Court addressed the annexation saying that a connection to Fly Road from Oak Creek would be extremely unsafe.  He asked for a show of hands of people in the audience who are opposed to such a connection.  Many of the individuals in the audience responded affirmatively. 

Town Administrator McLawhon pointed out that there is a high probability that these parcels will develop, regardless of whether they are part of the County or annexed by the Town.  If the Town annexes the property, as requested by the owners, the Town will have some control over how it is developed.  Mayor Alexander agreed.

Mr. Raymond Kennedy of 900 Manchester said he does want the Town to control how the property develops, but he is very concerned about a connection that would serve as a cut-through for people headed to Smyrna trying to avoid traffic.

Mr. Gary Schleimer of Oak Creek requested a portion of the annexed property to be used as a park.

Mr. Steve Hupka of 1022 Oak Creek is definitely against a connection.

Ms. Tina Singleton lives on the corner of McFarlin and Fly Roads.  She said rush hour traffic in that area is very bad.  Semis and heavy trucks often try to come through and get stuck there.  With development, there will be heavy construction traffic, which will further deteriorate the roads.

Town Administrator McLawhon reiterated that the road impact fees are undergoing analysis and will likely be increased.  Residential developers are required to make improvements to the roads, and this would be no exception. 
There was a lengthy discussion about the cost of improving and upgrading roads.  Mr. Aubrey Short made a point of order that the discussion should be about the annexation, not roads and taxes.  Mr. Sarbacker returned to say that many people take Kidd Road to get to Interstate 24, and adding 1,000 drivers to the mix would make Kidd Road “a disaster.”
Mayor Alexander declared the public hearing closed at 8:04 p.m.

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve on first reading Ordinance 16-15, an ordinance to amend Appendix B of the Zoning Ordinance #04-09 of the Town of Nolensville, Tennessee pertaining to landscape buffering required for standard subdivisions located along arterial roads.  Alderman Felts seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Mr. Michael Hindman of H. Michael Hindman Architects presented the project associated with the first reading of Ordinance 16-16, an ordinance to approve a P.U.D. concept plan in Nolensville, Tennessee known as Market Square and apply Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.) overlay zoning to the property.  There was some confusion about the original plan versus the illustration on sheet Alternate A-1.  There was a lengthy discussion on the project, including potential uses, the “public space” portion of the plan, the traffic study and traffic signal at Oldham and Nolensville Road, retaining walls and grading, the height of the buildings and configurations of living space.  Mr. Caleb Thorne of Ragan-Smith addressed proposed grading and drainage and said they are simply conceptual based on the preliminary information they have.  Mr. McLawhon reiterated that the residential density of 9.1 represented by the plan is a complete departure from what the Zoning Ordinance allows, but if the Ordinance is approved, it will be because of the items offered by the developer like the public space and road and traffic improvements. 

After continued discussion, Mayor Alexander moved for approval of Ordinance 16-16 as represented on sheet Alternate A-1 on first reading with the following conditions:  (a) a permitted use table will be included on the final plans, with the Town approval required; (b) developer will work with the Town to find open space use options acceptable to both the Town and the developer; (c) road improvements including signalization at Oldham and Nolensville Road will be implemented in Phase 1 of the development as stated in the traffic study.  Mayor Alexander reiterated that the plan is being approved on first reading with residential density of 9.1.  The reasons for accepting this density were the willingness of the developer to provide the road improvements and design of the open space.  Alderman Patrick seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander recognized Mr. Chris Going of Mill Creek Brewery and introduced Ordinance 16-17, an ordinance to amend Title 8, Chapters 105 and 107 of the Nolensville Municipal Code pertaining to on-premises beer consumption.  There was a lengthy discussion about the distinction between a bar and what is proposed in the amendment for a beer manufacturer.  Questions arose about the proximity to the ballpark and the sale of other alcoholic beverages.  There was also conversation about previous applicants who had been denied on-premises beer consumption permits.  Mayor Alexander then moved to approve Ordinance 16-17 on first reading, seconded by Alderman Felts.  When the vote was taken, the approval passed unanimously.  A public hearing will be held in November.

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve Ordinance 16-18, an ordinance to amend Title 16, Chapters 106 and 107 of the Nolensville Municipal Code pertaining to streets and sidewalks, seconded by Alderman Patrick.  Upon a vote, the motion passed unanimously.

Next, Mayor Alexander moved to approve Resolution 16-34, a resolution to adopt a plan of service for the annexation of property known as a Map 032, a portion of Parcel 00600 and property known as Map 057, Parcel 00101 of the Williamson County, Tennessee tax maps at the request of the property owners.  Alderman Patrick seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander mentioned there were 19 residential building permits issued in September.  Additionally, the inaugural Rollin’ Nolen 10 mile road race will be held Saturday, October 22nd, and October 14th is Walk to School Day.
Mayor Alexander adjourned the meeting at 9:55 p.m.
2016-09 BOMA Minutes
Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
September 1, 2016 -  Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall
Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
Date: September 1, 2016 Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall, 7218 Nolensville Road

Mayor Jimmy Alexander opened the meeting at 7:01 p.m.  Members present were Mayor Alexander, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Jason Patrick and Brian Snyder.    Staff present: Administrator Ken McLawhon, Counsel Robert Notestine, Town Engineer Don Swartz, Planner Sarah Sitterle, and Recorder Kali Mogul.  There were 38 citizens present.
Alderman Jason Patrick said the prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Mayor Alexander announced that Aldermen Patrick and Felts are unopposed for their Board seats in the upcoming election.

