Minutes Archive

2002-12 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:01. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Counsel Bob Notestine, Officer George Poss, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and 10 citizens.
Alderman Dugger led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper asked for concerns or comments from the citizens. There were no comments.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of November 7, 2002, Alderman Phillips seconded this motion. Mayor Knapper expounded on the minutes in regards to the lights being erected on Stonebrook Boulevard. These lights have been installed. Also, a presentation was given immediately following last months meeting by Mr. John Lenderman. This meeting was to initiate a website for Nolensville. A Resolution will be forthcoming for the approval of this website. These minutes were approved unanimously.
Alderman Felts made a motion to accept the Treasurers report, Alderman Dugger seconded. Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $508,493.24, with cash disbursements being $46,500. State Street Aid cash on hand is $148,098.72. Recorder Lancaster noted the cash disbursements were higher due to $8,000 insurance and payroll taxes being paid. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
Mayor’s Comments:
Mayor Knapper noted that three homes have gone through the bid process. After these three homes are complete, it is projected that there will be funding for one more home.
Mayor Knapper noted that he would be meeting with the Town Engineer and the contractor for a pre-construction conference in regards to the box culvert on York Road. This meeting will be held at town hall tomorrow afternoon.
Mayor Knapper noted that Planning Commission, Historic Commission and Board of Zoning Appeal nominations would be forthcoming. He noted that the Aldermen committees would be forthcoming also.
Mayor Knapper had met with Mr. Ray Crouch of MTAS in regards to the sprinkler ordinance. There are several questions that need to addressed. These questions have been submitted to Mr. Charles Strasser with Nolensville Utility. MTAS and TML will review and approve the final version of this ordinance. It was noted that Mr. Crouch is a member of a fire grant approval committee for various other states. He is familiar with the necessary language that needs to be in these documents and has offered assistance to the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department. He will hold a training session in January for grants.
Commission/Committee Reports
In Planning Commission Chairman Rob Pease’s absence, Willis Wells reported for this group.
  • Mr. Jim Haley’s property, Nolensville Industrial Park, was discussed.
  • Calloway Farms overlay was approved.
  • Ms. Ann Hammond with the Metro Planning Department was a guest speaker of Chairman Rob Pease.
Betty Friedlander reported for the Historic District Commission.
  • She noted there was no report due to this commission not meeting. Although she invited everyone to attend the Open House provided by the downtown merchants this Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
In Chief Presley Hughes absence Mr. Jason Jones reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • They recently assisted College Grove Department with a large house fire.
  • The department is moving forward on the building expansion and will report further at a later date.
  • Recently the Mayor had asked for preference location of fire hydrants. Jason stated that the Fire Department would prefer one at the North end of town between the trailer park and the city limit border. The second preference would be on the South side past York Road.
There was no report for the Chamber of Commerce.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Codes Department and Public Works Department. Mr. Don Swartz and Lonnie Bowden had submitted a written report and these were disbursed to the Board. He asked if there were any questions. The Aldermen did not have any questions. Alderman Rositano commended the Public Works Department on the good job of the Tree Lighting on Tuesday evening.
Officer George Poss reported for the Police Department. Officer Poss said there had been an increase in ticket writing due to an increase in speeding. Mayor Knapper noted that there would be increased protection over the New Years holiday. Officer Poss noted that the county had been active in the “Click It or Ticket” program and in the near future would be active in a “Booze It or Lose It” program.
Public Hearing was opened at 7:32. Counsel Notestine stated that anytime a change is made to the zoning ordinance it is required to hold a public hearing. When the zoning ordinance was compiled this was a misclassification, therefore Ordinance #02-06, an ordinance to amend the zoning map, is necessary. Mr. Larry Gardner asked if this entire parcel is being reclassified? Counsel stated that the entire parcel would be the same classification. Recently a portion was classified different than the other portion. This ordinance will classify the entire parcel the same. The public hearing closed at 7:35.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass ordinance#02-06 on second reading. Alderman Felts seconded this motion and this ordinance passed unanimously.
Public Hearing was opened at 7:38. Counsel Notestine stated that this public hearing was to adopt the codification of the town ordinances. This was this second reading of this ordinance and it was composed by MTAS. There was no further discussion, therefore the public hearing closed at 7:40. Alderman Rositano made a motion to approve ordinance #02-11, an ordinance adopting and enacting a codification and revision of the ordinances for the Town of Nolensville. Alderman Dugger seconded this motion and this passed unanimously.
Reading of Resolution #02-15, a resolution to enter into an interlocal agreement with the City of Brentwood. Counsel Notestine stated that this has been in draft stage for approximately one year. This interlocal agreement governs how growth will occur and how the space will grow. This is an agreement that will notify both parties of any plans. A motion was made by Alderman Phillips and seconded by Alderman Felts. This resolution passed unanimously.
Mayor Knapper noted that a lawsuit (Williamson County Constables Association) had been filed against Williamson County and the municipalities within the county. Counsel Notestine stated that he had spoken with the Constables attorney and Nolensville will be dismissed from the lawsuit. Counsel stated that Nolensville does have a unique situation due to an employee being a newly elected Constable. Mayor Knapper spoke to County Executive Rogers Anderson and he understands Nolensville’s position. Alderman Rositano wanted to verify that the Town is basically saying that we are not going to interfere when the employee is not on the clock. Counsel Notestine said that is correct. Mayor Knapper noted that the judge did not overturn the counties recently ruling to abolish the powers of the constable. He further asked counsel if the Constable Association would continue with the lawsuit? Counsel stated that he was not certain of that, although felt they would have an uphill battle. He further stated that once Nolensville was released we would be out of the lawsuit totally. The Board unanimously agreed for Counsel to move forward on removing Nolensville from the lawsuit.
Mayor Knapper noted the addendum to the agenda. First reading of Ordinance #02-12, an ordinance to amend the zoning map of Nolensville, to apply an open space overlay. Counsel Notestine went over this ordinance briefly. Mayor Knapper read a memo from the town planner Colette Meehan. Alderman Dugger asked if the Board would be reviewing the sprinkler ordinance prior to this development. Mayor Knapper noted that this development is in the pre-stages and is at a point where the sprinkler ordinance could be implemented.
Alderman Dugger further stated that he wished the Mayor’s son, in addition to the Brentwood High School Football team good luck Saturday night at the game. They are in the State Championship.
Alderman Felts made a motion to adjourn, Mayor Knapper seconded and the meeting adjourned at 7:47.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2002-11 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:04. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Counsel Bob Notestine, Officer George Poss, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and 9 citizens.
Mayor Knapper led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper asked for concerns or comments from the citizens. There were no comments.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting of October 3, 2002, Alderman Dugger seconded this motion. These minutes were approved unanimously.
Alderman Felts made a motion to accept the Treasurers report, Alderman Phillips seconded. Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $505,690.26, with cash disbursements being $37,000. State Street Aid cash on hand is $141,558.95. Recorder Lancaster noted the cash on hand was down due to the $10,000 that was paid to Sessions Paving Company in addition to approximately $10,000 being taken away by the State. She explained that Williamson County had requested taxpayer verification. It was discovered that the Town Of Nolensville had been receiving funding that should have been disbursed to the county. Therefore the state removed approximately $10,000 from the town’s distribution this month. In return, the recorder requested verification from the state and it was discovered that the county had received approximately $1,500 that should have been disbursed to the town. These monies will be forthcoming. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
Mayor’s Comments:
Mayor Knapper noted that there are four homes that have begun the bid process. After these four, the HOME grant will be completed. Work continues on this project.
Mayor Knapper noted that the referendum had failed at the election on Tuesday. TML feels this was an educational tool and will be presented again in the future.
Mayor Knapper noted that he has continued to work diligently with TDOT, Greater Nashville Regional Council and the MPO. He has been reassured by these groups that there is no work underway on Route 266.
Commission/Committee Reports
In Planning Commission Chairman Rob Pease’s absence, Willis Wells reported for this group.
  • Colette Meehan is almost complete with the timeline and interlocal agreement.
  • The Mayor and Ms. Meehan are to meet on various issues and report back to the Commission.
  • The monthly bond report was reviewed.
  • Preliminary site plans will be presented to the Planning Commission next week.
In Pat Aldred’s absence Betty Friedlander reported for the Historic District Commission.
  • Colette Meehan had requested the Historic Commission to locate maps for the Urban Growth Boundary. This has not been done and this group needs assistance from her.
  • Mrs. Pat Aldred is attending the second meeting with the Main Street Group for the downtown area.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • This group is finalizing plans on the building addition.
  • The extrication class will be completed in two weeks.
  • The sell of address markers is going really well.
  • The Explorers Post meets the second Tuesday of each month. Nick Combs is over this and it is for ages 14-19.
  • Jason Jones stated that the NVFD received a “2001 Life Safety Award”.
  • Mayor Knapper noted that Don Swartz will take the Fire Test on Saturday.
In Mr. Rick Fisher’s absence he had submitted a written report which indicated there was no report.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Codes Department and Public Works Department. Mr. Don Swartz and Lonnie Bowden had submitted a written report and these were disbursed to the Board. He asked if there were any questions. The Aldermen did not have any questions.
Officer George Poss reported for the Police Department. Officer Poss said there had been no major crimes, although there was a home invasion that turned out to be a hoax. Alderman Rositano complemented the Police Department for a successful Halloween. The Mayor stated that the department needs a secure location to place evidence. Due to this, town hall will be making some office changes to accommodate an evidence room.
