Minutes Archive

1999-4 BOMA
THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1999, 7:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Mayor Charles Knapper. In attendance were Mayor Charles Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger and Parman Henry, Council Notestine, Codes Enforcer Jim Finley, Recorder Cindy Lancaster and 15 citizens.
The Prayer was led by Alderman Henry and Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Boy Scout Troop that was visiting Town Hall.
Mayor Knapper noted that a citizen had signed in to speak and due to health problems had asked to speak at the beginning of the meeting. Mr. Gordon Lindsey addressed the Board in regards to the stop sign that was being proposed at Dortch and Oldham. Mr. Lindsey noted that he had spoken to the Mayor, Aldermen and Williamson County Sheriff’s Department. The Williamson County Sheriff’s Department reported there had been three accidents in 1997. They did not have information for 1998 or 1999. He also contacted the State Troopers office and they would not divulge this information. Mr. Lindsey submitted to the Board a petition signed by various individuals to oppose the 3-way stop. He requested that there be speed bumps.
The Mayor responded that the 3-way stop was not only to slow traffic down, but also to follow through with the Town’s final Concept Plan that had been worked on by the Planning Commission as well as the Board. He noted that his comments would be taken into consideration.
Alderman Henry made a motion to accept the minutes as read from March 11, 1999, regular meeting and Public Hearing, Alderman Dugger seconded. These minutes were unanimously approved.
Recorder Lancaster submitted the Treasurers Report noting that $234,167.65 was the total cash on hand in General Fund, with $31,800 being the cash disbursements for the month of March. Mrs. Lancaster noted cash on hand in the State Street Aid account is $25,168.53, with $3,776.28 being the cash disbursements for March. Alderman Henry requested that all money be placed into the Local Investment Pool, excluding $5,000 to remain in the checking account of the State Street Aid Account. This request was made due to the interest that will be collected on this account. The Board agreed to this by acclamation. Alderman Dugger made a motion to approve the Treasurers Report as read, Alderman Henry seconded and this passed unanimously.
The Mayor requested Committee reports. Mr. Jim Finley, with the Codes Department, noted that it had been relatively slow over the past few weeks. Mayor Knapper then introduced Mr. James Collier who would be filling Jim Finley’s position on May 1st. It was noted that Mr. Finley had recently submitted his resignation.
Mayor Knapper then read a proclamation proclaiming April 4 - 10, National Building Week.
Chair Pat Aldred was not in attendance, therefore Mayor Knapper stated this group was meeting and working on a Historic Design. The Mayor also noted that the “Welcome” signs would be forthcoming.
Mayor Knapper reported for the Growth Committee noting that this group is working hard to educate the people. Also, he stated the report should be submitted to the Board in the near future.
In Fire Chief Presley Hughes absence, Lisa Sanford reported for the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department. She noted that the total calls in the town limits were 16.
Mayor Knapper stated that the Drug Task Force is currently working on a grant.
Second Reading of Ordinance 99-06, an ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance in Nolensville, Tennessee. Council Notestine stated that due to the wording of this section being unclear it was resubmitted with changes last month. Alderman Dugger noted that this change was recommended by the Planning Commission. Alderman Henry made a motion to approve this ordinance, Alderman Dugger seconded and this passed unanimously.
First Reading of Ordinance 99-13, an ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Nolensville, Tennessee. Council Notestine stated that there was some word changing on this ordinance. This was submitted by the Planning Commission requesting this change. Mayor Knapper made a motion to approve this ordinance, Alderman Henry seconded and this passed unanimously.
Resolution #99-06, a Resolution to enter into an agreement with Mr. Jim Petersen to serve as Municipal Judge for the Town of Nolensville. Motion was made by Alderman Dugger to approve this resolution, seconded by Alderman Henry and this passed unanimously.
Resolution #99-07, a Resolution authorizing the establishment of a police department. Motion was made by Mayor Knapper, seconded by Alderman Dugger. This resolution passed unanimously.
