Site Development Plan Ammendment

Minor amendments to a site plan do not require a pre-application meeting.  Minor amendments are changes to an existing approved site plan that do not change the project in significant ways.  Small adjustments to building size, location and facade, reductions or increases to parking would be minor.  The addition of a new building to a site is not minor. If you are unclear whether the project qualifies as minor please reach out to planning staff to discuss. 

Projects submitted for Site Plan Amendments should include the following:

  1. Label the project as it was originally submitted and include Amendment 1 (or whatever number is appropriate) at the end of the title.
  2. Provide a narrative letter describing the changes included in the submittal and a notation of the pages where the amendment is shown.
  3. Submit every sheet from the approved site plan set.  Update the date of the pages amended and cloud and identify the changes.