Public Hearing was opened at 7:32. Counsel Notestine stated that anytime a change is made to the zoning ordinance it is required to hold a public hearing. When the zoning ordinance was compiled this was a misclassification, therefore Ordinance #02-06, an ordinance to amend the zoning map, is necessary. This ordinance is being presented to reflect this change. Mr. Larry Garner asked if this was the 16 – 17 acre parcel? It was noted that this was correct. Counsel noted that the ordinance misstates the parcel number. Due to some confusion at the meeting this ordinance was originally presented with the correct parcel number. This number was changed. Mayor Knapper made a motion to withdraw this ordinance until the next meeting. Alderman Rositano seconded this motion and this passed unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance #02-07, an ordinance to amend Ordinance #97-09, an ordinance to provide the maintenance, preservation, and protection of public records. Counsel Notestine noted this is to comply with the recent codification that MTAS performed. This ordinance is stating that the town cannot charge for the time that is spent on providing a service. Alderman Rositano made a motion to approve this ordinance and Alderman Felts seconded this motion and this passed unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance #02-08, an ordinance to amend Ordinance #96-10, an ordinance regulating the sale of beer within the Town Of Nolensville. Counsel noted that this ordinance had omitted the order of the meeting and had addressed gambling. Alderman Felts made a motion to approve this ordinance and Alderman Rositano seconded this motion and this passed unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance #02-09, an ordinance to amend Ordinance #98-23, an ordinance regulating the use and operation of motor vehicles. Counsel Notestine stated that a recent state law was passed changing the flashing lights in school zones from 40 minutes to 90 minutes. This ordinance will bring the town in compliance with state law. Officer George Poss addressed the crowd noting the county attorney is researching this issue. Mayor Knapper noted that the county regulates the lights. Alderman Phillips made a motion to defer this ordinance and Alderman Felts seconded this motion. Alderman Felts stated that he had reservations on passing this ordinance. He stated that MTAS is telling us this is the law, although Officer Poss has discussed this issue with Representative Charles Sargent and the county attorney and they are unaware of any law such as this on the books. Alderman Rositano asked Counsel if this law did not take effect, would the town be liable if an incident occurred. Counsel stated that within the 50 minute period the town could be held liable. Counsel Notestine added that if this ordinance is not passed the codification will be adopted with an error. Alderman Rositano felt that it is important to be in sync with state law. The vote was taken for the motion on the floor. Aldermen Felts and Phillips voted for this motion, Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Dugger and Rositano voted against. This motion did not pass. Alderman Dugger made a motion to pass this ordinance as read, Alderman Rositano seconded this motion. Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Dugger and Rositano were for this ordinance as read, Aldermen Felts and Phillips voted against.
First reading of Ordinance #02-10, an ordinance of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the Town Of Nolensville, Tennessee establishing the use of automatic sprinkler systems in all new residential and commercial construction within the Town Of Nolensville. Counsel Notestine stated this is an ordinance to require sprinkler systems in residential homes in addition to commercial. Mayor Knapper stated there had been lengthy discussions in regards to this ordinance. He submitted this ordinance as a “work in progress” and to begin dialogue. He asked Chief Hughes if he had any comments in regards to this ordinance. Chief Hughes stated that when they had previously met with the board an ordinance was presented. The Fire Department representatives feel that the ordinance that was presented at that time was more “up to date.” This ordinance is not and he would like to see that the original ordinance be brought before the board. Mayor Knapper stated that the one that was submitted by the fire department had major clarifications and did not feel that it was clear on various issues. Chief Hughes told the board that he would get a Fire Codes Book, which that ordinance frequently referred to, so that clarifications could be made. Alderman Felts stated that he would love to see this ordinance pass, although he could not pass this particular ordinance. Alderman Felts made a motion to withdraw this ordinance until a meeting could be scheduled with Mr. Trotter, Alderman Phillips seconded and this passed unanimously. Mayor Knapper stated that he would like to have the town attorney and codes official attend this workshop. A date of November 18, at 6:30 was agreed upon.
First reading of Ordinance #02-11, an ordinance adopting and enacting a codification and revision of the ordinances of the Town Of Nolensville. Counsel Notestine stated that this was an ordinance to adopt the MTAS prepared codification. Alderman Rositano made a motion to adopt this Ordinance, Alderman Felts seconded and this passed unanimously.
Reading of Resolution #02-14, a Resolution of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the Town Of Nolensville to make application for a local law enforcement block grant. Mayor Knapper stated that this Resolution was requested by Chief Goforth. Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass this Resolution, Alderman Felts seconded and this passed unanimously.
Mayor Knapper noted that he had met with Mr. Bob Spong with Williamson County School system. There have been several parents that requested better lighting down Stonebrook Boulevard and the surrounding area around the school. The request was made for the town to place two street lights on Stonebrook Boulevard. The Mayor stated that currently the town pays approximately $9.50 per light, per month. Mayor Knapper made a motion to enter into negotiations with Middle Tennessee Electric to place two street lights on Stonebrook near the school, Alderman Rositano seconded. The Board unanimously agreed to move forward on this issue.
Mayor Knapper noted that there were concerns during the election in regards to the public obtaining information in regards to issues at town hall. It was recommended to obtain a website to better serve the public. He announced that immediately following the meeting there would be a demonstration held by Mr. John Lenderman for a website.
Alderman Dugger asked where the town was in regards to the state required training for the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. Mayor Knapper stated that Ms. Colette Meehan is handling this issue and he would follow up with her.
Mayor Knapper made a motion to adjourn, Alderman Rositano seconded and the meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2002-10 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:02. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Counsel Bob Notestine, Officer George Poss, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and 16 citizens.
Alderman Phillips led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper introduced Mr. Bob Adgent, a guest in the audience. Mr. Adgent addressed the crowd by introducing himself. He noted that he was attending this meeting to introduce Mr. Jim Bryson who was running for office of Senator in November. Mr. Bryson was unable to attend due to a sick child. Mr. Adgent encouraged everyone to vote for Mr. Bryson that would do a great job for the citizens of Nolensville.
Mayor Knapper asked for concerns or comments from the citizens. Mrs. Pat Aldred stated that she has received several phone calls from individuals in the Historic District regarding a map that has been distributed indicating Route 266 coming down Rocky Fork Road and through the middle of town. Mayor Knapper stated that he had this on his list of items to discuss and was unaware of this map until recently. He has made several phone calls this week and this is extremely misleading. This is an old map that is projected for year 2025. He has called the MPO, Williamson County Executive and Rutherford County Executive. This map was based on the shortest distance and is merely a projection. The individual who distributed this map failed to tell the citizens this information. It has only incited people and has no relevance. Mayor Knapper was assured by TDOT that this was not projected to occur.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass the minutes for the regular meeting of September 5, 2002 and the Public Forum on September 5, 2002. Alderman Dugger seconded this motion. These minutes were passed unanimously.
Alderman Felts made a motion to accept the Treasurers report, Alderman Dugger seconded. Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $512,249.76, with cash disbursements being $35,000. State Street Aid cash on hand is $149,275.56. Recorder Lancaster noted the town has received the final bill for the turn lane. Session Paving Company was paid approximately $10,000 today. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
Mayor’s Comments:
Mayor Knapper noted that TML, in addition to cities, are encouraging voters to vote yes for the $50.00 fine rule. He noted that the Town Of Nolensville has incurred approximately $8,500 in legal fees to litigate a $50.00 fine. He urged everyone to vote yes to question #2 in the November election.
Mayor Knapper noted that there are three homes that are being approved for the HOME grant. Work continues on this project.
Mayor Knapper noted that the town has received a letter from Mr. Phillips with the Department of Justice stating that the town has been denied the COPS grant. This application will be placed into a pending file for possible future allocations.
Mayor Knapper noted that at last month’s forum on the sprinkler ordinance several questions were raised on various issues. Counsel and staff are reviewing these questions and will be addressed next month with an ordinance that will be presented to the Board.
Mayor Knapper told the board that second reading of Ordinance #02-06 would be next month due to proper notification given to adjacent property owners.
A resolution will be presented next month in regards to the interlocal agreement with the City of Brentwood.
The town auditor will be attending next months meeting.
Commission/Committee Reports
In Planning Commission Chairman Rob Pease’s absence, Willis Wells reported for this group.
  • Discussion was held on what the Commission would be accomplishing in the future.
  • Finalizing the Comprehensive Plan. This document lacks some elements in the utility section.
  • Fees will be addressed. Some fees are excessive with some being low. This is going to be reviewed.
  • The Bond report was reviewed.
  • The temporary festival permit was reviewed.
Chairwoman Pat Aldred reported for the Historic District Commission.
  • Mrs. Aldred noted that she did not attend the meeting in September meeting, although Mr. Frank Wilson attended and discussed various issues with her.
  • There were two Certificate of Appropriateness reviewed at the meeting.
  • One was approved due to the time frame being passed and approval was automatic. This was for the United Methodist Church.
  • The second was for Williams Grocery and the approval was given for a roof.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • Thanked the Board for the forum last month on sprinkler systems in residential housing.
  • October is Fire Safety Month. The Fire Department will be at Nolensville Elementary School on October 16 and 17 and the Library on October 9.