Council Notestine then proceeded with the reading of the oath and swearing in of Judge Jim Petersen. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen welcomed Judge Petersen.
Mayor Knapper requested approval from the Board to solicit for bids for the rental of a back hoe and dump truck. Mayor Knapper explained that there were various ditches that could not be cleaned by shovel. Council Notestine requested that he and Town Engineer Mike Delvizis talk about this due to the issue of heavy equipment entering private property. Mayor Knapper said that this issue would be resolved and then the Board would be advised. It was noted that no bids would be requested until further notice.
Mayor Knapper then introduced Mr. Vincent King, owner of Small Town Cable. Mr. King submitted an application to the Board that was submitted to the FCC. He noted that his company would be purchasing Mid-South Cable and was requesting the approval of the Board. Council Notestine stated that the Board must act within 90 days or the Franchise Agreement would automatically go to Small Town Cable. Council Notestine asked if there were any changes Mr. King would like to see made to the agreement. He stated that Section 2 (f) should read fiber octave or advanced technology. Council stated he would review the agreement and then forward it to the MTAS Advisor for final review.
Mayor Knapper noted that he had received a letter from the Housing Authority that states Nolensville will be obtaining a $500,000 home grant for various homes in Nolensville.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster, Charles F. Knapper,
Town Recorder Mayor
1999-4 BOMA Budget Public Notice
The Town of Nolensville, Tennessee, hereby provides certain financial information for the 1999-2000 fiscal year budget in accordance with provisions of Chapter 484, Public Acts of 1991, as amended.
Actual Estimated Proposed
1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000
General Fund
Estimated Revenues
Local Taxes -0- 58,500 144,575
State of Tennessee -0- -0- 140,900
Federal Government -0- -0- -0-
Licenses & Permits -0- 1,000 21,815
Other Sources -0- 1,175 106,250
Total 60,675
Estimated Expenditures
Salaries -0- 10,955 24,000
Other Costs -0- 25,420 101,850
Public Safety -0- -0- 64,000
Public Works -0- -0- 2,000
Total 36,375 191,850
Estimated Fund Balance
Beginning -0- -0- 24,300
Ending -0- -0- 54,950
Employee Positions -0- .25
1999-3 BOMA
THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1999, 7:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Mayor Charles Knapper. In attendance were Mayor Charles Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger and Parman Henry, Recorder Cindy Lancaster and 9 citizens.
The Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Charles Knapper.
Mayor Knapper made a motion to accept the minutes as read from February 4, 1999 meeting, Alderman Dugger seconded. Mayor Knapper noted that these minutes should be amended as follows: On Ordinance 99-10 delete, “to correct typographical error”. Alderman Dugger stated that the minutes should reflect on each ordinance that the Planning Commission was in favor or rejected the amendments. With the aforementioned amendments the minutes were unanimously approved.
Recorder Lancaster submitted the Treasurers Report noting that $218,957.14 was the total cash on hand in General Fund, with $21,000 being the cash disbursements for the month of February. Mrs. Lancaster noted that $6,792.42 was transferred from the regular savings and place into the Local Government Investment Pool as directed in February. She also noted that cash on hand in the State Street Aid account is $24,842.69. Mayor Knapper made a motion to approve the Treasurers Report as read, Alderman Dugger seconded and this passed unanimously.
The Mayor noted that due to the School Board Meeting last Thursday night, the Town rescheduled their meeting to tonight. He also stated that this is the same night for the Planning Commission to meet. This group was out front meeting, therefore no one was in the audience to report for this Commission
Chair Pat Aldred reported for the Historic Commission noting that this group had not met this month, but would begin reviewing the Historical Design from Franklin. Mrs. Aldred also noted that this Commission had purchased 26 planters to set around Nolensville to enhance beautification. Donna Burroughs had been contacted to plant various arrangements in the planters and a water vessel would need to be purchased to place in the Town truck for watering the plants. Chair Aldred invited the crowd to the Bed and Breakfast on Saturday at 10:00 for a dedication of the Historical Marker that was previously purchased by this Commission.