Mr. Aubrey Short of 803 Rockwood Drive commented on the rezoning of 7223 Nolensville Road and readfrom a comp plan created in 1997.  He opposed changing the zoning because of its proximity to the flood plain.

Mr. Mike Swyt of 1810 Eaves Court said that the residents of Benington are requesting a stop sign at Benington Place Drive at Eaves/Allred Court due to the number of children playing in the area.  He handed out copies of a signature petition from the residents.

Ms. Kristin Pierson of 9706-B Clovercroft Road addressed the need for left turn lane at Clovercroft and Nolensville Road.

Ms. Lynda Moses of 6939 Nolensville Road voiced opposition to the rezoning of 7223 Nolensville Road due to the potential for flooding.

Ms. Jana Truman of 3232 Locust Hollow spoke in favor of the Market Square commercial plan behind Town Hall.  She also requested more support for the Trees and Trails Committee.  

Next, Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the minutes from the Board meeting of August 4th, 2016, seconded by Alderman Patrick.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report through July, 2016. Alderman Patrick seconded, and the report was approved unanimously.

Mayor Alexander welcomed Dr. Bill Harlin principal of Nolensville High School, Ms. Paula Waits, principal of Nolensville Elementary School, and Ms. Julie Sparrow principal of Mill Creek Elementary School and read the “Be Nice” Proclamation for the month of September.  Photos were taken to commemorate the event.


Town Planner Sarah Sitterle reported on the submittals considered at the August 9th Planning Commission meeting:
* Nolen Meade Subdivision Sign Site Plan, approved

* Vickery Park Master Concept P.U.D. Plan Revision, approved
* Vickery Park Preliminary Plat/Final P.U.D. Plan Phase 1, approved
* Benington Section 9 Final Plat, approved
* Summerlyn Section 4 Preliminary Plat/Final P.U.D. Plan, approved
* Market Square Master Concept P.U.D. Plan, approved by majority vote
* Burkitt Commons site plan and design, deferred
* Major Thoroughfare Plan, approved
Mr. Brad Thompson of Volkert, Inc. gave a summary of the Major Thoroughfare Plan approved by the Planning Commission, which includes 24 road projects recommended for the Town
Town Engineer Don Swartz provided updates on the following:
* Additional funding for design and construction was needed for the Small Town Connections project.  The funds were approved, so we are waiting on receipt of those funds before continuing.  The notice to proceed and final review from the State are still outstanding.
* The Stonebrook Safe Routes to School plans are still under review by TDOT.
* The firm Wiser has been selected to handle the Creekside Safe Routes to School project. 
* A meeting was held with the Winterset Woods and Benington HOAs to discuss acquisition of right-of-way on Sunset Road before that project can proceed.  The utility providers have not yet returned their plans for relocation.
On behalf of the Nolensville Fire Department, Chris Bastin reported statistics for August.  The County has hired two additional “roaming” fire captains to fill in when Captain Joaquin is training or off site.  There are five new applicants at various phases of the hiring process.

Police Chief Troy Huffines presented his report on monthly offenses, stop data, and a management report for August.  Chief Huffines swore in the newest member of the department, Officer Powell.  Powell is also a member of the Army National Guard.  A part time officer has also been hired for weekends.

No report was given for the Public Works Department.

Ms. Betty Friedlander reported on a Certificate of Appropriateness approved by the Historic Zoning Commission for a Flower Stand in front of the Feed Mill.

No report was given for the Economic Development Committee.

On behalf of the Town Event Committee, Alderman Snyder mentioned that the Veterans Day Parade would be held November 12th.  In 2017, the Star Spangled Celebration will be held on July 1st. 

Ms. Joyce Powers mentioned that work on the Master Trail map would be rolled into the Comprehensive Plan.
Alderman Dugger made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, which included Resolution 16-24, to enter into an agreement with Duncan and Associates for a road impact fee study, Resolution 16-25, to make application for The Pool’s Safety Partners matching grant program, Resolution 16-26, to declare certain property of the Town of Nolensville surplus and provide the authority to the mayor to dispose of or sell surplus inventory, Resolution 16-27, to declare certain property of the Town of Nolensville Police Department surplus, grant the authority to the mayor to dispose of or sell surplus inventory and return the proceeds for these items to the drug fund, and Resolution 16-28, to enter into an agreement with Volkert, Incorporated for planning services related to developing a comprehensive plan for the Town of Nolensville, Tennessee.  Alderman Felts seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Next, Mayor Alexander read the caption for Ordinance 16-08, an ordinance to rezone a portion of the property at 7223 Nolensville Road from Estate Residential (ER) to Commercial Services (CS) with a Commercial Corridor Overlay (CCO).  Administrator McLawhon pointed out, using an exhibit, the portion of the property now under consideration for rezoning, which is approximately 4.3 acres.  Mr. Keith Premo stated that approximately 1.6 acres in the flood plain will be dedicated to the Town and Right-of-Way reserved if the rezoning is approved. 

Following a lengthy discussion about the flood plain and the amount of property to be rezoned, Alderman Dugger made a motion to approve Ordinance 16-08, as amended on second reading, rezoning a portion of the property located at 7223 Nolensville Road shown on Exhibit A as approximately 4.3 +/- acres, remaining, and described as a portion of Map 56, Parcel 035.01, to Commercial Services (CS) with the Commercial Corridor Overlay (CCO) applied, with approximately 1.6+/- acres shown on the attached map as Exhibit A to remain zoned Estate Residential (ER) and to be dedicated to the Town as stated by property owner Keith Premo as stated at this meeting. Alderman Patrick seconded the motion.  Upon a vote, the approval passed 4 – 1, with Alderman Felts opposing the rezoning.