  • Monthly reports were distributed and it was noted that the town’s portion for last month is up.
  • Extrication class will be in the near future.
In Mr. Rick Fisher’s absence Mayor Knapper reported for the Chamber of Commerce.
§ The Chamber will hold a “Meet the Candidate” forum on October 8, at 6:30 at the Nolensville United Methodist Church.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Codes Department and Public Works Department. Mr. Don Swartz and Lonnie Bowden had submitted a written report and these were disbursed to the Board. He asked if there were any questions. The Aldermen did not have any questions.
Mayor Knapper stated that Chief Goforth had submitted a written report and asked Officer Poss if he had anything to add. Officer Poss said to be sure to keep your car doors locked if you have valuables left in the vehicle. There have been a couple of thefts. Mayor Knapper noted that 1,000 more miles were driven in September 2002 versus September 2001.
First Reading of Ordinance #02-07, an ordinance to amend Ordinance #97-09, an ordinance to provide the maintenance, preservation, and protection of public records. Counsel Notestine noted that there are three ordinances on the agenda this evening. Each of these are housekeeping ordinances. MTMAS is performing a codification of the town’s ordinances and have recommended these changes to comply with state law. This particular ordinance deals with copies of public records. The town cannot charge for time involved in making copies for the public. Mr. Notestine recommended that the ordinance read “Section 2 (a)” for clarification purposes. Alderman Rositano made a motion to approve this ordinance and Alderman Phillips seconded this motion and this passed unanimously.
First Reading of Ordinance #02-08, an ordinance to amend Ordinance #96-10, an ordinance regulating the sale of beer within the Town Of Nolensville. Counsel noted that this ordinance had omitted the order of the meeting and had addressed gambling. The state constitution addresses gambling and the local level should not. Alderman Felts made a motion to approve this ordinance and Alderman Rositano seconded this motion and this passed unanimously.
First Reading of Ordinance #02-09, an ordinance to amend Ordinance #98-23, an ordinance regulating the use and operation of motor vehicles. Counsel Notestine stated that a recent state law was passed changing this ordinance. This ordinance will bring the town in compliance with state law. Alderman Phillips stated that the subsection should read 1-109, with this change she made a motion to approve this ordinance and Alderman Felts seconded this motion and this passed unanimously.
Mayor Knapper stated that the Dispatch Newspaper has been sold to Mr. Mark Springer. The Mayor and he had recently met. Mr. Springer intends on doing several new things.
Mayor Knapper informed the crowd that the sinkhole on Cowan Court issue is ongoing. He stated that the developer has signed a contract to repair this road.
Mayor Knapper made a motion to adjourn, Alderman Rositano seconded and the meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2002-9 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:03. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Counsel Bob Notestine, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and 25 citizens.
Mayor Knapper led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper asked for concerns or comments from the citizens. There were no comments from the crowd.
Mayor Knapper stated that the meeting would begin with the agenda and after the board meeting the public forum would begin.
Alderman Phillips made a motion to pass the minutes for the regular meeting of August 1, 2002. Alderman Rositano seconded this motion. These minutes were passed unanimously.
Alderman Felts made a motion to accept the Treasurers report, Alderman Dugger seconded. Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $507,287.83, with cash disbursements being $46,000. State Street Aid cash on hand is $145,448.24. Recorder Lancaster noted the town received $90,000 last month in grant money. This money came from the state reimbursing the town for the turning lane that was built on Sunset Road. All receipts were submitted and reimbursement was received. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
Mayor’s Comments:
Mayor Knapper briefly described the Home grant and noted that there have been four recipients to date. Ms. McClain’s paperwork was signed on Friday and construction should begin by mid-September. He also noted that two more applications are being reviewed with inspections already made.
Mayor Knapper noted that TML, in addition to cities, are encouraging voters to vote yes for the $50.00 fine rule. He noted that TML is campaigning to make everyone aware of this issue and it will take 50% of the Tennessee voters to change the constitution. Alderman Felts stated that the Executive Director of MADD sent out literature supporting this effort.
Commission/Committee Reports
In Planning Commission Chairman Rob Pease’s absence, Mayor Knapper read a written report that was submitted by Mr. Pease.
§ Finalizing of Comprehensive Plan is underway. This document should go the Board of Mayor and Aldermen for approval in October.
§ Subdivision Regulations are being reviewed.
§ Design Guidelines review will begin after Comprehensive Plan is approved.
In Historic Commission Chairwoman Pat Aldred’s absence Betty Friedlander reported for this Commission.
  • This Commission meeting has been moved to the second Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m.
  • A hearing will be held on this night.
  • The Mayor reiterated that the meeting was changed so that all consultants could attend these meetings without imposing another night of their time. The Planning Commission meets at 7:15 on the same date.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • FEMA notified the Fire Department that they did not qualify for the grant funding.
  • The Quarterly report would be forthcoming.
Mr. Rick Fisher reported for the Chamber of Commerce.
§ The Chamber will hold a “Meet the Candidate” forum on October 8, at 6:30 at the Nolensville United Methodist Church.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Codes Department and Police Department. Mr. Don Swartz and Chief Goforth had submitted a written report and these were disbursed to the Board. He asked if there were any questions. The Aldermen did not have any questions. Mayor Knapper stated that the sewer pump station should be complete next week. He stated that he had spoken to all parties involved and they should come together on Monday to complete this task.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department
§ 4-Way stop was installed at Alec Court and Dortch Lane
§ Flags have been erected in honor of 911
First Reading of Ordinance #02-06, an ordinance to amend the zoning map for Nolensville, Tennessee. Counsel Notestine stated that this ordinance is to correct an error that was currently on the map. At this time the maps states this particular property is Estate Residential. This will be changed to Community Services. Alderman Dugger noted that the ordinance states parcel #35, although the map states parcel #36. He asked for clarification. Counsel Notestine noted that this was a typographical error and should read 36. Alderman Dugger made a motion to amend this ordinance to reflect this change in addition to add Article 9, Section 9.1.2 to the first paragraph as Counsel Notestine had recommended. Alderman Felts seconded this motion and this passed unanimously. Mayor Knapper made a motion to approve this ordinance as amended, Alderman Rositano seconded and this passed unanimously.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to adjourn, Mayor Knapper seconded and the meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2002-9 BOMA / Public Forum
After a brief recess of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting the public forum began at 7:40 p.m. Mayor Charles Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano, Counsel Robert J. Notestine, Recorder Cindy Lancaster and 25 citizens were present.
Nolensville Volunteer Fire Chief Presley Hughes initiated the forum thanking the Board for allowing the Fire Department to perform this presentation for them in addition to the public. He then introduced Mr. Bob Trotter and Mr. Jason Jones with the City of Franklin Fire Department. He noted that Mr. Jones was Assistant Chief of the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
Mr. Trotter began the presentation with a power point visual aid noting various statistics. Immediately following a film was observed by the audience showing the length of time a fire can consume a home.
Mr. Trotter then opened the floor for questions from the audience.
Mr. John Sheely-Vice President of the Home Builders Association for the Middle Tennessee area stated that he had some questions in regards to the statistics that were used. He noted that insurance companies issue discounts for newly constructed homes as well as sprinkler systems. He also stated that smoke detectors are currently required and must be maintained by the homeowner to work properly. This is not always performed. In addition sprinkler systems must be maintained and the state mandates inspections annually. He asked If the city of Nolensville or who would be performing these inspections? He also stated an example if the town performed theses inspections on 1,000 homes that would require approximately 3 inspections per day by the city.
Chief Hughes stated that they were not trading the sprinkler system for smoke detectors. He noted that smoke detectors worked extremely well. This system is merely a step above the smoke detector.
Mr. Ron Mark – Why can’t you mandate all homes to put in sprinkler systems not just new construction?
Chief Hughes – We cannot retro activate.
Alderman Rositano – The Average cost of this system is between 1 –2 percent of construction cost. What is the median price for a home in Nolensville?
Mr. Sheely - $160,000 to $220,000.
Alderman Rositano – the cost would be approximately $3,000.
Mr. Charles Lawson – Does the city of Franklin have this ordinance?
Mr. Trotter – On commercial 5,000 square feet and larger, not on residential.
Chief Hughes – Nolensville is the only municipality in Williamson County that has a Police Department, which carries an AED. This is to save lives. A sprinkler would be the same. Why can’t we be the leader in this area also?
Mr. Porter Freeman – There are more firetraps where people cannot get out of their homes because of inadequate exits. Everyone should have an escape door.
Counsel Bob Notestine – My concern is the type of duties and the responsibility the town would take up on inspecting these systems. If the town does take on this responsibility, what liability would be incurred?
Chief Hughes – According to MTAS the town has full authority to implement this requirement. He also reminded the group that every member of this department is a volunteer and must come from their home to the fire department and then go to dispatched call. As stated in the presentation, this department is a volunteer fire department. Time factors must be allowed for due to volunteers coming from their home to the fire department and then to the dispatched call.
Counsel Notestine – Addressed the Mayor asking if the town had checked into the inspection issue.
Mayor Knapper – Don would be obtaining his certification in the near future, but he would have to research the liability with TML.
Mr. Trotter – Franklin sends their Fire Chief due to the state mandating the inspections.