Mayor Knapper introduced the Nolensville Judge Jim Peterson, who would begin court in April.
Mayor Knapper noted that the 2010 Growth Planning Committee had recently created quite a bit of publicity. Mr. Rick Fisher reported for this Committee stating that 13 hearings were in February and the survey’s are being tabulated at this time. Mr. Fisher stressed the necessity of hiring someone to put together a presentable report.
Fire Chief Presley Hughes noted that his department had been busy working on their budget and had previously submitted figures to the Town for 1999-2000.
Prior to the reading of these ordinances Mayor Knapper noted that a Public Hearing was held at 6:00, which is required by law, for the ordinances at hand.
Second Reading of Ordinance 99-01, an ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Nolensville, Tennessee to provide for the reclassification of the zoning of Estate Residential (ER) to Office Industrial (OI) on Nolensville Road. Alderman Henry made a motion to accept this ordinance as read, Alderman Dugger seconded and this passed unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance 99-02, an ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Nolensville, Tennessee to provide for the reclassification of the zoning of Estate Residential (ER) to Suburban Residential (SR) on Baronswood Lane. Mayor Knapper made a motion to accept this ordinance as read, Alderman Dugger seconded and this passed unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance 99-03, an ordinance to initiate a court system in Nolensville, Tennessee. The Mayor noted that this was merely a formality in order to begin our court system. Alderman Henry made a motion to accept this ordinance as read, Mayor Knapper seconded and this motion passed unanimously.
First Reading of Ordinance 99-05, an ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance in Nolensville, Tennessee. This ordinance is in respect to the required spacing for trees in new developments. The Planning Commission voted unfavorably for this amendment. Mayor Knapper made a motion to approve this as read, it did not carry due to lack of a second. This will be reworked and brought back to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
First Reading of Ordinance 99-06, an ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance in Nolensville, Tennessee. Mayor Knapper stated that due to the wording of this section Counsel Notestine altered this ordinance and resubmitted. Alderman Dugger made a motion to approve this ordinance, Alderman Henry seconded and this passed unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance 99-10, an ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Nolensville, Tennessee. Mayor Knapper noted the change to this section was a deletion of a sentence. It was noted previously that the Planning Commission was in favor of this change. Alderman Dugger made a motion to approve this ordinance, Alderman Henry seconded and this passed unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance 99-11, an ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Nolensville, Tennessee. Mayor Knapper noted that this alteration was due to a typographical error. It was noted previously that the Planning Commission was in favor of this change. Motion was made by Alderman Dugger to approve this ordinance. Second by Alderman Dugger. Motion passed unanimously.
Second Reading of Ordinance 99-12, an ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Nolensville, Tennessee regarding fluorescent lighting. Mayor Knapper briefly discussed this amendment. Mayor Knapper made a motion to approve the changes. Seconded by Alderman Henry. This ordinance passed unanimously.
Resolution 99-04, a Resolution to enter into an inter-local agreement with the Williamson County Sheriff’s Department. Alderman Henry made a motion to approve and Alderman Dugger seconded with an amendment. Alderman Henry amended the resolution as follows: Section 1. The Mayor is authorized to enter into an agreement with the Williamson County Sheriff’s Department to provide a list of candidate for part-time enforcement and employment of the ordinances for Nolensville, Tennessee. Alderman Dugger stated he would like to see that if they had worked a previous 8 hour shift, they would not be allowed to work another 8 hour shift. They should not be allowed to work 16 hours straight. This motion passed unanimously.
Resolution 99-05, a Resolution to enter into an agreement with the State of Tennessee Department of Safety to authorize a grant for various roads in Nolensville, Tennessee. Motion was made by Mayor Knapper, seconded by Alderman Dugger. This resolution passed unanimously.