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve Resolution 16-29, a resolution to amend an existing agreement with Ragan-Smith Associates, Incorporated and authorize the use of funds for engineering consultant work on Phases 1 and 2 of the Sunset Road improvement project.  Alderman Patrick seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander mentioned there were 24 residential building permits issued in August.  Additionally, Nolensville High School will hold their first Homecoming Parade on Friday.  Alderman Felts announced the Lions Club pancake breakfast on Saturday, September 10th followed by the annual fish fry at Ebenezer Methodist Church.  Administrator McLawhon also mentioned Marine Week in Nashville, starting September 7th.

Mayor Alexander adjourned the meeting at 8:47 p.m.
2016-08 BOMA Minutes
Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
August 4, 2016 -  Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall

Click here for audio recording of meeting
Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
Date: August 4, 2016 Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall, 7218 Nolensville Road

Mayor Jimmy Alexander opened the meeting at 7:01 p.m.  Members present were Mayor Alexander, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Jason Patrick and Brian Snyder.    Staff present: Administrator Ken McLawhon, Counsel Robert Notestine, Town Engineer Don Swartz, Planner Sarah Sitterle, Consultant Micah Wood and Recorder Kali Mogul.  There were 19 citizens present.

Alderman Tommy Dugger said the prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Mayor Alexander announced that Agenda Item 11, Ordinance 16-08, had been deferred at the request of the applicant. 
Ms. Katy Jones thanked the Aldermen for attending James Donald’s funeral and asked the Board to consider what she has mentioned previously regarding the rezoning of 7223 Nolensville Road.

Next, Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the minutes from the Board meeting of July 7th, 2016, seconded by Alderman Dugger.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report through June, 2016. Alderman Dugger seconded, and the report was approved unanimously.

Alderman Larry Felts gave a summary of Mr. Len Rossi’s wrestling career, and Alderman Snyder read a proclamation honoring Mr. Rossi’s induction into the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame.  Mr. Rossi thanked the board and the Town for the recognition.

Mayor Alexander then made a motion to appoint Alderman Larry Felts to the Storm Water Appeals Board, which was seconded by Alderman Dugger and approved unanimously.


Mayor Alexander and Town Administrator Ken McLawhon introduced new Town Planner Sarah Sitterle. 

Town Engineer Don Swartz provided updates on the following:

* Wiser Engineering has been selected to handle the third Safe Routes to School program.
* Collier Engineering confirmed that Sessions Paving will finish Sam Donald Road in the coming week.
* The Stonebrook Safe Routes to School and Small Town Connections trail are still in review with TDOT, so the Town is awaiting notice to proceed.

On behalf of the Nolensville Fire Department, Chief Hall reported statistics for July.  The Department has been involved with inspecting the new school campus and was trained on egress and fire alarm panels.  Chief Hall also requested that Town employee Keith Rosenbury be allowed to be dispatched on emergency calls during the day if needed.

Police Chief Troy Huffines presented his report on monthly offenses, stop data, and management report for July.  Chief Huffines mentioned the Police Department is prepared for the first day of school at the new campus.  Town Administrator McLawhon clarified that recruiting has been slow for a number of reasons.

Mr. Bryan Howell reported for the Public Works Department.  The tractor has been out of service for three weeks, and the State is also delayed on cutting the Right of Way on Nolensville Road.

There was no report for the Historic Zoning Commission, as there were no submittals for July.

In Mr. Tyler Thayer’s absence, Town Administrator Ken McLawhon reported that The Retail Coach was in town on July 18th for an update, and the recruitment process is underway. 
There were no reports for the Town Events and Trees and Trails Committees.
Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, which included Resolution 16-23 to release CK Development from maintenance bonding and accept the roads and public improvements within Bent Creek Phase 6, Section 2B for maintenance.  Alderman Snyder seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
At 7:34 p.m., Mayor Alexander opened a Public Hearing on Ordinance 16-13, an ordinance levying a tax rate in excess of the certified rate for tax year 2016.  With no comments, the Mayor closed the hearing at 7:35 p.m.
Mayor Alexander reiterated that the second reading of Ordinance 16-08 had been deferred at the request of the applicant until the next Board meeting on September 1, 2016.

Next, Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 16-10, an ordinance to enter into a franchise agreement with Atmos Energy Corporation for a period of 20-years, seconded by Alderman Felts.  Upon a vote, the approval passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Mayor Alexander to approve on second reading Ordinance 16-11, an ordinance to amend Title 9 of the Municipal Code regulating solicitors in the Town of Nolensville, Tennessee, seconded by Alderman Snyder.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander then made a motion to approve on second reading Ordinance 16-12, an ordinance amending Title 15 of the Town of Nolensville Municipal Code regulating motor vehicles, parking, traffic, and speeding.  The Mayor commented that this ordinance is to enforce the right-in/right-out only traffic at the Twice Daily on Nolensville Road.  Alderman Patrick seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Mayor Alexander to approve on second reading Ordinance 16-13, an ordinance levying a tax rate in excess of the certified rate for tax year 2016.  This is in response to Williamson County conducting a reappraisal of property and mentioned there has not been a property tax increase in six years.  Alderman Patrick seconded the motion, which passed by unanimous vote.