Mr. Sheely – Stated that he had been a volunteer fire fighter for three years. The sprinkler system is focusing on newer homes. In his experience these are the homes that are less likely to catch on fire. This should be reviewed. Also, it is hard to get the homeowner to check their batteries in their smoke detector. This system would have a more detailed maintenance.
Chief Hughes – Stated that this is true. It is like automobiles, newer cars are safer. He noted that the only maintenance is to release a valve and make sure the water is running through the system.
Ms. Katie Jones – Asked if sprinkler systems were required in Davidson County.
Mr. Trotter – They are in commercial buildings.
Ms. Katie Jones – stated she had a sprinkler sytems at her employment. It went off for no reason and everything got wet.
Mr. Aubrey Short – There was a recall on sprinkler heads recently, would this present a problem?
Chief Hughes – The Omega sprinklers were recalled. These were recalled and replaced.
Mr. Aubrey Short – In 1988 there was an ice storm with power outages. What happens if freezing occurs? What about corrosion in the pipes? Mobile home fires are more common. What about a mobile home sprinkler system? The testing and maintenance of this system is a concern in addition to the reliability of this system in 10 years.
Mr. Trotter – Residential corrosion is not an issue.
Chief Hughes – The state of Tennessee requires one test per year.
Alderman Tommy Dugger – In commercial buildings water companies charge a fee per sprinkler head, will residential dwellings be the same.
Mr. Charles Strasser (Director, Nolensville/College Grove Utility) stated that currently commercial buildings are charged 15¢ per sprinkler, per month. Residential would have to be evaluated. In answering Mr. Shorts question, there must be a back flow. This is required by the state. This backflow must be checked annually. This is another test that is required.
Alderman Dugger – If the waterline is further than 100’ from the mainline does it have to be outside box?
Mr. Strasser – No. I do not think that would apply.
Mayor Knapper – The size of the pipe was a concern when we met earlier and this was discussed.
Mr. Strasser – The Governor’s Club has residential sprinkler systems. Someone in that area had to put in a 2” line due to the water pressure.
Mr. Porter Freeman – Will the pipes keep water in them at all times?
Chief Hughes – Yes.
Mr. Freeman – What about freezing?
Chief Hughes – You have to maintain these pipe same as you would your home plumbing.
Mr. James Hollis – Are pipes in the attic? In upper walls?
Mr. Trotter – All the piping is in the interior walls.
Mr. Hollis – In listening to this it sounds like this will end up costing 3 – 4% instead of 1 – 2%.
Mr. Sheely – Where are sprinkler heads installed? In the ceiling or the walls?
Chief Hughes – Whereever the homeowner wants it, ceiling or wall.
Mr. Sheely – If you have it in the ceiling it will be in the attic.
Chief Hughes – No. It would be in the wall. (Mr. Trotter physically demonstrated this.)
Mr. Joe Curtsinger – He expressed how he admired everyone’s effort in this endeavor, although felt that more focus should be directed on the current residents. He felt that too much emphasis was being placed on new construction. He stated that he has looked around the town and hasn’t seen enough fire hydrants and has heard that hoses the department currently has are not long enough in some cases.
Chief Hughes – In regards to the fire hydrants all new subdivision requirements are met. The rural areas are in need of more hydrants. Beginning this year the fire department will be placing three throughout the town. The town will also be placing three for a total of six more hydrants in Nolensville.
Mr. Curtsinger – Asked who would bare the responsibility and the liability. He again stated that he admired the system, but the town needs to research ways to help all citizens.
Mr. Strasser – The Water Company has no liability. County, city and state requirements must be met. Currently there are 2, 3, and 4-inch lines and he wishes there could be 6-inch lines.
Counsel Notestine – Nolensville is young and there haven’t been a lot of requirements. In the zoning ordinance there are hydrant requirements, which are met.
Mayor Knapper – Noted that he had investigated retrofitting homes. This is not financially feasible. There are about 10 billion dollars in grant money that is available. He has investigated a smoke detector system that would connect each home and have a central monitoring station. He will be researching this further.
Mr. Hollis – Why is the town trying to be such a trendsetter?
Mayor Knapper – Stated the fire department has requested this to be reviewed therefore the town is doing so. Additionally, this is not the forum to discuss this issue.
Chief Hughes – The AED is a lifesaving device and the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department recommended this be placed in the police cars. This is another lifesaving technique the fire department has asked the town to review.
The forum adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2002-8 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:02. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Counsel Bob Notestine, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and six citizens.
Alderman Phillips led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper asked for concerns or comments from the citizens. There were no comments from the crowd.
Alderman Phillips made a motion to pass the minutes for the regular meeting of June 27, 2002. Alderman Felts seconded this motion. These minutes were passed unanimously.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to accept the Treasurers report, Alderman Phillips seconded. Recorder Lancaster reported the general fund cash on hand as being $501,433.69, with cash disbursements being $52,500. State Street Aid cash on hand is $50,372.76. Mayor Knapper noted the cash disbursements being excessive. He requested a review of the expenses from the recorder to the Aldermen. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.
Mayor’s Comments:
The Mayor noted that the MPO did not meet last month therefore no report was given.
Mayor Knapper noted that three homes have been completed on the HOME grant and approximately seven applications are being reviewed for the second round of awards.
Mayor Knapper noted that the bridgework has been completed on Sunset Road and Sam Donald Road. A bill from the County should be forthcoming. He also noted that Town Engineer Mike Delvizis had submitted a letter in regards to a box culvert at York Road. The Aldermen had a copy of this letter before them. Mayor Knapper stated that this culvert currently does not meet TDOT criteria and recommends repairing the culvert. Mayor Knapper requested permission to begin preparation from Stantec to repair. Motion was made by Alderman Rositano to initiate preparation of cost analysis for the bridge on York Road, Alderman Phillips seconded. Alderman Dugger asked if the $8,900 fee would cover all preparation in addition to drawings and preliminary engineering work. Mayor Knapper stated this cost was for the entire engineering work. Counsel Notestine noted that the language and cost for the culvert work was in the Engineer’s contract that would be discussed later in the meeting. Alderman Rositano withdrew his motion.
A memo was distributed from Codes Enforcer Don Swartz. Various signs throughout Nolensville are not in compliance with MUTCD Code. State law states these requirements are mandated and not optional. Mr. Swartz has agreed to work on this project for $1,900. This bid is due to this expertise being additional work that goes above and beyond his normal duties. Counsel Notestine stated that the Town has passed an ordinance which states we must comply with this manual. Alderman Rositano made a motion to hire Mr. Swartz for this work. Alderman Felts seconded this motion. Alderman Dugger asked if the Mayor felt good about the price that was quoted. Mayor Knapper stated that his cost was considerably less than the hourly rate of the Town Engineer. Alderman Dugger asked when the town took over the roads previously, was the Town in compliance? Alderman Dugger stated that we must pay close attention to this issue prior to acquiring the town roads. Counsel Notestine stated this would be reviewed. Mayor Knapper stated that he was not sure when the MUTCD was adopted by the Board. Alderman Rositano withdrew his motion until Counsel could review this situation and report back to the board.
Mayor Knapper noted that he had recently met with two developers to discuss a large track of land. He spoke with Mr. Tarpy at Metro Water and the contract for the sewer will be let by the end of August with construction to commence in November. Nolensville Water was discussed and it was noted that Metro would be selling water to Nolensville in order to provide sufficient water to Nolensville Utility District customers.
Mayor Knapper addressed the Board in regards to the recently submitted petition by a resident on Austin Court requesting a stop sign. Mike Delvizis completed his report and the drawings can be reviewed in the Mayors office. Alderman Dugger asked if this was a speed control device? Mayor Knapper stated that the town engineer recommended the stop sign. Alderman Rositano made a motion to erect the sign, Mayor Knapper seconded. This recommendation passed four to one. Alderman Dugger voted against erecting the stop sign, all other members voted in favor.
Mayor Knapper noted that on August 8, a meeting will be held to discuss the sprinkler system ordinance. Mayor Knapper noted that he would like input from as many people as possible.
Commission/Committee Reports
In Planning Commission Chairman Rob Pease’s absence, Mr. Willis Wells reported that this commission is working on the Comprehensive Plan. The commercial area in the north section of Nolensville has been discussed.
In Historic Commission Chairwoman Pat Aldred’s absence Betty Friedlander reported that the Historic Commission has not met for the past two months. She and Pat had met with Don Swartz to implement procedures for this commission and town hall. This commission is in need of a festival permit.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • 10% increase in calls within the town limits.
  • Fire Grant notification should be submitted by FEMA by end of year.
  • Will train police officers in the near future for AED.
  • Fire Hydrant maintenance agreement has been submitted to Nolensville Water District.
Mayor Knapper stated there was no report for the Chamber of Commerce.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Codes Department and Police Department. Mr. Don Swartz and Chief Goforth had submitted a written report and these were disbursed to the Board. He asked if there were any questions. The Aldermen did not have any questions.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department noting that mowing has slowed down due to tractor parts being hard to find.