Mayor Knapper noted that the Growth Planning Committee has worked hard and is in need of someone to put all the data that has been collected into a formal document. This document will come before the Board of Mayor and Aldermen for approve and also before Williamson County. The Mayor requested Board Approval for Mr. Frank Horton to be hired to prepare this report. Mr. Horton proposed a $95.00 per hour rate and not to exceed 40 hours. Alderman Henry recommended that if in excess of $4,000 was needed, he would come before the Board for approval.
Mayor Knapper asked for approval to purchase a police car from Germantown, Tennessee. The car will cost $6,500. Alderman Dugger made a motion for approval to purchase this vehicle, Alderman Henry seconded and this passed unanimously.
Mayor Knapper noted that the census was approximately 60% in and hope to have this complete within the next couple of weeks. He noted that a high school to be built in the Northeast section of Williamson County was voted on and approved by a 10 to 2 vote. He recognized Melissa Mendle’s hard work.
Mayor Knapper stated that the Town was working on the budget at this time. He ask that everyone commend his staff. He also noted that at future meetings there would continue to be a “citizen’s input” on the agenda, although anyone wishing to speak should sign-in prior to the meeting. He also advised the crowd that beginning on April 1, he would be cutting back his schedule substantially. Mayor Knapper asked for everyone’s assistance in this matter.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster, Charles F. Knapper,
Town Recorder Mayor
1999-3 BOMA Public Hearing
MARCH 11, 1999, THURSDAY, 6:00 P.M., TOWN HALL
Mayor Charles Knapper, Aldermen Tommy Dugger and Parman Henry, Recorder Cindy Lancaster and one citizen were present.
Mayor Knapper began the public hearing at 6:10 p.m.
Mayor Knapper noted that this was a public hearing for the annexation that is in Ordinance #99-01 and Ordinance #99-02. The Mayor opened the floor for any comments. For these ordinances there was no comment.
Mayor Knapper then addressed Ordinance #99-05, an ordinance to amend the zoning ordinance in regards to tree planting. Alderman Henry noted that he felt everyone had heard his opinion on this ordinance and opened the floor for public comment. Mr. Rob Pease, Chairman of the Planning Commission noted that this Commission wanted to achieve a canopy appeal. Mr. Pease had pictures for the Board to view. He also acknowledged Alderman Henry’s concern in regards to the visibility and safety issue. He requested that the board consider placing the street tree policy on lower design speed streets. Streets with a design speed of greater than 35 mph to have trees planted at least 10’ from the street.
Alderman Henry asked where the underground utilities were placed in the picture examples. Mr. Pease stated that they would be out of the right of way approximately 20’.
Alderman Henry expressed his concern as being the roots cracking the roads and sidewalks. Once this is done it is the cities responsibility for repair. Mayor Knapper asked if the town would be able to determine the types of trees that would not have low hanging limbs and foliage for safety purpose.
Mr. Pease requested “an average of 50’ apart with no spacing greater than 75’ between two trees.” Alderman Henry noted that this ordinance stated that “shall be planted on the lot side of the sidewalk.” Mr. Pease stated he would assist in re-writing this ordinance to clear this issue.
Mayor Knapper then addressed ordinances 99-06, 99-10, 99-11, and 99-12. There was no Board or public comment.
The public hearing concluded at 6:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles Knapper
Town Recorder Mayor
1999-1 BOMA
TOWN HALL, 7;00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knapper at 7:10 p.m. with the following staff people present: Mayor Charles Knapper, Alderman Tommy Dugger, Recorder Cindy Lancaster and Codes Enforcer Jim Finley. There were thirteen citizens present. Alderman Parman Henry was not in attendance.
Alderman Dugger led the prayer and pledge.
Mayor Knapper made mention that Alderman Henry was sick and unable to attend the meeting. Also, Pharmacist David Simpson is in the hospital.
The minutes from December’s meeting were approved by a unanimous vote when Mayor Knapper made a motion to approve. The motion was seconded by Alderman Dugger.
The treasurers report was discussed by Recorder Lancaster noting that the total cash on hand was $199,710.40 and $25,000 was the total cash disbursements for the month of December. Mayor Knapper made a motion to approve. Alderman Dugger seconded and this motion passed unanimously.