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve on second reading Ordinance 16-14, an ordinance to amend Title 1 of the Municipal Code regarding the regular meeting place and time of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.  Alderman Dugger seconded.  Upon a vote, the approval passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander then announced that the Williamson County Fair would begin the next day.  There will also be a kids’ triathlon held in Nolensville on August 14th.  Mayor Alexander thanked everyone for their concern about Ms. Janice Green.  Alderman Dugger addressed a comment to Town Administrator McLawhon requesting the incremental property tax revenue be used to help fund road improvements. 

Mayor Alexander adjourned the meeting at 7:46 p.m.
2016-07 BOMA Minutes
Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
July 7, 2016 -  Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall

Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
Date: July 7, 2016 Time 7:00 p.m.

Nolensville Town Hall, 7218 Nolensville RoadMayor Jimmy Alexander opened the meeting at 7:01 p.m.  Members present were Mayor Alexander, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Jason Patrick and Brian Snyder.    Staff present: Administrator Ken McLawhon, Counsel Robert Notestine, Town Engineer Don Swartz, Planner Henry Laird, and Recorder Kali Mogul.  There were 46 citizens present.

Alderman Bryan Snyder said the prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Terry Adams 1214 Creekside Dr. expressed his concern about rezoning the property at 7223 Nolensville Road.  He said he would like to see the parcel remain with the current zoning.

Mr. Lewis Green echoed Mr. Adams’s statement but asked the Board to consider the future and the increasing possibility for flooding with the increase of rooftops and blacktop.Ms. Katy Jones also asked that the Board leave the parcel at 7223 with its current zoning due to the flooding that has happened in the past.

Ms. Jean Newcom from Sam Donald Road said she fears for the people who live in the trailer park when it rains.  She said she would like the property to remain with the current zoning.Next, Alderman Felts made a motion to approve the minutes from the Board meeting of June 2nd, 2016, seconded by Alderman Dugger.  The motion passed unanimously.

Alderman Dugger moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report through May, 2016. Alderman Snyder seconded, and the report was approved unanimously.Mayor Alexander then appointed Arthur J. “Trey” Gay, III to the Board of Zoning Appeals.COMMITTEE REPORTS:Town Planner Henry Laird reported for the Planning Commission:
* Sketch Plan, Dylan Woods—no action required
* Final Plat for Eulas Glen, Phase 2, approved with performance bond
* Final Plat for Summerlyn, Section 3, approved with performance bond
* Preliminary Plat/Final PUD Plan for The Woods at Burberry Glen, approved with conditions
* Nolensville Business Office Site Plan, approved with revisions to building elevations and performance bondTown Engineer Don Swartz provided updates on the following:* Full construction plans of Sunset Road were provided to the utility companies last month.  The utilities have 120 days to coordinate the movement.  Right-Of-Way discussions have begun with Winterset Woods and Benington homeowner’s associations.
* The markings on the roadways affected by the fog sealing and road work will be replaced.
* The Stonebrook Safe Route to School project received utility clearance from TDOT.  Mr. Swartz said he is confident the project will be in the ground this summer.
* Two proposals were received for work on the Creekside Safe Route to School.
* The delay on the pedestrian bridge in Bent Creek is weather-related.On behalf of the Nolensville Fire Department, former Chief and current President of the Board of Directors Chris Bastin reported statistics for June. 

Mark Hall was re-elected as chief. Police Chief Troy Huffines presented his report on monthly offenses, stop data, and management report for June.  Chief Huffines thanked Williamson County Sherrif’s Office, EMS and volunteers for helping at the Star Spangled Celebration.Mr. Bryan Howell reported for the Public Works Department.  He concurred with Chief Huffines on the July 2 holiday event.  The tractor is currently out of service, so mowing is delayed.

Ms. Betty Friedlander reported that in June the Historic Zoning Commission approved a certificate of appropriateness for demolition of the homes at 7332, 7336 and 7340 Nolensville Road.  The three homes are not of historic significance.  There was also a submittal to build a new mixed use development where the homes are located, but the developer must first seek a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals.

In Mr. Tyler Thayer’s absence, Town Administrator Ken McLawhon reported the Economic Development Committee would like to hold a follow-up meeting with The Retail Coach either on July 14th or July 18th. Ms. Suzanne Honeycutt reported for the Town Events Committee.  She estimated about 8,000 people attended the Star Spangled Celebration.  She thanked the volunteers on the committee.  She also thanked the Police Department, Public Works Committee, Kim Hardison, and the Fire Department. 

Ms. Honeycutt said they will begin planning for the Veteran’s Day Parade next.  Administrator McLawhon also thanked the sponsors.On behalf of the Trees for Trails Committee Ms. Joyce Powers asked Town Engineer to provide an update on the Small Town Connections project.  He replied that it is still in plans review with TDOT. More money was approved by the MPO to cover a potential shortfall, but now it appears that there will be excess money.

Mayor Alexander announced Court Clerk Cathi Little recently turned in her resignation, as she will be moving back to her home state of Michigan. At 7:42 p.m., Mayor Alexander opened a Public Hearing on Ordinance 16-08, an ordinance to rezone property at 7223 Nolensville Road from Estate Residential (ER) to Commercial Services (CS) with a Commercial Corridor Overlay.
Ms. Peggy Jackson of 1698 Sunset Road said she had worked for TDOT for ten years and also worked for engineering firm Gresham Smith when Winterset Woods and Benington were being developed.  Her home flooded in 2010.  She wanted to know what to expect from a development on the corner of Nolensville Road and Sunset Road.