Second Reading of Ordinance #02-01, an ordinance to adopt a budget for fiscal year July 1, 2002 – June 30, 2003. Counsel Notestine noted that the State of Tennessee requires governmental entities to pass a budget annually. This is the second reading of this ordinance. Alderman Rositano made a motion pass this ordinance, Alderman Felts seconded and this passed unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance #02-02, an ordinance to amend Ordinance #97-18, an Ordinance to adopt various standard codes to inspect activities of the Town Of Nolensville. Counsel Notestine stated that this is a housekeeping ordinance to update the Southern Building Code. Alderman Felts made a motion to pass this ordinance, Alderman Rositano seconded and this passed unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance #02-03, an ordinance to adopt a model energy code. Counsel Notestine stated that this is an ordinance that MTAS has recommended. He noted that it is the most recent edition. Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass this ordinance, Mayor Knapper seconded and this passed unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance #02-04, an ordinance to regulate open burning within the Town Of Nolensville. Counsel Notestine stated that this is second reading of this ordinance, which gives the town authority to allow or disallow burns. It was noted that the policy would be for the Codes Enforcer to issue the permit and then forward the information to Chief. Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass this ordinance, Alderman Felts seconded and this passed unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance #02-05, an ordinance to adopt NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. Counsel Notestine stated that this allows the Fire Chief to cite anyone that violates this ordinance. Alderman Felts asked if this would conflict with the Law Enforcement. Counsel stated that it would not. Alderman Felts made a motion to pass this ordinance, Alderman Rositano seconded and this passed unanimously.
Reading of Resolution #02-12, a resolution to enter into an agreement with Stantec Engineering Firm. It was noted that this resolution was previously discussed in regards to the culvert issue on York Road. Counsel Notestine stated that upon submission of this agreement two areas were of concern. He noted that previously the agreement called for a 1-½ % late fee, in addition, it stated that this firm did not have any fiduciary responsibility. Counsel Notestine was not comfortable with either of these issues. These paragraphs were removed from the agreement. Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass this resolution, Alderman Phillips seconded and this passed unanimously.
Other Business
Mayor Knapper stated there was no “other business”.
Meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2002-6 BOMA 2nd Meeting
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:01. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Counsel Bob Notestine, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and eight citizens.
Mayor Knapper led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper asked for concerns or comments from the citizens. There were no comments from the crowd.
Alderman Felts made a motion to pass the minutes for the regular meeting of June 6, 2002. Alderman Rositano seconded this motion. These minutes were passed unanimously.
Mayor’s Comments:
The Mayor noted that he did not attend the MPO last month, although he sent a representative from the Greater Nashville Regional Council. The Mayor will be monitoring the Route 266 project.
Mayor Knapper noted that three homes have been completed on the HOME grant and work is continuing in regards to the sewer issue with one applicant.
Mayor Knapper noted that everyone has been following the tax situation. The latest conversation the Mayor has had with the State Representatives the CATS budget is the most favorable. This budget is friendlier to cities. He has relayed the town’s intent to challenge the constitutionality if necessary.
Mayor Knapper noted that two items would be presented to the Planning Commission and the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. The first item is the ordinance in regards to a banner across the road. Mayor Knapper would like to see private festivals and community functions be allowed to advertise in this fashion. The second issue is in regards to the office building in front of Hills Grocery. This building has four businesses and only two signs are allowed. These will be brought before the Board in addition to a sprinkler ordinance.
Mayor Knapper also stated that court has been changed from the last Saturday to the third Saturday of the month.
Commission/Committee Reports
In Planning Commission Chairman Rob Pease’s absence Rick Fisher reported that they have been working on the Comprehensive Plan. At the next meeting a workshop will be held on design guidelines. Mayor Knapper spoke with a large landowner and will be prepared to come to Planning Commission and staff by the end of the year.
In Historic Commission Chairwoman Pat Aldred’s absence Mayor Knapper and Betty Friedlander reported that the Historic Commission has had two Certificate of Appropriateness presented to this commission. Another certificate will be presented at the next meeting.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • Had Board election and Brad Binaiza replaced Barry Owens.
  • Fire Grant will begin award announcements July 1st.
  • Building Committee will present a preliminary sketch at the next Board meeting.
  • Chief introduced Bob Trotter with Franklin Fire Department.
Mr. Rick Fisher reported for the Chamber of Commerce. He noted that this group would be sponsoring a concession stand at the Horse Show on Saturday. On July 9, there will be a membership meeting at Recreation Center. He noted there would be a meal prior to the meeting and the Board of Mayor and Aldermen have been invited to discuss the budget and various issues. In addition, Ms. Colette Meehan, Town Planner, has been invited to discuss planning issues.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Codes Department. He noted that Mr. Don Swartz had submitted a written report and this was disbursed to the Board. He asked if there were any questions. The Aldermen did not have any questions.
Mayor Knapper noted that due to two more days remaining in the month there would not be a Police Department report.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department noting that mowing continues on a daily basis.
Second Reading of Ordinance #02-01, an ordinance to adopt a budget for fiscal year July 1, 2002 – June 30, 2003. Mayor Knapper stated that due to the State Shared Revenues issue he would like to table this ordinance. Alderman Rositano made a motion to table, Mayor Knapper seconded and this passed unanimously.
First Reading of Ordinance #02-02, an ordinance to amend Ordinance #97-18, an Ordinance to adopt various standard codes to inspect activities of the Town Of Nolensville. Counsel Notestine stated that this is merely a housekeeping ordinance to update editions that have previously been adopted. Alderman Phillips made a motion to pass this ordinance, Alderman Felts seconded and this passed unanimously.
First Reading of Ordinance #02-03, an ordinance to adopt a model energy code. Counsel Notestine stated that this is an ordinance that MTAS has recommended the town adopt. Alderman Felts made a motion to pass this ordinance, Alderman Phillips seconded and this passed unanimously.
First Reading of Ordinance #02-04, an ordinance to regulate open burning within the Town Of Nolensville. Counsel Notestine stated that Chief Presley Hughes had requested the town to adopt an open burn Ordinance. This gives the Fire Chief authority to allow or disallow burns. Chief Hughes had two changes: 1. Change Fire Marshall to Fire Inspector. 2. #h – should read “flares” not “fires”. With these changes Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass this ordinance, Mayor Knapper seconded and this passed unanimously
First Reading of Ordinance #02-05, an ordinance to adopt NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. Counsel Notestine stated that this allows the Fire Chief to cite anyone that violates this ordinance. It designates who the Fire Chief is in this ordinance. It states that Don, the Codes Enforcer, will be the Fire Inspector. Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass this ordinance, Alderman Felts seconded and this passed unanimously.
Reading of Resolution #02-10, a resolution to enter into an agreement with Robert J. Notestine, III. Counsel Notestine stated that this is to extend the current agreement that was initiated in 1996. Alderman Dugger made a motion to pass this resolution, Alderman Felts seconded and this passed unanimously.
Reading of Resolution #02-11, a resolution to enter into an agreement with James Petersen. Counsel Notestine stated that this is to extend the current agreement with Judge Peterson. Mayor Knapper noted that Mr. Notestine and Judge Peterson remained at their current wages. No increases have been implemented. Alderman Phillips made a motion to pass this resolution, Alderman Dugger seconded and this passed unanimously.
Other Business
Mayor Knapper stated there was no “other business”.
Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2002-6 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:01. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Counsel Bob Notestine, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, Officer George Poss and fourteen citizens.
Alderman Rossitano led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper asked for concerns or comments from the citizens. Mrs. Ann Rucker, 801 Alec Court presented a petition signed by citizens requesting a stop sign to be erected at Dortch and Alec Court. Mayor Knapper stated that he had spoken to the Town Engineer. The Town Engineer will be performing a study and investigate the possibility of a stop sign being placed at that intersection.
Mr. James Solomon, 7044 Nolensville Road, presented a petition to the Board requesting if Nolensville annexes the property on Nolensville Road going north to the Davidson County line, that it remain suburban residential, which is the current county zoning. Mayor Knapper stated that he would be reviewing this issue with the Town Planner Colette Meehan.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass the minutes for the regular meeting of May 2, 2002. Alderman Felts seconded this motion. Mayor Knapper noted that Chief Goforth had submitted a written report on speed limit which will be on the agenda for the next meeting. These minutes were passed unanimously.
Recorder Lancaster submitted the Treasurer’s Report noting that $504,722.00 was the total cash on hand in the General Fund, with $30,000 being the disbursements. The State Street Aid has cash on hand of $48,063.92. Alderman Phillips made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, Mayor Knapper seconded and this motion passed unanimously.
Mayor’s Comments:
The Mayor noted that the MPO did not meet last month, although he had been advised that Metro is planning to build a High School across from the “Beverly Hills” Motel on Nolensville Road. He also noted that a convenience market would be around the Bluff Road area. These issues have not come before the MPO, although he will keep the board informed.
Mayor Knapper noted that three homes have been completed on the HOME grant.
Mayor Knapper stated that Sunset Road is completed. The Town Engineer, Lonnie Bowden and the Mayor reviewed roads and a priority list will be forthcoming.
Mayor Knapper noted that he will be attending a TML Conference in Knoxville this weekend. State tax issues will be discussed extensively at this meeting. Mayor Knapper will report back with his findings.
Mayor Knapper stated that the Board had met with Fire Chief Presley Hughes, and the Franklin Fire Administrator in regards to ordinances that pertain to fire safety. These issues will be forth coming.
Commission/Committee Reports
In Planning Commission Chairman Rob Pease’s absence Larry Gardner reported that paving in the McFarlin Woods area was discussed, in addition to the Village Fringe area. Approval of a “Home Occupation” was issued by the Commission at the last meeting.