Second reading of Ordinance 98-27, an Ordinance to amend the budget for 1997-98 fiscal year. Recorder Lancaster explained the General Fund figure increased from $179,850 to $190,202. Alderman Dugger made a motion to approve. This motion was seconded by Mayor Knapper and passed unanimously.
Second reading of Ordinance 98-28, an ordinance to amend ordinance #98-24. Counsel Notestine went over this ordinance noting that leaves and grass clippings were previously omitted in 98-24. This wording was added by amendment through 98-28. Motion was made by Mayor Knapper to approve this ordinance as read, seconded by Alderman Dugger and passed unanimously.
Larry Felts stated that the Planning Commission is working on Sub Regs and is getting back into the swing of things now that the holidays are over.
Rick Fisher reported that the Historic District will be meeting Monday the 11th to look at the Historic District overlay.
Rick Fisher commented on the Growth Planning Committee saying that all subcommittees have met and are about to come together to finalize a survey to be sent out to the Nolensville citizens. The Mayor stated that there are approximately 4,800 cars traveling through Nolensville at this time. With the new 840 and over the next 10-15 years 19,000 cars are projected to be traveling through Nolensville. Rick Fisher noted that public meetings would be forthcoming.
Fire Chief Presley Hughes noted that the number of calls the Fire Department is responding to has increased. The previous year the percentage of Nolensville calls were 26.12%. This year the percentage rose to 27.51%. The Chief noted that this is the biggest year the Nolensville Volunteer Fire Department has experienced. Mayor Knapper asked Chief Hughes to give an update on the donations made toward the purchase of a thermal imaging camera. Chief Hughes reported that $22,210 was needed and $19,559.70 has been donated. The Mayor stated that he wants to recommend to the Board that the Town finish paying for this. Alderman Dugger stated that he agreed.
Mayor Knapper stated that Bob Phillips with the Nolensville Chamber of Commerce submitted an update on this group noting they are working on two projects. These are as follows:
1. Looking into property value increases since the incorporation.
2. Setting a date of Feb 2 for Jim Hindman to update this group on the Growth Planning Committee’s progress.
Mayor Knapper noted that the State of Tennessee had written a letter and the auditors have completed the audit. The state recommends that we devise a system of checks and balances. Due to the few number of employees, this task is somewhat difficult. Mayor Knapper asked Alderman Dugger to frequently stop by and review the books. Alderman Dugger agreed to do this task.
Mayor Knapper stated that property surveys have been completed on Sam Donald Road. Application was re-submitted for a grant for right turn lanes on Rocky Fork, York and Williams Roads.
Mayor Knapper received several phone calls in regards to ice. Several citizens asked if the Town would be doing anything about the roads. TML suggested that the Town not get into salting roads, etc. They suggested to locate major hazardous areas in Nolensville. TML stated that the Town would take on a large liability if salting was initiated. They discouraged it for the liability purposes. Orville Norton suggested coming up with a plan that sets out priority roads. Mayor Knapper stated that this was suggested by TML also and the Town would work with the Fire Department to locate the major to minor conditions.

Mayor Knapper mentioned that an agreement had been made with Jim Petersen to be the Town Judge. He will be setting up the court for us with the anticipated date of late February. At this time we should have increased police protection. Due to Chapter 1101 it is important that we have these services in place as soon as possible. Mayor Knapper will be going to the County Commission meeting next Monday night to complete the Sheriff’s agreement.
Pat Aldred noted that the Historic Commission will now meet the 2nd Monday of each month.
Mayor Knapper announced he will be on WAKM performing a political show on January 18th at 8:30 a.m.
Jim Finley reported that two single-family residential permits were issued in December.
Orville Norton, due to the audit, suggested a volunteer program for opening mail and various other duties within Town Hall.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Approved,
Cindy Lancaster Charles F. Knapper,
Town Recorder Mayor