Ms. Lynda Moses of 2230 Rock Springs Road said Mill Creek is in her front yard.  She pointed out that the parcel floods over Nolensville Road into the Old School and onto the Rec Center property.  Rezoning will not make flooding worse; building on the property will make flooding worse.Dr. James Clark of 921 Oldham Road said there was no justification for rezoning the property to commercial and feels rezoning would come back to “bite the town” in the future.

Ms. Barbara Bartlett of 7201 Nolensville Road has lived in Nolensville since 1977.  HerThe concern also had to do with flooding.  She was pulled out of the old Nolensville Elementary School by the fire department when the property at 7223 Nolensville Road flooded. 

Ms. Bartlett’s parents own the mobile home park at 7201 Nolensville Road, located downstream from the property, where 24 units are affected by the creek when it floods.  She asked the Board members to consider leaving the property zoned ER.Ms. Kristin Pierson of Clovercroft Road mentioned that she was present when the Land Use Plan Committee was deliberating the updates.  She said she heard many discussions on the parcel in question.  She said rezoning the property would be contrary to the Land Use Plan and would circumvent the land use process.

Mr. Larry Gardner of 105 Mill Creek also reiterated that rezoning is contrary to the Land Use Plan and asked that the Board consider leaving the parcel ER. Mr. Ken Premo, owner of the parcel at 7223 Nolensville Road, asked that the Board vote yes on rezoning, so more businesses and services can come to Nolensville.

Mr. Doug Schenkel of 6604 Christiansted Lane said he does not feel that any BOMA or Planning Commission member would allow building on a property that would be detrimental to the Town.  He asked the Board to decide whether the property is commercial or residential.

Mr. E.J. Kerr of Aunt Nannies Place underscored that commercial development will bring money to the Town to help pay for better roads.  Only human engineering can divert water away from the property to prevent flooding.Mr. Bill Berkley of Williamson County spoke in favor of the rezoning.Ms. Jones spoke again, saying that water cannot be “converted and has to go somewhere.”

Mayor Alexander closed the public hearing on Ordinance 16-08 at 8:19 p.m.  He opened a public hearing on Ordinance 16-09, an ordinance to rezone Gary Smalley property adjacent to Summerlyn Subdivision at 2524 York Road from Estate Residential (ER) to Suburban Residential (SR) at 8:19 p.m.

Mr. Larry Gardner supported the ordinance to rezone the property.

Ms. Dianne Shelbrack of 1319 Maplesong Court represented the owner of the property.  She said the property does not meet the ER zone requirements and would fit in nicely zoned SR.Mayor Alexander closed the public hearing on Ordinance 16-09 at 8:22 p.m. and opened a public hearing on Ordinance 16-10, an ordinance to enter into a franchise agreement with Atmos Energy Corporation for a period of 20-years.  With no public comments, Mayor Alexander closed the hearing of Ordinance 16-10 at 8:23 p.m.

Mayor Alexander then made a motion to approve Ordinance 16-09, an ordinance to rezone Gary Smalley property adjacent to Summerlyn Subdivision at 2524 York Road from Estate Residential (ER) to Suburban Residential (SR).  Alderman Patrick seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance 16-11, an ordinance to amend Title 9 of the Nolensville Municipal Code regulating solicitors in the Town of Nolensville, Tennessee.  Alderman Snyder seconded the motion.  When the vote was taken, the approval passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance 16-12, an ordinance to amend Title 15 of the Town of Nolensville Municipal Code regarding motor vehicles, parking, traffic, and speeding.  Town Engineer Don Swartz clarified that this ordinance will make the right-in/right-out only at the Twice Daily location on Nolensville Road enforceable.  Alderman Felts seconded the motion, which passed by unanimous vote.Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance 16-13, an ordinance levying a tax rate in excess of the certified rate for tax year 2016, with a public hearing scheduled for August 4, 2016.  Alderman Dugger seconded.  After a brief discussion, the motion passed unanimously.

Next, Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance 16-14, an ordinance to amend Title 1 of the Town of Nolensville Municipal Code regarding the regular meeting place and time of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, seconded by Alderman Felts.  Upon a vote, the motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander asked Mr. Collin Dougherty with nCourt, LLC to provide pertinent details for consideration of Resolution 16-20 allowing credit card payments for municipal court fees, fines and costs and entering the agreement with nCourt to process the payments.  After discussion of the services provided by nCourt, encryption and security, Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve Resolution 16-20, seconded by Alderman Patrick.  After further discussion on security, the resolution passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander asked Treasurer Kim Hardison to explain the internal control policy and procedure manual referenced in Resolution 16-21.  Ms. Hardison mentioned in her summary that this manual was required by the State of Tennessee.

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve Resolution 16-21 adopting an internal control policy and procedure manual.  Alderman Dugger seconded and pointed out some minor typographical errors.  When a vote was taken, the resolution passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve Resolution 16-22, a resolution to release CK Development from maintenance bonding and accept the roads and public improvements within Bent Creek Phase 4, Section 1A for maintenance.  Alderman Felts seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander then announced that a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new schools is scheduled for July 24th.  He also said there were 56 new residential dwelling permits, and a total of 250 permits processed for the month of June.