Chairwoman of the Historic Commission Pat Aldred noted that at the next meeting two Certificate of Appropriateness request would be made to this Commission.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • Two committees are working on various issues within the Fire Department.
  • The Chief noted that he had met with the Board in regards to a Life Safety Code.
  • He encouraged the Town to adopt the 1997-1999 Fire Code.
  • Election of officers for the Fire Department will be next month.
  • Chief encouraged the board to address a “burn ordinance”.
Mr. Rick Fisher submitted a written report for the Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Knapper stated that the Board of Mayor and Aldermen had been invited to attend the meeting on July 9, to discuss the budget and various issues that are currently before the town. Mayor Knapper noted that he had met with Nancy Conway of the Franklin Chamber of Commerce. The survey that had recently been completed stated that a recruitment of business was needed in Nolensville, in addition to an annual festival.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Codes Department. He noted that Mr. Don Swartz had submitted a written report that was before the Board. He asked if there were any questions. The Aldermen did not have any questions.
Officer Poss reported for the Police Department.
  • 39 warnings were issued
  • 22 citations were issued
  • 3026 miles were driven with 102 traffic stops made
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department.
§ Mowing has begun.
Reading of Resolution #02-08, a resolution to make application for a COPS grant. Counsel Notestine noted that this resolution is to make application for a grant. Alderman Phillips asked if this was for the next fiscal year budget. Mayor Knapper stated that this grant was for next fiscal year. He noted that the deadline is July and wanted to get prior approval. Alderman Felts made a motion to pass this resolution, Alderman Rossitano seconded and this passed unanimously.
Reading of Resolution #02-09, a resolution to enter into an agreement with Williamson Medical Center. Counsel Notestine stated that this is authorizing the Mayor and Chief to enter into an agreement with Williamson Medical Center to provide EMS with a defibulator the town will purchase. This agreement prioritizes calls. Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass this resolution, Alderman Phillips seconded and this passed unanimously.
Mayor Knapper noted that he had spoken to Metro Water & Sewer and dates for sewer are forthcoming. He noted that 85% of the easements have been retained at this time.
Mayor Knapper called for a recess at 7:40.
The meeting reconvened at 7:49 and the Public Hearing opened at 7:51.
Mayor Knapper noted that this was the first reading of Ordinance #02-01, an ordinance to adopt a budget for fiscal year July 1, 2002 – June 30, 2003. Mayor Knapper went over various items within the budget. Alderman Rossitano complimented the Budget Committee on their hard work. Mayor Knapper noted that with this budget there should be an approximate $14,000 surplus. Mayor Knapper noted that it was the sub-committees recommendation to give 1 – 3% raises based upon merit to the full time employees. Mr. Gardner asked where the funding was coming from? Mayor Knapper stated the majority comes from State-Shared Revenues. Alderman Rositano made a motion to approve this ordinance, Alderman Dugger seconded and this passed unanimously.
The public hearing was closed at 8:03.
Other Business
Mayor Knapper stated that the Tennessee Municipal League contacted him and requested that he be on a phone relay team if legislature got close to passing the budget that was currently being discussed. Mayor Knapper agreed and was contacted by TML. Mayor Knapper contacted Representatives and Senators stating that if this budget passed Nolensville would proceed with a lawsuit stating that this act would be unconstitutional to mandate municipalities to provide services with out providing funding.
Mrs. Aldred noted that she had attended a meeting in Murfreesboro in regards to Nolensville being placed on the Greenway Map with the Greater Nashville Regional Council.
Alderman Rossitano stated that one good thing that has come out of this issue is that individuals and cities are relying on the Constitution.
Alderman Felts encouraged everyone to call their representative to pass an open container law and .08 alcohol level.
Mayor Knapper noted that the Board would not meet on July 4th, although would have this meeting on Thursday, June 27, 2002.
Meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2002-5 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:01. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Police Chief Jeff Goforth, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and ten citizens.
Alderman Dugger led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper asked for concerns or comments from the citizens. No one addressed the Board.
Alderman Phillips made a motion to pass the minutes for the regular meeting of April 4, 2002. Alderman Felts seconded this motion. Mayor Knapper noted that Chief Goforth would submit a written report on speed limits and the school crossing at Sunset Road. Chief Goforth stated he was waiting to hear from the State and a written report on the speed limit would be forthcoming. These minutes were passed unanimously.
Recorder Lancaster submitted the Treasurer’s Report noting that $485,774.84 was the total cash on hand in the General Fund, with $46,000 being the disbursements. The State Street Aid has cash on hand of $43,004.36. Recorder Lancaster noted that the amount in the State Street Aid had reduced due the second payment being made to Session’s Paving for the Sunset Road turn lane project. Alderman Rositano made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, Alderman Dugger seconded and this motion passed unanimously.
Mayor’s Comments:
The Mayor noted that he had attended the MPO meeting and this meeting lasted approximately 15 minutes. Currently the “rail” issue is before this committee.
Mayor Knapper noted that the foundation for the Smiths home has been completed. Mrs. Johnson’s home had been ordered and is to arrive in mid-May. An easement has been requested for the Taylor home.
Mayor Knapper stated that Sunset Road is completed. In July Engineer Mike Delvizis and the Mayor will review the roads within the town limits and determine a priority list for any needed repairs.
Mayor Knapper noted that the town is still faced with a possible 60% reduction in the budget, depending upon the state’s decision. He noted that the Town’s Budget sub-committee had met and recommendations will be forthcoming. He noted this committee has frozen some line items in addition to cutting others. He noted that some positions would be eliminated. Next month will be a public hearing on the budget.
Mayor Knapper then read a proclamation that would be presented to Principal Mayes Waters on May 15, at Nolensville Elementary School. Mr. Waters will be retiring.
Commission/Committee Reports
In Chairman Rob Pease’s absence Mayor Knapper read a report submitted by Mr. Pease. This memo stated that the Commission is working on the Village Fringe and the Comprehensive Plan. He noted that bonds are being reviewed monthly.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • Two committees are working on specifications for a new truck.
  • Placing a repeater in the fire hall for better radio reception.
  • Agreement with EMS and the Town Of Nolensville has been approved for the defibulator.
  • Mayor Knapper noted that Don Swartz and Jason Jones had met and are currently reviewing a fire code.
Mr. Rick Fisher submitted a written report for the Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Knapper stated that several businesses had met at the Sonic with WAKM this morning. He noted that last month Representatives Glen Casada and Charles Sargent had attended the Chamber meeting.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Codes Department. He noted that Mr. Don Swartz had submitted a written report that was before them and asked if there were any questions. The Aldermen did not have any questions.
Chief Goforth reported for the Police Department.
  • 34 warnings were issued
  • 31 citations were issued.
  • Various statistics were read and the Aldermen were given written reports at the conclusion of the meeting.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department.
§ Mowing has begun.
§ Community Service workers have picked up trash at various locations.
Other Business
Mr. Frank Wilson asked for the criteria on burning. Chief Hughes stated that you first call the forestry department and then call EMS in Franklin. You do not have to call the city. Chief Hughes asked that the city begin some type of permitting within the city limits. Mr. Wilson asked that this procedure be placed in the local newspaper.
Mayor Knapper noted that Don Swartz in the Codes Department and Chief Goforth are writing articles for the paper on a regular basis.
Meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2002-4 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:04. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Police Chief Jeff Goforth, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and nine citizens.
Mayor Knapper led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper asked for concerns or comments from the citizens. No one addressed the Board.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass the minutes for the regular meeting of March 7, and the special meeting on March 14, 2002. Alderman Felts seconded this motion. These minutes were passed unanimously.
Recorder Lancaster submitted the Treasurer’s Report noting that $487,880.09 was the total cash on hand in the General Fund, with $45,000 being the disbursements. The State Street Aid has cash on hand of $78,473.87. Alderman Felts made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, Alderman Dugger seconded and this motion passed unanimously.
Mayor’s Comments:
The Mayor noted that he had attended the MPO meeting and received a 2002 –2004 long-range plan in regards to transportation for Williamson County. There was no mention of State Route 266 or the widening of Nolensville Road. Concord Road widening is in the plan. Mayor Spivey and Mayor Knapper met and observed Smyrna’s growth plan in addition to Nolensville’s. Route 266 was discussed. Franklin Mayor Sharber and Smyrna is very interested in Route 266.
Mayor Knapper noted that the Aldermen had received an update in regards to the Home Grant. One home is complete, one is scheduled to be installed by April 12, and the other three are in minor litigation issues.
Mayor Knapper stated that Sunset Road is completed. Final payment is awaiting the completion of a punch list. Frank Wilson asked if a guardrail was included on the punch list. Mayor Knapper stated that he did not think the original plan showed a guardrail. Mayor Knapper will review the documentation.
Mayor Knapper noted that the Board passed a Resolution to increase the facilities tax. House leadership in the Legislation killed this. It was asked to be withdrawn due to lobbying from the Home Builders and Realtors Association. Mayor Knapper stated that after discussion with counsel the town requested to withdraw this bill. Mayor Knapper noted that it might be placed on a consent agenda in 2003.
The State tax issue is still being reviewed at State level.
Grants man Paul Lebovitz has completed an application for a Fire Department grant. This grant was submitted today.