Mayor Alexander adjourned the meeting at 8:56 p.m.
2016-06 BOMA Minutes
Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
May 5, 2016 -  Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall
Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
Date: June 2, 2016 Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall, 7218 Nolensville Road

Mayor Jimmy Alexander opened the meeting at 7:01 p.m.  Members present were Mayor Alexander, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Jason Patrick and Brian Snyder.    Staff present: Administrator Ken McLawhon, Counsel Robert Notestine, Town Engineer Don Swartz, Planner Henry Laird, and Recorder Kali Mogul.  There were 38 citizens present.
Alderman Larry Felts said the prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Mayor Alexander announced that the public hearing for Ordinance 16-08 regarding a rezoning at the corner of Sunset Road and Nolensville Road had been deferred at the request of the applicant.

Dr. James Clark said the ordinance to rezone 7223 Nolensville Road should not have made it to public hearing phase since the property is in the flood plain.  He said he was very concerned about the Market Square and does not think the Town needs that type of development.  Finally, he wanted to know why nothing has been done to resolve the road problem.

Mr. Aubrey Short gave some history on the Town and stressed the problem with the roads in Nolensville.

Ms. Rhonda McKissick is co-chair of a committee called “Paint the Town Blue.”  A ribbon cutting ceremony for the school will be held July 24th, and the committee will ask residents, businesses, churches and the Town Hall to decorate their buildings with blue to celebrate the opening of the school campus.  There are events planned—look for blue ribbons on sale at the Farmer’s Market and at the Star Spangled Celebration.  Homecoming will be on September 2nd. 

Next, Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the minutes from the Board meeting of May 5th, 2016, seconded by Alderman Snyder.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report through April, 2016. Alderman Dugger seconded, and the report was approved unanimously.


Town Planner Henry Laird reported for the Planning Commission:
* Site plan for Nolen Place pergola, approved
* Site plan for an additional building for All God’s Children on Johnson Industrial Boulevard, approved
* Subdivision entrance sign for Summerlyn, approved
* Rezoning request for 2425 York Road, approved for recommendation to BOMA
* Preliminary Plat revision for Asher Subdivision, approved conditionally
* Site plan for Hillside Center commercial, approved conditionally
Town Engineer Don Swartz provided updates on the following:
* Federal grants and Sunset Road project have kept the department busy.
* Creekside Safe Route to School project has received notice to proceed with preliminary design and a request for proposals has been published with a deadline of June 17th.
* The Stonebrook Safe Route to School project submittal is complete, and Title VI certification is being reviewed.
* The Small Town Connection project has been permitted by TDEC and the Army Corps of Engineers. Title VI certification is also being reviewed on this project.
* A meeting with Ragan Smith and the utility providers was held recently pertaining to the relocation of utilities on Sunset Road. The cost of moving the utilities depends on where they are located.  Those located within the right-of-way are moved at the expense of the provider, while those located outside the right-of-way are moved at the expense of the Town.  The relocation should begin in the fall. Appraisals and documents will be prepared to acquire right of way on more than 40 properties on Sunset.  Swartz believes the right-of-way acquisition should be complete this year so that the construction can go out to bid in 2017.
* Fog sealing will take place on certain roads in the Town, along with paving on Sam Donald and Walpole Court.
On behalf of the Nolensville Fire Department, Chief Mark Hall reported statistics for May.  There was a drop in some of the response times due to having the Administrative Captain in place.  Chief Hall announced that he would not seek nomination for his position as the chief.  Hall also thanked the Mayor and Administrator for the budgetary adjustment. 
Mayor Alexander thanked Chief Hall for his service. 
Police Chief Troy Huffines presented his report on monthly offenses, stop data, and management report for May.  Chief Huffines also mentioned he is working on recruiting to fill empty positions in the police department.
Alderman Patrick was asked to provide an overview of the Public Works department in Director Bryan Howell’s absence.  Alderman Snyder also mentioned the department would be working the entire day of the Star Spangled Celebration.

Ms. Betty Friedlander reported that in May the Historic Zoning Commission approved a certificate of appropriateness for an addition at 7326 Nolensville Road.

Mr. Tyler Thayer represented the Economic Development Committee.  He reported on his recent visit with The Retail Coach at a national convention.  New committee members attended their first meeting recently, which focused on entrepreneurship.

Alderman Snyder reported for the Town Events Committee.  The July 2nd Star Spangled Celebration is on track:  food trucks are lined up, and videos will be posted on the Committee’s Facebook page.

On behalf of the Trees for Trails Committee Ms. Kelley Crummitt mentioned the update to the Master Trail map.  The pedestrian bridge construction in Bent Creek is beginning. 

Mayor Alexander then made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, including Resolutions 16-17, a resolution to release SAF Properties from maintenance bonding and accept the roads and public improvements within Brittain Downs Phase 2, Section 1 for maintenance, and Resolution 16-18 a resolution to release CK Development from maintenance bonding and accept the roads and public improvements within Bent Creek Phase 6, Sections 1A and 1B for maintenance.  Alderman Felts seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Administrator McLawhon gave a summary of the budget, including revenue from the increased property values as certified by the State.  Anticipated expenditures in the upcoming year include millions of dollars in road work.  McLawhon reiterated that the increased property values would require a public hearing and formal vote by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.  He also clarified the total cost for all three phases of Sunset Road construction at about $7 million.  The total annual budget for the upcoming year for the Town of Nolensville is about $2 million.  Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 16-04, adopting a budget for fiscal year July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017.  The motion was seconded by Alderman Patrick.  When a vote was taken, the approval passed unanimously.
Mayor Alexander moved to approve the second reading of Ordinance 16-05, amending the zoning map of Nolensville, Tennessee to rezone property at 7150 Nolensville Road currently Office Industrial (OI) to Commercial Services (CS) with a Commercial Corridor Overlay (CCO).  Alderman Dugger seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mayor Alexander then made a motion to approve Ordinance 16-06, an ordinance to amend the zoning map of Nolensville, Tennessee to rezone four (4) tracts of property off of Nolensville Road between Sunset Road and Sam Donald Road.  Alderman Dugger mentioned the memo of understanding in the packet attached to the ordinance.  The memo memorializes the understanding to connect the future bypass from Sunset Road and Sam Donald Road with Goodall Homes, which has been sold to CMH Parks, Inc.  The motion was seconded by Alderman Snyder and passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander moved to approve on second reading Ordinance 16-07, an ordinance to enter into a franchise agreement with Comcast of Nashville II, LLC, seconded by Alderman Snyder.  When the vote was taken, the approval passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance 16-09, an ordinance to rezone property adjacent to Summerlyn Subdivision at 2425 York Road from Estate Residential (ER) to Suburban Residential (SR) by owner Gary Smalley.  Alderman Felts seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve Ordinance 16-10, an ordinance to enter into a franchise agreement with Atmos Energy Corporation for a period of 20-years, seconded by Alderman Felts, who questioned the caption regarding construction of a gas plant.  Attorney Notestine reassured Alderman Felts that if Atmos wanted to build a gas plant, they would have to go through the Town’s process of submitting a site plan.  When the vote was taken, the approval on first reading passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve Resolution 16-15, to make application for a COPS Hiring Program Grant.  Alderman Snyder seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve Resolution 16-16, to make application for a COPS Community Policing Development Grant, seconded by Alderman Dugger.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Mayor Alexander mentioned again the July 2nd Star Spangled Celebration.  He also said there were 25 residential building permits issued in May.

Mayor Alexander adjourned the meeting at 8:09 p.m.
2016-05 BOMA Minutes
Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
May 5, 2016 -  Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall
Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
Date: May 5, 2016 Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall, 7218 Nolensville Road

Mayor Jimmy Alexander opened the meeting at 7:01 p.m.  Members present were Mayor Alexander, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Jason Patrick and Brian Snyder.    Staff present: Administrator Ken McLawhon, Counsel Robert Notestine, Town Engineer Don Swartz, Planner Henry Laird, and Recorder Kali Mogul.  There were 33 citizens present.
Mr. Willis Wells said the prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

There were no citizen comments.

Alderman Patrick moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report through March, 2016. Alderman Snyder seconded, and the report was approved unanimously.

Next, Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve the minutes from the Board meeting of April 7th, 2016, seconded by Alderman Felts.  The motion passed unanimously.


Town Planner Henry Laird reported for the Planning Commission:
* At the April 12th meeting, the Planning Commission considered these items:
Final plat of Bent Creek Phase 18, Section 1-approved with performance bond
Final plat for Benington II, Section 1-approved with performance bond
Final plat of two lots for JTB Enterprises at 7116 Nolensville Road-approved
Final plat of two lots for Scott C. Walter at 9862 Sam Donald Road-approved
Final plat of three lots for the Kaye Subdivision, Section 1 off Sam Donald Road- approved
Site plan for Salon 1797 at 7035 Nolensville Road- approved
Final plat of Burberry Glen, Phase 1-approved with performance bond
Final P.U.D. plan/preliminary plat for Telfair- approved with conditions
Rezoning of 7223 Nolensville Road- disapproved
Preliminary plat of Hadley Reserve at 9915 Maxwell Lane- approved with conditions
Town Administrator McLawhon noted that Town Planner Henry Laird has notified the Town of his retirement plans for later in the summer.
Town Engineer Don Swartz provided updates on the following:
* The Town has closed on the Small Town Connections trail head parking lot.  TDEC permitting has been received, so the project is now awaiting the Army Corps of Engineers permit.
* The Stonebrook Safe Routes to School project is in the utility certification phase with TDOT.  Staff is hoping to piggyback the work with construction of the sidewalk tying Brittain Downs to Sunset Elementary School.
* The Creekside Safe Routes to School project has moved out of the environmental phase.
* Sessions Paving will be doing some of the milling and resurfacing work in the coming weeks, beginning with Walpole Court.  No roads will be completely closed.
On behalf of the Nolensville Fire Department, Tom Seyfried reported statistics for April.
Police Chief Troy Huffines presented his report on monthly offenses, stop data, and management report for April.  He then presented several awards and commendations:
* Officer David Hazlett received a Purple Star award and a distinguished service award for his bravery during a violent physical attack by a suspect on March 10, 2016
* Public Works Director and part-time Officer Bryan Howell received a commendation award for his assistance ending the standoff with the suspect on the March 10th incident.
* Captain Cindy Strange received a commendation award for her efforts at the scene of the attack. 
* Officer Kent Jacobs received a commendation award for his quick response to a call on February 28, 2016, during which he sustained minor injuries while apprehending the suspect.
* Officer Joe Baynham received a service recognition award for 12 years with the Nolensville Police Department.
Mr. Bryan Howell gave a brief report for the Public Works Department.  Approximately 15 sections of sidewalk in Bent Creek have been repaired along with some sections at Old Clovercroft and Nolensville Road.  Some of the right-of-way maintenance has been completed, and mowing has begun.  A contract is in place for landscaping at Town Hall.