An inquiry from residents in regards to paving in Section I, II, III, and IV was submitted to the Board. This request was forwarded to Mr. King with McFarlin Woods by the town stating to move forward on the paving for these questioned areas. Mr. King submitted a letter with a timeline. In addition, Mr. King noted that a new pump station is currently under construction with ½ being completed.
Commission/Committee Reports
In Chairman Rob Pease’s absence Mayor Knapper read a report submitted by Mr. Pease. This memo stated that the Commission is working on a proposal for the Village Fringe area at the south of town. He also noted that the Comprehensive Plan is being reviewed and updated.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department.
  • He had spoken to Paul Lebovitz and the grant was submitted today.
  • Calls made within the town limits were up from the previous month.
  • Mr. Bob Trotter with the Fire Codes will be meeting with Mr. Don Swartz next week.
  • The county has reviewed issues in regards to the physical fire hall building.
  • One fire department member completed EMT school.
  • Maintenance of Fire hydrants is being reviewed with Nolensville Utility.
Mr. Rick Fisher reported for the Chamber of Commerce. He distributed a report that was submitted to the Chamber from Columbia State Community College. Mr. Fisher noted that this report might be beneficial to the Board. He reminded the group that the Chamber would be meeting on Tuesday, April 9, at the Stone Cottage at 7:00.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Codes Department. Mr. Don Swartz had submitted a written report stating that 10 progress inspections had been completed, in addition to 6 permits issued, 6 bootleg signs removed and 3 violation warnings issued.
Chief Goforth reported for the Police Department.
  • Two police cars donated by Brentwood are in the town’s possession. Plans are to decommission one of the cars the town is currently using.
  • There will be a written report next month addressing the speed limit.
  • Currently working on 3 school grants. This money would be used to increase the knowledge of drugs and alcohol. This program has been successful in other areas of the country.
  • Investigating having traffic school in Nolensville versus sending the traffic offenders to another school. Benefit is to keep money within town and more convenient to offenders.
  • Attended a Chief’s meeting and Meth labs were discussed. It was noted that Meth labs have increased in number.
  • Alderman Rositano was in favor of the traffic school.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department.
§ Mr. Bowden has completed the inventory.
§ Community Service workers completed hours in Nolensville by picking up trash at various locations.
§ Lonnie Bowden is monitoring electricity consumption within the office.
Other Business
Mrs. Betty Friedlander stated that the Health Fair would be held on April 13, 2002. There will be eye checks performed, a blood mobile, MADD and the Nolensville Police Department. On April 20, 2002, Earth Day will be held in Nolensville and anyone wishing to assist in cleaning up the activity will begin at 9:30.
Mr. Frank Wilson stated that on Saturday at 9:00 the Ball Park would be dedicated to Mr. Bob Stephens.
Alderman Rositano stated that if anyone witnesses littering within the town, please get their tag number and contact the Nolensville Police Department to file a formal complaint.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2002-3 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:01. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Counsel Robert Notestine, Police Chief Jeff Goforth, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and sixteen citizens. Aldermen Tommy Dugger and Larry Felts were absent.
Alderman Phillips led the prayer and pledge.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper asked for concerns or comments from the citizens. No one addressed the Board.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass the minutes for the meeting of February 7, 2002. Alderman Phillips seconded this motion. These minutes were passed unanimously.
Recorder Lancaster submitted the Treasurer’s Report noting that $471,575.61 was the total cash on hand in the General Fund, with $45,000 being the disbursements. The State Street Aid has cash on hand of $72,241.36. Mayor Knapper made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, Alderman Rositano seconded and this motion passed unanimously.
Mayor’s Comments:
The Mayor noted that he had attended the first board meeting of the MPO since his election to this board last month. He stated that a very interesting presentation was given in regards to a monorail in Nashville.
Mayor Knapper stated that Mr. Polks home has been completed and the paperwork was completed today to turn this home over to him. There are four others that are in small forms of litigation.
Mayor Knapper stated that the striping was completed today on Sunset Road. Paving on Rocky Fork and Oak Creek Drive should be ongoing now that the warmer weather has arrived.
Mayor Knapper stated the he had recently attended the Tennessee Municipal League meeting.
Commission/Committee Reports
In Chairman Rob Pease’s absence Mr. Bob Haines reported that the Major Thoroughfare Plan was discussed with a road being added to this plan. Mayor Knapper stated that the Land Use Plan Map, in addition to annexation, will be discussed in the future.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department. He noted that his department just completed the 02-03 budget. He stated that this department is reviewing the driveway situation. He would like to see the drive paved in the near future. Lights have been installed. He recognized the Building and Equipment Committees, noting that these committees have been working hard within the Fire Department.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Chamber of Commerce in Mr. Rick Fisher’s absence. Mr. Fisher submitted a written report stating that surveys have been received from Columbia State Community College. This group is working on a brochure that should be available in the near future.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Codes Department. He stated that this department had distributed two certificates of occupancy, 8 permits issued, and a Board of Zoning Appeals application reviewed.
Chief Goforth reported for the Police Department. He stated that he is currently in an NCIC meeting this week and he is learning various aspects of reporting. He noted that nothing out of the ordinary has taken place in the town.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department. He stated that Mr. Bowden had submitted a written report for this department noting that Inventory is ongoing. Maintenance on equipment has begun in order to prepare for the summer mowing season. Juvenile delinquents will be coming to Nolensville over spring break to clean up roads.
Reading of Resolution #02-04, a resolution to authorize participation in TML “Safety Partners Loss Control Matching Grant”. Counsel Notestine noted that this grant was merely to reimburse and reinforce safety within the town. Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass this as read, Alderman Phillips seconded and this passed unanimously.
Prior to the reading of Resolution #02-05, Mayor Knapper asked if any citizens had comment. There was no comment.
Reading of Resolution #02-05, a resolution to request amending Chapter 100, Private Acts of 1997, the adequate facilities tax. Mayor Knapper stated that due to Aldermen Dugger and Felts absence and the need for a two-thirds vote, this Resolution will be withdrawn.
Reading of Resolution #02-06, a resolution to authorize Police Chief Jeff Goforth to participate in a State Grant. Counsel Notestine stated that Chief Goforth was more knowledgeable about this Resolution. Chief Goforth stated that Officer George Poss had participated in a Drinking and Driving endeavor and this grant is a gift from the state for that participation. Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass this resolution, Mayor Knapper seconded and this resolution passed unanimously.
Reading of Resolution #02-07, a resolution to adopt a Greenway Plan, Phase I. Counsel Notestine stated that this plan was unanimously approved by the Planning Commission and is now being brought to the Board for their approval. Alderman Rositano made a motion to approve this resolution, Alderman Phillips seconded and this passed unanimously.
Counsel Notestine stated that the record should show that the withdrawal for Resolution #02-05 by no opposition. Alderman Rositano and Phillips agreed this was not opposed; the board was unanimously in favor of the withdrawal. Counsel Notestine noted that this Resolution is only giving the Legislators approval to present this bill. He noted that after the State Legislative body approves this bill; this Board must pass another resolution.
Other Business
There was no “other business”.
Meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2002-2 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:00. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Counsel Robert Notestine, Public Works Lonnie Bowden, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and thirteen citizens.
Mayor Knapper led the prayer and pledge.
Mayor Knapper introduced the newly elected State Representative Glen Casada. Representative Casada encouraged the citizens to contact him if they had any questions or concerns on any issue.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper asked for concerns or comments from the citizens. No one addressed the Board; therefore the Mayor introduced Mr. Jim Hindman to speak to the audience about adequate facilities tax. He noted that the Home Builders Association of Middle Tennessee and the Williamson County Association of Realtors had been asked to address the board on their views of this taxation.
Mr. Hindman introduced Mr. Brent Maybank who represented the Realtors but stated that this group would be following the stance that the Home Builders Association would be taking on this issue. Therefore, Mr. Hindman spoke for both organizations. After distributing several handouts, which addressed tax rates, Mr. Hindman encouraged the Board of Mayor and Aldermen to not increase adequate facilities tax. He noted that growth is a dynamic force. He encouraged the leaders to not disturb the balance of commercial and residential within the Town Of Nolensville. Mr. Hindman made reference to other cities that had faced this same dilemma. He asked the Board to consider renewable taxes such as property tax. He asks that they lean towards broad based and recurring taxes versus adequate facilities tax.
Mr. Larry Garner noted that the speaker stated that “growth” pays for itself. In previous meetings that he has attended in regards to this issue that statement is not true.
Mr. Hindman stated that he did not believe this statement to be true until he researched the data that he distributed this evening. Now he feels that it does pay for itself.
Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass the minutes for the meeting of January 3, 2002. Alderman Felts seconded this motion. These minutes were passed unanimously.
Recorder Lancaster submitted the Treasurer’s Report noting that $454,470.79 was the total cash on hand in the General Fund, with $43,300 being the disbursements. The State Street Aid has cash on hand of $66,408.84. Mayor Knapper noted that effective Monday employees would be notified to reduce spending. The Mayor stated that the budget had been reviewed and cuts will be made up to 30% per line item. Alderman Rositano made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, Mayor Knapper seconded and this motion passed unanimously.
Mayor’s Comments:
The Mayor noted that he has been appointed to the Executive Committee of the Metropolitan Planning Organization through Greater Nashville Regional Council. He will try to represent all small cities.