Ms. Betty Friedlander reported that in April the Historic Zoning Commission approved a certificate of appropriateness for exterior residence changes at 7319 Nolensville Road.

Mr. Bob Haines represented the Economic Development Committee.  An open house was held recently to recruit volunteers.  Several people joined the committee as a result of the event, and new projects are on the horizon.
Ms. Suzanne Honeycutt reported for the Town Events Committee.  The Star Spangled Celebration is on track, and many of the action items are complete.

On behalf of the Trees for Trails Committee Ms. Kelley Crummitt stressed the importance of the trail head parking lot and closing on the property on Nolensville Road.  She suggested a workshop to educate citizens on the trail plan when the map is completed.  There was a brief discussion on the mixed use development proposed for behind Town Hall and landscape buffering requirements for subdivisions. 

At 7:42 p.m., Mayor Alexander opened a public hearing on Ordinance 16-04, an ordinance to adopt a budget for fiscal year July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017.  Town Administrator Ken McLawhon gave an overview of the budget.  Highlights are road work, review of impact fee program, potential grant opportunities and public safety.  Revenue remains strong.  The County has indicated that property valuations in the Town have increased by about 30%.  There was some additional discussion about financing the work on Sunset Road.  The mayor closed the public hearing at 7:52 p.m.

Mayor Alexander opened a public hearing on Ordinance 16-05, an ordinance to amend the zoning map of Nolensville, Tennessee to rezone property at 7150 Nolensville Road currently Office Industrial (OI) to Commercial Services (CS) with a Commercial Corridor Overlay (CCO) at 7:53 p.m.  With no public comments, Mayor Alexander closed the hearing at 7:53 p.m.

At 7:54 p.m., Mayor Alexander opened a public hearing on Ordinance 16-06, an ordinance to amend the zoning map of Nolensville, Tennessee to rezone four (4) tracts of property off of Nolensville Road between Sunset Road and Sam Donald Road.  With no public comments, Mayor Alexander closed the hearing at 7:54 p.m. 

Mayor Alexander opened a public hearing on Ordinance 16-07, an ordinance to enter into a franchise agreement with Comcast of Nashville II, LLC.  Alderman Snyder mentioned talks with the School System regarding the public access channel are ongoing.  With no public comments, the mayor closed the hearing at 7:55 p.m.

Alderman Snyder made a motion to approve Resolution 16-13, a resolution to enter into an agreement with Middle Tennessee State University and authorize the use of funds for sound reinforcement services at Nolensville’s Star Spangled Celebration, seconded by Alderman Dugger.  The motion passed unanimously.  

Alderman Dugger moved to approve on second reading Ordinance 16-02, an ordinance to approve an addition to Burberry Glen Master Concept P.U.D. Plan in Nolensville, Tennessee and zone property suburban residential with a P.U.D. overlay (SR/P.U.D.).  Alderman Patrick seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

After a short discussion, Mayor Alexander made a motion to approve on second reading Ordinance 16-03, an ordinance to amend budget Ordinance 15-06 for fiscal year July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016.  Alderman Larry Felts seconded the motion, and the vote passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander gave an introduction of Ordinance 16-08, an ordinance to amend the zoning map of Nolensville, Tennessee to rezone property at 7223 Nolensville Road currently estate residential (ER) to commercial services (CS) with a commercial corridor overlay (CCO).  The applicant previously requested a Land Use Map amendment and rezoning, but the Planning Commission denied both requests.  Mayor Alexander made a motion “to support the Land Use Policy Plan and keep the property zoned ER.”  The motion failed for a lack of a second. 

Alderman Dugger made a motion to approve Ordinance 16-08, seconded by Alderman Snyder.  There was a lengthy discussion about the Land Use Policy plan and map, the processes for amending the Land Use plan and rezoning, and the current zoning of the parcel.  After the extensive debate, Mayor Alexander moved to amend the motion to defer the item for one meeting for further discussion.  Alderman Felts seconded the motion.  The motion failed with Mayor Alexander and Alderman Felts voting in favor of deferral, and Aldermen Dugger, Snyder and Patrick voting against deferral.

Mayor Alexander called for a vote on the original motion to approve on first reading Ordinance 16-08 to rezone 7223 Nolensville Road from ER to CS/CCO.  The motion passed by a vote of 3 – 2 with Aldermen Dugger, Snyder and Patrick voting in favor and Mayor Alexander and Alderman Felts voting against.

Alderman Snyder made a motion to approve Resolution 16-14, a resolution to enter into an agreement with WAKM AM 950 and authorize the use of funds for a fireworks display and radio promotion of Nolensville’s Star Spangled Celebration, with Alderman Dugger seconding the motion.  After a brief discussion about the appropriate length of time for the display, the motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Alexander said there were 18 residential building permits issued in April.

Mayor Alexander adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
2016-04 BOMA Minutes

Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
April 7, 2016 - Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall

2016-03 BOMA Minutes

Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
March 3, 2016 - Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall

Click here for audio recording of meeting

2016-02 BOMA Minutes

Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
February 4, 2016 - Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall

Click here for audio recording of meeting

2016-01 BOMA Minutes

Town of Nolensville
Board of Mayor and Aldermen Meeting
January 7, 2016 - Time 7:00 p.m.
Nolensville Town Hall

Click here for audio recording of meeting 1 of 2
Click here for audio recording of meeting 2 of 2