Mayor Knapper stated that one of the houses is almost complete through the Homes Grant Program. One home is awaiting weather to break and the other three are in various stages of litigation. There have been several applications submitted to be reviewed and placed into the second bid process.
Mayor Knapper stated that he participated in the Mayor and Aldermen walk on January 23, 2002 from 6:00 – 7:30. The walk included Dortch (right at end of Oldham), Timberside, Ramblewood, and Dortch Court. He spoke to several different residents.
Mayor Knapper stated that the paving on Rocky Fork and Sunset Roads would resume once weather allows.
Mayor Knapper stated the Tennessee Municipal League had set priorities on the $50 penalty rule. In addition some small towns are being sued in regards to billboards not being allowed due to ordinances prohibiting these signs.
Mayor Knapper stated that the Town has contracted with a grants man for approximately 8 hours or work.
He noted that he would be meeting with the Nashville Mayor Purcell in regards to sewer. Further he stated that May or June construction should begin on the sewer although he would know more after the meeting.
Commission/Committee Reports
In Chairman Rob Pease’s absence Alderman Rositano reported for the Planning Commission. He noted that this commission is currently working on the Major Thoroughfare Plan. Mayor Knapper stated that they would be releasing the Projected Land Use Map, Major Thoroughfare Plan and the annexation plans in the near future.
Chief Presley Hughes reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department. He thanked the Mayor for attending the meeting last week. He noted that Mr. Jones with the Fire Department is working with Mr. Don Swartz in regards to Fire Codes. Chief Hughes stated that they had recently purchased two AED units. He also knew the town has entertained the idea of purchasing one of these units and he encouraged the board to approve this purchase. He stated that a computer to download data for this unit would cost approximately $300. The town could download into the Fire Department system saving this cost to the town. Chief Hughes noted that the fire department now has 31 members. This is the largest membership.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Chamber of Commerce in Mr. Rick Fisher’s absence. Mr. Fisher submitted a written report stating that surveys have been sent to Columbia State Community College to compile results from these documents. He further noted that the new Chamber number is 776-5326.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Codes Department. He stated that this department had distributed three certificates of occupancy. He also noted that Mr. Don Swartz had submitted a written report and distributed to the Board.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Police Department in Chief Goforth’s absence. He stated that he had a written report and this would be submitted to the board for their review.
Lonnie Bowden reported for the Public Works Department. He stated that his department has been installing the fall banners and cleaning ditches. Mr. Bowden noted that community service kids have been working at town hall.
Reading of Resolution #02-01, a resolution to address the substantial state budget shortfalls. Mayor Knapper stated that this is merely stating that local government should not bear the burden of state budget shortfall. He noted that this is a very serious issue. Alderman Felts made a motion to pass this as read, Alderman Rositano seconded and this passed unanimously.
Reading of Resolution #02-02, a resolution to formally enter into an agreement with Mr. John Poole, a certified public accountant. Counsel Notestine stated that this is merely a document authorizing the mayor to sign a contract so that the accountant may perform the annual audit for the town. Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass this resolution, Alderman Dugger seconded and this resolution was passed unanimously.
Reading of Resolution #02-03, a resolution to amend Resolution #97-17, the adoption of a Personnel Policy and Procedure Manual. Counsel Notestine stated that this resolution is placing regulations on outside employment for employees. Mayor Knapper noted that questions have been raised by employees to work outside of their full-time employment. There was extensive discussion on this issue. With the main focus being the basis of work that may conflict with the employee’s job versus work that would not. Alderman Dugger gave an example of a Public Works employee having the opportunity to work on someone’s home in the construction field. This would not be a direct conflict. It was decided that the best way would be for the Mayor to review all outside employment by employees. Alderman Felts made a motion to pass this resolution, Mayor Knapper seconded and this resolution passed unanimously.
Other Business
Mayor Knapper stated that he had spoken to the salesperson in regards to purchasing a defibrillator. She stated that she would sell the defibrillator to the town in the next fiscal budget at the same price it is being offered this year. The board agreed to purchase the defibrillator in July 2002.
Meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
2002-1 BOMA
Mayor Charles Knapper opened the meeting at 7:00. In attendance were Mayor Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger, Larry Felts, Gail Phillips and Joe Rositano. Counsel Robert Notestine, Chief Jeff Goforth, Recorder Cindy Lancaster, and nine citizens.
Alderman Dugger led the prayer and pledge.
Mayor Knapper opened the Public Hearing at 7:01. Ms. Colette Meehan, Town Planner, distributed a handout that listed various changes that would be made to the zoning ordinance. Ms. Meehan addressed the board and crowd in regards to each of these modifications. She noted that the Planning Commission had unanimously recommended the revisions. Mayor Knapper closed the hearing at 7:04, after the Board or audience asked no questions.
Citizens Input:
Mayor Knapper asked for concerns or comments from the citizens. No one addressed the Board.
Alderman Dugger made a motion to pass the Beer Board minutes for December 3, 2001 and Regular meeting of December 6, 2001. Alderman Rositano seconded this motion. These minutes were passed unanimously.
Recorder Lancaster submitted the Treasurer’s Report noting that $463,890.71 was the total cash on hand in the General Fund, with $39,000 being the disbursements. The State Street Aid has cash on hand of $65,883.84. Mayor Knapper noted that there is a large disbursement figure due to “one-time” annual costs and fees. Recorder Lancaster noted that this figure would be reflected in the January disbursements due to the transaction occurring in January. Alderman Felts made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, Alderman Rositano seconded and this motion passed unanimously.
Mayor’s Comments:
The Mayor noted that the Metropolitan Planning Organization had contacted him in regards to the by-laws stating that Greater Nashville Regional Council can choose a representative from a “small city”. Currently the Watertown Mayor holds this position.
Mayor Knapper stated that a house has been delivered through the Homes Grant Program. This grant is underway.
Mayor Knapper stated that the Mayor and Aldermen walk is scheduled for January 23, 2002 from 6:00 – 7:30. The walk will include Dortch (right at end of Oldham), Timberside, Ramblewood, and Dortch Court.
Mayor Knapper stated that the paving on Rocky Fork Road would resume once weather allows. Mayor Knapper noted that Sessions was contacted to perform the proper steps immediately to reduce the hazardous conditions and liability.
Mayor Knapper stated that a letter would be forthcoming for review by the Board prior to being sent to Senator Marsha Blackburn and Representative Charles Sargent. This letter is to request the privilege tax be changed to Residential - $2.00 and Commercial - $1.00. Currently it is Residential $1.00 and Commercial $2.00.
Mayor Knapper stated the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department has approached the town in regards to purchasing a defibrillator machine in the patrol car to quicker serve the citizens. Tennessee Municipal League was contacted and a letter will be forthcoming in regards to liability issues. TML verbally stated that if the officers are properly trained and the appropriate equipment is used, there should not be any liability. Alderman Felts stressed that he was for purchasing this equipment and would encourage the board to consider obtaining a separate one to be housed in town hall.
Mayor Knapper stated that by mid-February the thoroughfare plan and land use plan map will be completed. He also noted that Grants are currently being investigated by an MTSU student.
Commission/Committee Reports
Chairman Rob Pease reported for the Planning Commission noting that this commission has made a recommendation to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen that will be presented tonight to adopt the Zoning Ordinance. Chair Pease thanked the Planning Commission members, Colette Meehan and Engineer Mike Delvizis for their dedication and hard work.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department in the absence of Chief Presley Hughes. He noted that Chief Hughes had distributed the monthly report earlier and was not in attendance due to his illness.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Chamber of Commerce in Mr. Rick Fisher’s absence. Mr. Fisher also submitted a written report stating that 200 surveys were sent out to various businesses and Columbia State Community College would be compiling results from these documents. He further noted that the next meeting would be January 8, with County Executive Clint Callicott being the guest speaker.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Codes Department. He stated that a Board of Zoning Appeals application would be heard at the January 15, 2002 meeting.
Chief Goforth reported for the Police Department. He stated that this is generally a “slow time” due to being the winter months. He noted that 75 citations were issued. He advised the board that he was certified to use the defibulator machine and was in favor of purchasing this item.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Public Works Department. He stated that this department has been cleaning up streets with the assistance of community service workers. Also, the removal of Christmas decorations has been on going.
Second Reading of Ordinance #01-07, an ordinance to administer court cost amending ordinance #99-15. Counsel Notestine stated that this is second reading and this is being implemented to merely cover the cost of court. Chief Goforth asked for clarification in regards to multi-tickets. He asked if multi-tickets were used would the $75 court fee be per violation or per case? After extensive discussion Counsel Notestine stated that the ordinance reads per case, although ultimately this would be up to the Judges interpretation. Alderman Rositano made a motion to pass this as read, Alderman Felts seconded and this passed unanimously.
Second reading of Ordinance #01-06, an ordinance to amend zoning ordinance #98-22. Alderman Felts made a motion to pass this ordinance, Mayor Knapper seconded. Alderman Phillips made a motion to pass the ordinance as amended with the amendments being stated previously in the public hearing by Ms. Colette Meehan, Nolensville Town Planner, Alderman Rositano seconded and this ordinance was passed unanimously as amended.
Other Business
Mayor Knapper stated that Dr. Lou Laratta had declined the position on the Historic Commission due to previous time consuming commitments. Mayor Knapper made a motion to nominate Mrs. Lu Lu Smith to replace Dr. Laratta. Alderman Felts seconded and this passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor